Lifestyle Definitions – A
A Person or persons who enjoys sexual activity involving both the same sex and the opposite sex; Also known as Bi- or Bisexual. These swingers tend to be free spirits and enjoy swinger sex more and are more sexually liberated with little to no reservations. (See also Bi Sexual)
All Cultures
All cultures is an individual or committed couple who enjoys all sexual activities, they have no taboos and enjoy all fetishes. People that are into all cultures tend to be free-spirit, open-minded, and make great lifelong friends.
Alpha Male
Refers to a well-endowed, confident man that has sex with the wife of a cuckold. (See also Swinger Bull)
Anal penetration, also known as Anal intercourse; The act of the anus being penetrated by an object or penis. During anal intercourse, it is most common for the penis to be involved. Over the years and in ancient cultures anal intercourse may involve a toy, fruit, vegetable, or other objects. The act is commonly known as Anal-Penile intercourse. (See also Greek or Greek culture.)
Analingus, also known as Rim Job is oral stimulation of the anus and rim of the anus by a partner licking fast movements in the center of the anus opening and along the rim, or outside of the anus. Analingus can also include light kissing or mild sucking of the anus. Once performed the most common practice is the tongue moving in fast circular movements outside and even placing the tongue inside the anus to stimulate mood and heighten orgasms. During swinger intercourse, analingus is often used when a man is having sex with a woman in the cowgirl position and a third partner is administering to achieve an anal orgasm.
Fetishes. The practice of using non-sexual objects, actions, or non-genital anatomy to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure.
Lifestyle Definitions – B
B&D of BD (Bondage and Discipline)
Is the use of various methods to restrain an individual while administering discipline, usually done by a “master” to the “slave” (See also Master/Slave)
Back Door
Anal sex or anal intercourse. (See also Anal)
BDSM (Bondage – S&M or Sadism & Masochism)
Bondage, Sadism, and Masochism; People who either enjoy pain or pleasure for arousal. (See also Masochism) (See also Bondage)
Someone that is curious, interested in or has had limited bisexual experience.
Big Beautiful Woman (BBW)
Larger than an average woman that is very beautiful regardless of size or weight.
Big Handsome Man (BHM)
Refers to a sexually attractive fat man that is large to extremely large.
Bi Sensual
Bi Sensual refers to one that enjoys touching/fondling/watching both sexes, but not oral intercourse.
Bi Sexual (Bi)
Bi Sexual, also known as Bi, is an individual who enjoys having sex with both men and women. (See also AC/DC)
Bizarre also known as Bizarre sex and Bizarre sexual intercourse. Bizarre usually entails strange and uncommon sexual desires
Bondage is a sexual fetish where restraints are used to bind, tie or hold down a participating partner. Restraints may include ropes, chains, cloth, or leather straps. The person performing the binding is considered “dominant” while the person being bound is considered “submissive.”
Bull (Swinger Bull)
Refers to a well-endowed man that has sex with the wife of a cuckold. (See also Alpha Male)
Lifestyle Definitions – C
Can Entertain (Or Swinger – Party)
Can entertain is an advertiser willing to invite others to their home and or party or venue for swinging. Swinger Parties are very popular.
Caning – Swinger & Fetish
Caning is considered a spanking fetish employing a light cane usually bamboo or other light wood and usually caning, caned, or spanked across the buttocks. Some consider caning another form of B&D BDSM and Bondage. (See also B&D, BDSM, and Bondage)
Can Travel – Swinger
Can Travel is a swinger term, meaning the individual or couple is willing to travel to the desired swinging location. (See also Local Swingers or Online Swingers.)
Cheating is Sexual activity with others without the spouse’s knowledge and/or consent.
Hygienic; Free of sexually transmitted diseases, usually one with trimmed pubic hair and or shaved smooth. D&D is also known as disease and d**g-free.
Clique or Swinger Clique
Swinger clique, meaning a group of people that may not have sex with you or party with you. Often at swinger parties and swinger clubs, a clique may only keep to themselves.
