Sex Word of the Week 6/12

If your libidinous mind can imagine it, there’s probably already a term for it Swaffelen (n) the act of hitting one’s exposed penis against an object or person As Taylor shuffled through tab after tab on Pornhub, he finally settled on a swaffelen video with his favorite actress and got to work. Swaffelen is exactly what it sounds like—in Dutch slang at least. (It’s tied to translations for swing and tail.) It means to bang one’s penis against something—a dick slap if you will. The penis can be flaccid or semi-hard, but the most important factor is that it must be soft enoug… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago

What Your Attachment Style Says About Your Dating

I sat out on a mission and talked to several experts about what might cause insecurity in relationships One of the greatest and most joyous mysteries in dating is the sudden shift we feel within ourselves when we realize we actually like someone. What was once a very smooth and casual encounter becomes a one-stop-shop of overthinking and overanalyzing the smallest details—like why they took so long (like an hour) to text back and whether we should be playing hard to get so they don’t lose interest. It’s exhausting. But what if I told you that these behaviors are not… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago

Why Is the World So Afraid of Female Pleasure?

For all of human history, women’s sexuality has been feared. That must end now. Throughout history, sexually active females have been seen as posing a particular threat to social order, with responses that range from burning sexually titillating witches to the Victorian illusion that respectable women are passion-free creatures. For too long, we have been given the choice to be one of only two types of women: the respectable kind, who doesn’t want, enjoy, or think about sex; or the fallen woman, the temptress. Fast-forward to the last ten years and a lot has changed. Sexualit… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago

Fuck Jams: Ashnikko

For the first edition of Purplenoyz’s sexy new playlist series, music’s new genre-transcending, sex-positive powerhouse weighs in on her new EP, the evolution of identity, and the songs that make her feel “wet in her soul.” When you decide to launch a playlist series called Fuck Jams, it takes more thoughtfulness than you might imagine. At its simplest, the ask is straightforward: Make a hookup playlist, and don’t take it too seriously. It could be your go-to throwback R&B songs that set the mood, the perfect song sequence for go time, or the best Radiohead songs to cuddle to d… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago

Submitted True Story

Titled: Home Early Introduction: My college class ended early, and my sister thought she was home alone. Surprise!! The first time I saw my sister naked, my knees trembled and my throat became suddenly dry. Pictures of naked women abounded on many websites, of course, but to this point in my life, I had not seen a real naked woman. Maybe when we were both younger, we had inadvertently seen each other but it was certainly not anything either of us remembered. We had a normal c***dhood. I was not supposed to notice her sexually. But even at a young age, I do remember being aware that my si… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago 1

Cunnilingus 101: What You Need to Know

What are men so afraid of? Get your head in the game! Whether it’s Junior Soprano or DJ Khaled, heterosexual cisgender men are scared to give head. In fact, statistically, women are twice as likely as men not to get head from their partner. But why? Unfortunately, it’s cultural and deeply ingrained. Men have been trained to think cunnilingus is emasculating. According to Shannon Chavez, PsyD, a certified sex ther****t, the perception is “if you give your woman oral sex, then you’re submitting to her pleasure and you’re not as much of a man.” They’re also apprehensive because… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 2 years ago

The Rise of the Online Orgy in Age of Quarantine

We can still find sexual communion with one another despite social distancing I sat on an all-white bed, wearing a cheerleader costume and a high ponytail. A photographer set up lights to make me look as pretty as possible. No, it was not my first porn shoot. The photographer is my boyfriend and quarantine partner. We were attending a friend’s birthday party last weekend, despite a drastic change in venue. “I had originally planned a decadent dinner-fetish-play party in a Manhattan penthouse,” says the birthday boy, Joe Hart, a 35-year-old DJ in New York City. The party wasn’t canc… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

Why Virtual Sex Is Surging Amid Coronavirus

Porn is proving to be one of the only businesses thriving during the global health crisis If you spend a lot of time indoors, enriching activities can be limited—especially now that we live in a world of severely curtailed physical and social interaction. If you live alone, warm human touch, such as shared sexual satisfaction or even a hug, becomes nothing more than a daydream. It’s no wonder folks are turning to the next best thing for skin-to-skin interaction: porn. According to recent statistics released by Pornhub, not only are more people visiting the adult-entertainmen… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

How Porn Became "Essential" In Pandemic

As demand for adult content soars, production studios stall out and performers scramble to make ends meet On March 15 the Free Speech Coalition—the trade group that oversees the porn industry’s tests for sexually transmitted diseases—called for a voluntary production shutdown. “We ask that producers cancel all shoots through March 31,” reads the FSC’s statement, “and recommend that performers immediately stop filming with partners who are not a part of their household. We do not take this step lightly.” Two days later, the group took its testing system, Performer Availability Scheduling S… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

