A few thoughts on community

Today, I intend for once to focus upon a positive aspect of this website, the sense of real community fostered amongst those of us who perceive it as more than a mere showcase for hardcore pornography. I have encountered some truly fascinating people here on Xhamster, and engaged in many quite illuminating conversations on a variety of topics: not just pornography, but also art, literature and politics, all of which segue quite neatly into our common interest. And whilst it's true that the majority of us shield our full identity behind an artificial username, that anonymity does promote a… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 12

Nothing to see here (honest)

This is nothing but a test of Xhamster's auto-censorship filters following my recent inability to post a seven-letter word indicating coercion (apparently because it incorporates the five-letter word for that weird religion the Jedis observe). It's research towards a much longer blog. family, mom, mommy, mother, dad, daddy, father, sister, brother, sibling, cousin, i****t, son, daughter c***d, c***dren, infant, k**, baby sleep, sleeping, u*********s, dream alcohol, drunk, inebriated, pissed d**gs, d**gged, stoned force, enforced, ****, m*****, fondle sk**, g****… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 11

A few thoughts on self-esteem

As some of you are already aware, I have two teenage god-daughters. One of my major concerns in recent months has been the apparent lack of self-esteem amongst young women, something I see echoed in many postings from female members here. Considering how many men are willing to put women down, there is clearly no reason for the targets of their misogyny to become complicit with this gender attack. So long as women devalue themselves, the laziest male minds will find excuses for their inherent sexism. After all, it is so much easier for persecutors to pretend their attacks aren't personal… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 14

A Question Answered

SexyCindy (who posts here as hardnipples69) posed this question less than an hour ago: "What would you do to/or with me, if we met for a sexy ,hot encounter?". My reply was: "Firstly, I'd want to know what you wanted. A casual evening out together? Something more intimate and romantic? A fun night as part of a group, without any pressure? Lady's choice. "That said, you used the phrase 'sexy ,hot encounter', which implies we've already passed through at least one of these portals. Okay: a lot of soft kissing, gentle touching and then - once our bodies were comfortable in their proximity -… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 6

A few thoughts on vintage porn

It's no secret that I prefer the kind of pornographic material widespread in the late 1970s and early 1980s (in the US, at least), just before the industry switched from celluloid to video. Back then, films had plots, and as well as a level of technical expertise comparable with their mainstream contemporaries; in addition, actors and actresses took their roles more seriously, adding an extra layer of reality to what was always at heart little more than a sexual fantasy. With all due respect to the current generation of hardcore thespians, their predecessors often exhibited more genuine pa… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 12

Me and my big mouth

I had a salutary lesson this weekend regarding the limitations placed upon showing respect for this site's female membership. I decided to visit the webcam page of one of my Xhamster friends, *******, and noticed immediately that she was coming under some less than polite pressure from one of her audience. He was repeatedly yapping at her to "show the pink" and became somewhat agitated when the only pink she displayed to camera was her camisole. I found his attitude somewhat unpleasant and suggested he could at least preface his demands with the word "please", at which juncture he pointed o… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 18

A curious exchange

Earlier this evening, I received a friend invite from someone with 133 favourite videos (but none of his own) and eight photos (only two of which appear to be personal). He'd posted comments, but only 95 in 727 days. I decided to drop him a PM... rodent1 Thanks for your invite, Fely, but you don't really have much content at the moment. Are you hoping to add videos and/or blogs, or perhaps aim to comment more? elguevon1979 I don't remember inviting you at all, but with those comments you can just reject the invitation if there is such. I don.t need your stupid… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 11

A few thoughts on identity

Yesterday, I found myself 'in conversation' with someone who'd left a comment regarding one of my videos. Trouble is, she's been accused by several other Xhamster members of being a fake profile, so - in the spirit of offering a fair hearing - I sent a private message. Curiously, 'she' didn't really respond to that charge and was more interested in explaining how excited she was to have been contacted by me. Had I any lingering doubt as to the truth of the matter, my suspicions were rapidly confirmed when I discovered a further three near-identical users had left comments on other of my videos… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 11

A few thoughts on respect

One of the most curious aspects in the behaviour of certain male members here is the casual manner with which they use words such as "slut", "bitch" and "whore" when referring to their female colleagues, as though totally divorced from the wider social dimension. It is almost as though they were abandoned as infants in a distant forest and left to grow up without any grasp of the consequences of their own vocabulary or ideology. I've written before about the fact that, despite this being a site dedicated to pornography, we must not turn a blind eye to anyone treating other members here with… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 75

A few thoughts on video ratings

Since I began posting videos on this site, I've noted with some curiosity the levels of response I get to various kinds of material. It appears that to get a regular 100% positive rating, I'm required to focus upon videos containing hardcore sex, as more softcore footage almost invariably receives a rating of 80% or lower. I must say I find that rather disappointing, since it indicates a fixation among many Xhamster members upon the explicit rather than the erotic. For my own part, I often find viewing erotica of greater emotional impact than mere penetration, but perhaps that's because I grew… Read more

Posted by rodent1 11 years ago 9