Closed Door or Close Door Swinging
Sexual interaction among couples using separate rooms, Usually at clubs, houses, etc.
Closed Swinging or Close Door Swinging
Sexual interaction involving couples performing in separate rooms usually at a house for maximum privacy. Couples usually talk about the experience afterward and often engage again in sex with each other afterward.
Closet Swinger or Discreet
A closet swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that hide the fact that he/she are indeed swingers. Swingers hide the fact due to career, family, and religion. Most swingers are middle and upper class. (See also discreet or discretion)
Community Member
A community member swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that believes swinging is more than recreational sex but more of a lifestyle. Often community members are free spirits, open-minded, and very spiritual.
An older woman who sexually pursues men significantly younger than herself. Some definitions define the age difference as at least 8 years.
Couple or Swinger Couple
In swinging, a man and a woman that are swingers can be married but not necessary. A Swinger couple usually is living together (cohabitation), are committed, or in an ongoing relationship. Subsequently, a single couple may be dating for swinging purposes.
In swinging, CPL is an acronym for couple or swinger couple, two people, generally one male, one female that is participating together in the lifestyle. A swinger couple can be married or in an ongoing relationship and are usually living together.
Cross Dresser (CD)
A person who sometimes wears clothing associated with the opposite sex, generally referring to men that dress in women’s clothes.
Cuckold or Cuckolding
A cuckold or cuckolding is a husband referred to as a cuckold that allows his hot wife to pick and choose who she has sex with while he stays loyal. the woman will usually pick a well-hung man to easily satisfy her sexually, unlike her husband. The man that pleases the woman is called a cuckold Bull or a Swinger Bull.
Culture (Swinger Culture)
Swinger culture is a Euphemism for fetishes and arts, swinger culture, sexual arousal. (See also Arts and fetish.)
Cunnilingus is the stimulation of the vagina and clitoris by using the tongue mouth and lips, especially the tongue. Swinger Cunnilingus is when more than one individual performs the act. Sometimes the teeth are used, (See French culture)
Lifestyle Definitions – D
D&D Free
Very Hygienic; someone who considers themselves disease and d**g-free. Generally, this refers to being free of STD s and i*****l d**gs, also clean-shaven. You may also see this written as D/D Free or just DD. (See also CLEAN)
A dildo is a sex toy often used for vaginal stimulation. It is usually shaped phallic-like and used during masturbation. Although mainly used for vaginal stimulation, it is also used for Anal stimulation to heighten orgasms. (See also Anal Sex)
Discipline or Sexual Discipline
Discipline is often referred to as a fetish where one partner will dominate a willing partner or participant. the act often includes physical punishment of the sub or submissive partner. the punishment or discipline ranges from physical restraints and mild spankings to sometimes painful beatings.
Discretion or Discreet
A discreet swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that emphasizes extreme caution not to alert friends family or people they know will not be offended or aware of the swinging activities.
Being docile is someone who wants to and is willing to receive bondage and or discipline fetishes. The individual is also known as submissive.
Domestic Training
Submissive obedience to household chores of an intimate and humiliating nature.
Dominant (DOM)
A sexual partner in control of a willing submissive partner. the dominant person plays the role of power and controls the submissive partner.
Double Penetration (DP)
A sexual partner is willing to accept a penis in the vaginal cavity and in the anal cavity at the same time. Experienced DP users often say it heightens sex due to the woman feeling both penis’s touching together on the inside of the woman. Some women experience multiple orgasms from the act.
Lifestyle Definitions – E
English Culture
English Culture is the sexual stimulation from spanking or caning, one who becomes aroused from spanking or caning is referred to as English Culture. (See also Caning)
Entertain (See Can Entertain)
Exhibitionism or Exhibitionist
Can be described as behavior in which an individual achieves sexual arousal and or pleasure from displaying his/her body. Enjoys being watched.