The Future of Butt Stuff

The anal-play industry is continuing to grow in popularity, which means new tools to experiment with. Prior to opening his own medical practice in 2010, Dr. Evan Goldstein realized an overlooked area in healthcare: the ass. Of course, proctologists had long treated hemorrhoids and advised patients on the healthy way to p*o, but medical professionals, he noticed, seldom provided education on safe anal play practices or performed cosmetic surgeries focusing on the aesthetics of the anus. Bespoke Surgical, his Manhattan and Los Angeles-based practice, he says, fills that void. [/… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago


A recent study presents data-driven evidence about the relationship between cannabis and sex Given the rapid rate at which cannabis legalization is growing throughout the world, it’s no wonder that an increasing number of people are smoking, eating, and applying CBD or THC-based products before sex. Sure, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cannabis enhances people’s sex lives. But Eaze, a popular online cannabis delivery service, believes that hard data is crucial to eliminating the stigma associated with indulging in the natural d**g; that’s why they partnered wi… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

Submitted True Story

Title: Awakened Introduction: I get caught masturbating by my mother... She is now Awakened. Once I had discovered masturbation the switch had been flipped, shit I did it at least two or three times a day. I swore it was going to fall off from being jerked so much. Needless to say, sex became a preoccupation of my every waking moment. Be real what eighteen-year-old male doesn't spend half his life thinking of food and the other half thinking of sex. I had a routine where I would get home from school and head to my room to "do my homework"; which of course required a relaxation s… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago 2

Happy HallowSwing!!!


Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

Submitted True Story

Title: Relax Introduction: My sister's fear of flying has been taken care of... If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying. The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my aunt… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago


Lifestyle Definitions – A ACDC A Person or persons who enjoys sexual activity involving both the same sex and the opposite sex; Also known as Bi- or Bisexual. These swingers tend to be free spirits and enjoy swinger sex more and are more sexually liberated with little to no reservations. (See also Bi Sexual) All Cultures All cultures is an individual or committed couple who enjoys all sexual activities, they have no taboos and enjoy all fetishes. People that are into all cultures tend to be free-spirit, open-minded, and make great lifelong friends. Alpha Male [… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 3 years ago

Sex Word Of The Week

Sep 27, 2020 1 min read If your libidinous mind can imagine it, there’s probably already a term for it Benzocaine (n) a mild topical anesthetic increasingly used to combat penile overstimulation and delay ejaculation Eric felt himself getting closer with each thrust and, hoping to prolong the fun, did a quick rubdown with a benzocaine wipe. If you’re a penis-haver, you’ve probably dealt with not lasting as long as you would like. Although it can be distressing to talk about openly, premature ejac… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 4 years ago 1

Women Want Sex to Last 25 Minutes.

New research suggests ideal sexual duration is way, way longer than what’s considered average. Any film more than two hours is too long. For me, the ideal flick runs from an hour and a half to two hours. If said picture exceeds 120 minutes, I tear the movie apart and suggest to myself which scenes should have been left on the cutting room floor. Kind of like sex. At least according to new figures from sultry dating site Saucy Dates. After surveying 3,836 people, Saucy Dates announced that people want… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 4 years ago 2

Has Cheating Definition Changed with Coronavirus?

On January 20, the first American developed Covid-19 symptoms shortly after returning from Wuhan, China. At the time, the story was a blip in the news cycle, and the great citizens of this country continued swapping spit and gargling cum none the wiser. By March 13, Donald Trump declared a national emergency. Covid became a household name. And on top of worrying about toilet paper and, you know, dying, those households had to figure out how to maintain a healthy sex life when a dystopian future became t… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 4 years ago 1

This week on: JUST ASK MARCUS!

This week we answer a very common question and advises against knee-jerk reactions to a man’s need to jerk off. Plus, advice on dressing up, turning off and going deeper during sex _______________________________________________________________________________________ Q: How many women watch porn and masturbate with their boyfriends? Online sex professionals seem to routinely advocate this practice, but I haven’t met a single woman who actually engages in it. Here’s my story: My boyfriend and I have a he… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 4 years ago

Sex Word Of The Week

Aug 28, 2020, 1 min read If your libidinous mind can imagine it, there’s probably already a term for it Edging (v) is the act of delaying orgasm for as long as possible for the ultimate benefit of a more intense climax Jeremy edged himself to the brink, pulling himself back each time. When he finally let go, the release was more powerful than anything he had felt before. Everyone knows what mind control is. So imagine that, but for your junk. Edging takes a remarkable amount of concentration and di… Read more

Posted by Purplenoyz 4 years ago