I love to watch kissing, whether it's two girls making out (preferably straight girls), two trannies/traps/crossdressers, or a man and a tranny. Hot kissing is so sexy, and it's usually enough to get me off. I don't necessarily need to see oral, anal or vaginal sex up close and personal. After a short time, it's just more boom-boom-boom. But the kissing can get me really hot. It's easier for me to cum watching sensual kissing, than actual sex. What do you think? Read more
Which do you like best?
There are four basic types of sex a man can have with a woman: 1. Vaginal intercourse 2. Anal intercourse 3. Oral sex 4. A good old handjob I'm not a fan of anal sex, but the other three can be wonderful. However, given my choice, I'd usually chose a handjob. Why? I don't know, I just like handjobs best? How about you? Which is your favorite, and why? Read more
The Cutest Trap There Ever Could Be
This girl is just about perfect. She has a pretty face, lovely hair, smooth skin, and a nice penis to top it all off. And her mannerisms are totally feminine, the way she's always playing with her hair. I posted some vidcaps here: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/5586230/the_world_039_s_cutest_trap_vidcaps.html The video isn't mine, but it's my very first xHamster favorite. Here it is: http://xhamster.com/movies/1038032/very_cute_cd_strips.html I consider myself a straight guy, but I'd have sex with this cutie without any hesitation. What do you think of her? Read more
Which tits do you like best?
Here's a link to a video. There are two women in the video, one with big tits, and one with little titties. http://xhamster.com/movies/3286471/torture.html I'd just like to know which boobs you like best, the big ones or the little ones! Read more
Are panties sexier than pussy?
I love upskirt photos and videos! I especially love them when the woman is either totally unaware, or if she realizes she showing off, and maybe gets embarrassed and tries to pull her skirt down. But which is sexier, when she's commando and showing her pussy, or when she's wearing a pair of sexy panties? If she's commando, I think she's far bolder, and less likely to be embarrassed. Besides, hairy gashes aren't necessarily pretty! A nice pair of panties suggests the girl is a bit more modest, and probably more embarrassed to show them off. And panties are usually pretty, silky, lacy, Read more
I want to make out with a trap!
Tell me if this sounds good to you. I'm a happily married man, and I took a vow that I would never cheat on my wife. I intend to fulfill that vow, as long as we both shall live. That said, I don't think kissing would violate that vow! Very high on my bucket list is to make out with a tranny / t-girl / ladyboy / trap. I find these lovely ladies so attractive, and I dream about kissing one some day. And by kissing, I'm thinking about make out sessions of my youth. I can recall sitting on the sofa with a girl, and French kissing, exploring, touching her breasts on the outside of her c Read more
Do you like to see men humiliated?
I've asked this before, but I'm going to ask it again, in a different way. If you don't like seeing men humiliated, then this question probably isn't for you. There are lots of videos out there of women making their men suck cock. A lot of them! It is generally implied that the guy is straight, and that he doesn't want to suck a cock. But his wife or girlfriend has some some way to make him do it, and he finds it humiliating, especially if the other guy cums in his mouth, or on his face. I want to see it taken a step further. What's more humiliating for a straight guy being made to su Read more
Am I the only one...?
Most of the people I talk with on xHamster like most of the following things: 1. Two girls French kissing 2. "Straight" girls "forced" to French kiss (common in Japanese videos) 3. Cute t-girls, traps, ladyboys, femboys, etc. having sex with men, or with each other 4. Women, or men, being humiliated Anybody going to argue with me so far? A lot of guys also like to watch videos of "straight" guys being made by a woman to suck a cock. Well, I think it would be hot as hell to watch two "straight" guys being required to French kiss. There is something so intimate about kissing, more Read more
What do you like on a crossdresser's profile?
I love xHamster in part because there are so many crossdressers who are members. I've chatted with many of them, made friends with far more, and explored the pages, with their videos and photos, of all that I have found. I'm enchanted by some of the pretty, feminine crossdressers I've seen here. Many crossdressers don't show their faces in their videos or photos. I understand why, but it's always disappointing. Still, I usually enjoying watching these vids and pics. But if a crossdresser is going to post 100 pics, my own preference would be that about 90 of those photos be of her fully d Read more
You know you like it!
I'll openly admit, behind the anonymity of my xHamster account, that I love watching attractive, feminine t-girls, ladyboys, traps, femboys, etc. Having sex, or at least a serious make out session, with one of these cuties, is on my bucket list. I'm not gay, and I don't want to have sex with, or kiss, a man! Yuck! But one of the adorable, sexy ladies who happens to have a penis? Hell yeah! I'll bet you think about it too, don't you? How does it make you feel? Do you question your sexuality? Do you think maybe you're really gay, or perhaps bi? I look at these attractive ladies as women Read more
Why do you spell it "gurls?"