Lifestyle Definitions – F
Fellatio is the sexual stimulation of the penis by the mouth, especially by the tongue and lips and sometimes teeth, used in a sucking motion, slang terms include, Blow Job, and Head or Giving Head.
Female (F)
Abbreviation for female within the lifestyle, you will see this used in personal ads and online profiles.
Sexual arousal and pleasure through the use of non-sexual objects, actions, or non-genital anatomy. Often times thought of Bizarre or unusual sexual desires. (See also Bizarre)
Flagellation is the sexual stimulation derived from pain, usually whipping or spanking. (See also BDSM for a better understanding)
French or French Culture
Oral-genital sexual activity. (See Also Cunnilingus)
Full Swap
Full Swap Swingers is a sexual encounter among 2 couples in which both couples have sex with the other couples, usually, the husbands switch wives during sexual intercourse, sometimes play is expected and welcomed among bisexual women. Also known as Wife Swapping.
Fun & Games (Swingers)
Fun and Games or Swingers Fun and games is a euphemism for sexual activity.
Lifestyle Definitions – G
A homosexual person, male or female. A gay female may also be called a Lesbian
Gay Black Man (GBM)
A black male homosexual. Someone who is attracted to other men.
Gay White Male (GWM)
A white male homosexual. Someone who is attracted to other men.
Refers to money for sex, considered a nice way of transacting money for sex.
Golden Shower
A golden shower is when a woman or man urinates on their significant other as a method of foreplay.
Greek or Greek Culture
Greek or Greek culture is another euphemism for Anal-penile intercourse or Anal Sex. (See also Anal Sex)
Group Room (Swingers)
Room set aside for group sex, generally furnished with wall-to-wall mattresses or pads. The term is prevalent in the western US or West Coast. The group room on the East Coast is called “Matroom”.
Group Sex (Swingers)
Swinging; Sexual activity between three or more people, usually involves a full swap. (See also Full Swap)
Lifestyle Definitions – H
Hall Pass
An agreement between a couple where one or both of them may have sex with other people.
Hard Core or Hard Swinging (Swingers)
A swing party or swing engagement where sexual interaction is assumed and expected. This can entail anything from Full Swap to DP or Double Penetration. (See also Double Penetration and Bisexual)
Oral-genital sexual activity; “Giving head” sucking motion, slang terms include, Blow Job, and Head or Giving Head.
The basic idea behind hedonistic thought or Hedonism is that pleasure is the only thing good for a person. Sometimes used to justify actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain a hedonist strives to maximize the pleasure (pleasure without pain)
Height/Weight Proportionate (HWP)
Someone that is not overweight or underweight.
Sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex involves men finding an attraction to women, and women who are attracted to men.
Is a negative feeling toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.
One who enjoys and has sex with only the same sex, (See also Gay)
Sexually tense; In need of sexual pleasure, getting turned on, the act of wanting to have sex, having the mind and body crave and wants sex.
Host (Swingers-Host)
Host, or Swingers Host, an individual that has a place for swinging events, such as their household or their event location in which the host has secured a location for others to play. (See also Can Entertain)
A happily married woman that enjoys having sex outside the marriage with the full support of her husband. The husband is generally monogamous with his wife and may or may not watch her with other men.
Refers to a man with a large penis, in the swinging community it is not uncommon for a husband to want to watch a man that is hung have sexual intercourse with his wife. In some cases women have sex and make the husbands watch, this entails cuckold or cuckolding. (Also See Cuckold)
Lifestyle Definitions – I
Indoor Sports (Swingers)
Indoor or Indoor Sports is a slang term for swinging activities in general
In Search Of (ISO)
Seen in profiles and personal ads.
Lifestyle Definitions – J
Jacking Off
Of a male, engaging in the act of masturbation.
Lifestyle Definitions – K
Kama Sutra
Or: Kamasutra, the Indian manual of erotic love believed to have been written by the Hindu sage Vatsyayana sometime between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, containing descriptions and illustrations of sexual positions, recipes for aphrodisiacs, descriptions of ways of kissing and embracing a lover, and so on.
Kinky is a word for unusual things: especially things that are sexual. As a general term, kinky can refer to anything that is far-out, quirky, or offbeat. More specifically, this is a sexual term for acts that are a little odd.
Lifestyle Definitions – L
Leather (Fetish)
Leather, also a fetish of sexual stimulation through the wearing or touching of leather or leather garments, which can entail whips and leather lingerie. (See also Fetish)
A woman sexually and emotionally attracted to other women. Although Lesbians only date women, on rare occasions a Lesbian couple may invite a single man for a threesome. Some couples have a single male over to impregnate one or both members of the Lesbian couple. In this case, the man would be known as the Bull or Swinger Bull.
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
Lifestyle Swingers
A Lifestyle Swinger or Lifestyle Swingers couple is one who attends lifestyle functions, such as swinger parties, swinger clubs, and one who is involved in a soft swap and full swap. (See also Soft Swap and Full Swap)
Local Swingers
Local Swingers means a swinger or swinger couple that is local to your area such as local swingers in your city as well as your neighbors. Local Swingers also attend local Swinger clubs which can be found here.
Long Term Relationship (LTR)
Used mostly in personal ads and online ads.
Lifestyle Definitions – M
Male (M)
Used mostly in personal ads and online ads.
Marital Aids
Dildos, vibrators, and other devices which are used in tandem or in place of the penis in a Heterosexual or Homosexual even Lesbian relationship. (See also Dildo)
Married Black Couple (MBC)
A black couple who is participating together in the lifestyle.
Married Bi Couple (MBiC)
A couple participating in the lifestyle where at least one of them is bisexual.
Married White Couple (MWC)
A white couple who is participating together in the lifestyle.
Masochism is the sexual gratification through receiving pain and also humiliation from others. Pain can range from whipping, caning, welts, drawn blood, and bruising. Humiliation can range from degrading acts to verbal abuse. (See also BDSM and Caning)
Master/Slave (BDSM)
Participants that are involved in a bondage and discipline sexual relationship. (See also B&D, Bondage and Discipline)
Meet For Pleasure (Swingers)
Willing to meet for swinging or swinger sex there is no social or emotional interaction not directly related to sexual activity.
Menage A’ Trois (Swingers)
Three people, two of one sex, one of the opposite sex in a swinging interaction. This can be a MMF or a FMM, if a FMM is occurring a DP or Double Penetration is usually expected and or wanted. (See also Double Penetration(DP) and Threesomes)
More than three people in a swinging interaction. (See also Group Sex)
Mother I’d Like (to) Fuck (MILF)
A sexually attractive female with c***dren. Usually, this is in reference to an older woman (age 30 – 50).
Lifestyle Definitions – N
Newbies or Newcomers
New people in swinging; First-time swingers either a couple, single woman, or man new to the lifestyle.
Non-Smoker (Swingers)
Non-Smoker, this is a swinger or swinger couple that does not smoke. With online swinging profiles, one may say Nonsmoker or NS.
No Strings Attached (NSA)
This means someone that wants to get together to swing without any sort of commitment or other relationship (other than sexual).
Nymphomaniac or Hypersexuality
Nymphomaniac and the concept of hypersexuality replaces older thoughts of nymphomania (or furor uterinus) and satyriasis. Nymphomania was believed to be a female psychological disorder with an overactive libido and obsession with sex. In males, the concept is known as satyriasis or satyr.
Lifestyle Definitions – O
No swinging takes place at the club or party; you meet and make your own arrangements. Great for newcomers or Newbies, (See also Newbies)
Online Swingers
Online Swingers is a swinger or swinging couple that is looking for other online swingers, or Swingers on the internet. Now people can access the internet to find swinger parties and swinger couples and clubs. In the past couples had to purchase a swinger magazine to find other couples and clubs.