This always bothers me. When I see a beautiful, or even ordinary, shemale, transsexual, tranny, ladyboy, sissy, or whatever, whether she's clothed or naked, I know I'm looking at a girl. It's not a man I'm looking at, it's a woman, or a girl, with a penis. She's female, just with a little extra plumbing on the outside. I have no wish to qualify her by using an alternate spelling. I also see "femboi," or other odd spellings. Do you feel you need to differentiate between a genetic female and a trans female by pointing it out with your spelling? What are your thoughts? Read more
Photos of crossdressers kissing
I just posted a gallery of photos of crossdressers kissing, making out and French kissing. Most of these are clearly men dressed in women's clothing. For the most part, these aren't super cute trannies and ladyboys, just ordinary men trying to look like women. I don't know why this turns me on so much, but it does. Yeah, I have a fantasy of making it, or at least making out, with a pretty t-girl. But most of these crossdressers, alone, wouldn't get me too worked up. I think it's because these men are living their dreams, which is so often a deep, dark secret in their lives. It would seem Read more
Why Did I Post a Celebrity Gallery With No Nudity?
I just posted a gallery filled with photos of Pam Dawber. She's the wife of Mark Harmon, and starred in Mork and Mindy more than 30 years ago. http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3406014/pam_dawber_no_nudity_or_porn.html Well, I've had a crush on Pam since 1978. I think she's always been totally gorgeous. She's bright, funny, and can she ever sing! I saw her live on stage in The Pirates of Penzance back in 1980. I also admire her for essentially retiring from acting while raising her two sons with Mark Harmon. She put her family ahead of her career, and raised two fine sons. And tod Read more
Flat-Chested Beauty With Her Clothes On
I've just posted a series of photos of a young woman who goes by the name of Dayanna. She's a model from Ukraine, and from what I gather, she was in her 20s when these photos were taken. You can find my gallery here: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3180866/sexy_flat_chested_beauty_with_her_clothes_on.html Here's a video that someone posted of this young woman. This is where I discovered her: http://xhamster.com/movies/1652142/teen_teaser.html I know there are a lot of guys who think that when it comes to breasts, bigger is better. I call it "Al Bundy Syndrome," from the TV serie Read more
Lesbians or Straight Girls?
Most guys like to watch two girls together, either having sex, or even just kissing. But I submit that it's not lesbians we like to see. In my case, I like to see professed straight girls making out. That's where the real eroticism lies. Seeing two lesbians doing what comes naturally is okay. But watching two straight girls crossing an imaginary line, experimenting, going further than ever before, is much hotter than watching two girls who do this all the time. I especially enjoy the Japanese videos, where one or more lesbians set upon a straight girl or two, "forcing" them to French Read more
What kind of t-girl sex do you like to watch?
I love some tranny or ladyboy videos. Others, I find boring as heck. What I like to watch, more than anything, is when two t-girls are French kissing. I love watching two genetic girls making out, and I feel the same about trannies and ladyboys. Cum kissing is even better! I like watching trannies give oral sex, and I like when they receive oral sex, either from another tranny, or from a guy. It's better if the guy doesn't "look" gay, though. Watching anal sex doesn't usually do much for me, as common as it is. The best of all is when one participant cums in the other's mouth, and Read more
Nothing Hotter
This question refers mostly to genetic girls, although it could be applied to some t-girls as well. I'm going to make a statement based on my personal tastes: "There is nothing hotter than a woman with small breasts and self-confidence." A girl who has small tits and is happy with them, never wears padded or push up bras, and lets the world know she's perfectly happy with what she has, is the epitome of self-confidence in my opinion. Agree or disagree? Why? Read more
Which do you prefer to see?
As a lover of t-girls and ladyboys, I search for transgendered members of xHamster. I like crossdressers, femboys, shemales, trannies, ladyboys, all of them. I have a feeling you might, too! But when a t-girl posts photos of herself, with or without her face visible, I often find those photos are in lingerie, stockings, hard penises, and dildos shoved up her butt. I would much rather see the majority of the photos of a nice t-girl fully clothed. I like to see stockings below hemlines, nicely manicured fingernails, heels, and a cute outfit. If the face is showing, I'd like to see nice mak Read more
Huge fake tits, or totally flat chest
Here's a variation on another question I asked. This could apply to a t-girl or ladyboy, or to a genetic girl (18 or older). Does a pretty girl with a nice body look better with huge fake tits, or with a totally flat chest? Read more
Which is sexier? An informal poll.
As you can tell from my profile, I love t-girls and ladyboys. I look at a lot of videos and pics with these wonderfully sexy ladies, and there are a couple of points that I wonder how other people look at. Is a t-girl, tranny, ladyboy or shemale sexier with: a. Big, totally fake tits b. Small, hormone-induced natural breasts c. Totally flat, smooth chests Please explain your opinion. On a second point, do t-girls, trannies, ladyboys or shemales look sexier with: a. Huge cocks b. Normal size cocks c. Small, hormone-induced tiny cocks Again, please explain your re Read more