Swinging takes place at the club or party; you meet and make arrangements to swing at the club. Great for Local Swingers and Lifestyle Swingers. (See also Local Swingers and Lifestyle Swingers)
Open Swinging or Open Door (Swingers)
A couple swinging with another couple in the same room; Several or all participating couples together in the same room. A minimum of privacy.
Oral Genital
Oral Genital (See also French Culture, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, and Head)
Female/Male Orgasm, also sexual climax or peak is the plateau phase of sexual response by an intense sensation of erotic pleasure.
Orgy, or Swinger Orgy, Sexual interaction among several men and women in the same room; Complete absence of inhibition in everyone taking part. (See also Group Sex and Moresome)
Lifestyle Definitions – P
This is referred to as a photo and phone number used in personal ads and or online swingers. (See also Online Swingers)
Party (Swinger Party)
Gathering of three or more people of both sexes for swinging.
Poly (Polyamory)
Having more than one open romantic relationship at a time.
Lifestyle Definitions – Q
Quicktime Sex
Internet and computer jargon for a pornographic movie animated by Quicktime software.
Lifestyle Definitions – R
Reverse Anal Cowgirl
Female sitting astride the male, facing his feet, while engaged in anal-intercourse.
Lifestyle Definitions – S
Sadism/Masochism (S&M or SM)
Sadism takes pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation upon someone, while masochism takes pleasure from the pain they receive.
In swinging, someone that is not at risk for becoming or causing a pregnancy.
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Also known as VD (Venereal Disease). An illness that is transmitted between humans by means of sexual behavior (vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex).
Single (SGL)
A person, male or female that is participating by themselves in the lifestyle.
Single Bi Female (SBiF)
In the lifestyle, a bisexual woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single Bi Male (SBiM)
In the lifestyle, a bisexual man participates by himself. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
Single Black Female (SBF)
In the lifestyle, a black woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single Black Male (SBM)
In the lifestyle, a male participating by himself, without a partner. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
Single White Female (SWF)
In the lifestyle, a white woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single White Male (SWM)
In the lifestyle, a male participating by himself, without a partner. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
“Unnatural” sex, usually anal sex or oral sex, possibly forced.
Soft Swap
Or soft swing/swingers are a couple that enjoys sexual pleasure with others that includes anything up to but not including intercourse.
Straight (STR- STR8)
A heterosexual person, male or female.
Two couples exchanging partners. (See also Full Swap and Soft Swap)
Also referred to as swinging. Couples married or in an open relationship, who exchanges sexual partners.
Also referred to as swinger(s). Couples married or in an open relationship, who exchanges sexual partners.
Lifestyle Definitions – T
Tantric Sex
Is the act of making love without having an orgasm, or the act of making love and delaying orgasm.
Dialectical slang for oral-anal-sex, based on the ideograph (39) of a face buried between buttocks, the figure 3 which is the buttocks, and 9, the face. Note: Devotees of anilingus have a saying: ‘ Once you get past the smell, you’ve got it licked ‘. See anilingus for synonyms.
Group sex involving three people.
Lifestyle Definitions – U
Slang for a single, generally bi-sexual female that participates in the lifestyle. Referred to as a “unicorn” because they are so rare.
Lifestyle Definitions – V
Another term for bi-sexual.
A vibrator is a toy used for sexual pleasures.
One who enjoys watching.
The act of watching others engaged in sexual activities.
Lifestyle Definitions – W
Water Sports
Also referred to as a golden shower. Urination involving sexual stimulation. This would be considered a fetish.
Wife Swap
Also referred to as wife swapping. When married couples exchange partners.
Lifestyle Definitions – X
A person sexually attracted to and aroused by strangers.
Lifestyle Definitions – Y
Yank His Crank
In relation to swinging, to tease a male sexually.
Lifestyle Definitions – Z
Zipless Fuck
Sex without emotional involvement or commitment, especially between strangers.
A Person or persons who enjoys sexual activity involving both the same sex and the opposite sex; Also known as Bi- or Bisexual. These swingers tend to be free spirits and enjoy swinger sex more and are more sexually liberated with little to no reservations. (See also Bi Sexual)
All Cultures
All cultures is an individual or committed couple who enjoys all sexual activities, they have no taboos and enjoy all fetishes. People that are into all cultures tend to be free-spirit, open-minded, and make great lifelong friends.
Alpha Male
Refers to a well-endowed, confident man that has sex with the wife of a cuckold. (See also Swinger Bull)
Anal penetration, also known as Anal intercourse; The act of the anus being penetrated by an object or penis. During anal intercourse, it is most common for the penis to be involved. Over the years and in ancient cultures anal intercourse may involve a toy, fruit, vegetable, or other objects. The act is commonly known as Anal-Penile intercourse. (See also Greek or Greek culture.)
Analingus, also known as Rim Job is oral stimulation of the anus and rim of the anus by a partner licking fast movements in the center of the anus opening and along the rim, or outside of the anus. Analingus can also include light kissing or mild sucking of the anus. Once performed the most common practice is the tongue moving in fast circular movements outside and even placing the tongue inside the anus to stimulate mood and heighten orgasms. During swinger intercourse, analingus is often used when a man is having sex with a woman in the cowgirl position and a third partner is administering to achieve an anal orgasm.
Fetishes. The practice of using non-sexual objects, actions, or non-genital anatomy to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure.
Lifestyle Definitions – B
B&D of BD (Bondage and Discipline)
Is the use of various methods to restrain an individual while administering discipline, usually done by a “master” to the “slave” (See also Master/Slave)
Back Door
Anal sex or anal intercourse. (See also Anal)
BDSM (Bondage – S&M or Sadism & Masochism)
Bondage, Sadism, and Masochism; People who either enjoy pain or pleasure for arousal. (See also Masochism) (See also Bondage)
Someone that is curious, interested in or has had limited bisexual experience.
Big Beautiful Woman (BBW)
Larger than an average woman that is very beautiful regardless of size or weight.
Big Handsome Man (BHM)
Refers to a sexually attractive fat man that is large to extremely large.
Bi Sensual
Bi Sensual refers to one that enjoys touching/fondling/watching both sexes, but not oral intercourse.
Bi Sexual (Bi)
Bi Sexual, also known as Bi, is an individual who enjoys having sex with both men and women. (See also AC/DC)
Bizarre also known as Bizarre sex and Bizarre sexual intercourse. Bizarre usually entails strange and uncommon sexual desires
Bondage is a sexual fetish where restraints are used to bind, tie or hold down a participating partner. Restraints may include ropes, chains, cloth, or leather straps. The person performing the binding is considered “dominant” while the person being bound is considered “submissive.”
Bull (Swinger Bull)
Refers to a well-endowed man that has sex with the wife of a cuckold. (See also Alpha Male)
Lifestyle Definitions – C
Can Entertain (Or Swinger – Party)
Can entertain is an advertiser willing to invite others to their home and or party or venue for swinging. Swinger Parties are very popular.
Caning – Swinger & Fetish
Caning is considered a spanking fetish employing a light cane usually bamboo or other light wood and usually caning, caned, or spanked across the buttocks. Some consider caning another form of B&D BDSM and Bondage. (See also B&D, BDSM, and Bondage)
Can Travel – Swinger
Can Travel is a swinger term, meaning the individual or couple is willing to travel to the desired swinging location. (See also Local Swingers or Online Swingers.)
Cheating is Sexual activity with others without the spouse’s knowledge and/or consent.
Hygienic; Free of sexually transmitted diseases, usually one with trimmed pubic hair and or shaved smooth. D&D is also known as disease and d**g-free.
Clique or Swinger Clique
Swinger clique, meaning a group of people that may not have sex with you or party with you. Often at swinger parties and swinger clubs, a clique may only keep to themselves.
Closed Door or Close Door Swinging
Sexual interaction among couples using separate rooms, Usually at clubs, houses, etc.
Closed Swinging or Close Door Swinging
Sexual interaction involving couples performing in separate rooms usually at a house for maximum privacy. Couples usually talk about the experience afterward and often engage again in sex with each other afterward.
Closet Swinger or Discreet
A closet swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that hide the fact that he/she are indeed swingers. Swingers hide the fact due to career, family, and religion. Most swingers are middle and upper class. (See also discreet or discretion)
Community Member
A community member swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that believes swinging is more than recreational sex but more of a lifestyle. Often community members are free spirits, open-minded, and very spiritual.
An older woman who sexually pursues men significantly younger than herself. Some definitions define the age difference as at least 8 years.
Couple or Swinger Couple
In swinging, a man and a woman that are swingers can be married but not necessary. A Swinger couple usually is living together (cohabitation), are committed, or in an ongoing relationship. Subsequently, a single couple may be dating for swinging purposes.
In swinging, CPL is an acronym for couple or swinger couple, two people, generally one male, one female that is participating together in the lifestyle. A swinger couple can be married or in an ongoing relationship and are usually living together.
Cross Dresser (CD)
A person who sometimes wears clothing associated with the opposite sex, generally referring to men that dress in women’s clothes.
Cuckold or Cuckolding
A cuckold or cuckolding is a husband referred to as a cuckold that allows his hot wife to pick and choose who she has sex with while he stays loyal. the woman will usually pick a well-hung man to easily satisfy her sexually, unlike her husband. The man that pleases the woman is called a cuckold Bull or a Swinger Bull.
Culture (Swinger Culture)
Swinger culture is a Euphemism for fetishes and arts, swinger culture, sexual arousal. (See also Arts and fetish.)
Cunnilingus is the stimulation of the vagina and clitoris by using the tongue mouth and lips, especially the tongue. Swinger Cunnilingus is when more than one individual performs the act. Sometimes the teeth are used, (See French culture)
Lifestyle Definitions – D
D&D Free
Very Hygienic; someone who considers themselves disease and d**g-free. Generally, this refers to being free of STD s and i*****l d**gs, also clean-shaven. You may also see this written as D/D Free or just DD. (See also CLEAN)
A dildo is a sex toy often used for vaginal stimulation. It is usually shaped phallic-like and used during masturbation. Although mainly used for vaginal stimulation, it is also used for Anal stimulation to heighten orgasms. (See also Anal Sex)
Discipline or Sexual Discipline
Discipline is often referred to as a fetish where one partner will dominate a willing partner or participant. the act often includes physical punishment of the sub or submissive partner. the punishment or discipline ranges from physical restraints and mild spankings to sometimes painful beatings.
Discretion or Discreet
A discreet swinger is an individual swinger or swinger couple that emphasizes extreme caution not to alert friends family or people they know will not be offended or aware of the swinging activities.
Being docile is someone who wants to and is willing to receive bondage and or discipline fetishes. The individual is also known as submissive.
Domestic Training
Submissive obedience to household chores of an intimate and humiliating nature.
Dominant (DOM)
A sexual partner in control of a willing submissive partner. the dominant person plays the role of power and controls the submissive partner.
Double Penetration (DP)
A sexual partner is willing to accept a penis in the vaginal cavity and in the anal cavity at the same time. Experienced DP users often say it heightens sex due to the woman feeling both penis’s touching together on the inside of the woman. Some women experience multiple orgasms from the act.
Lifestyle Definitions – E
English Culture
English Culture is the sexual stimulation from spanking or caning, one who becomes aroused from spanking or caning is referred to as English Culture. (See also Caning)
Entertain (See Can Entertain)
Exhibitionism or Exhibitionist
Can be described as behavior in which an individual achieves sexual arousal and or pleasure from displaying his/her body. Enjoys being watched.
Lifestyle Definitions – F
Fellatio is the sexual stimulation of the penis by the mouth, especially by the tongue and lips and sometimes teeth, used in a sucking motion, slang terms include, Blow Job, and Head or Giving Head.
Female (F)
Abbreviation for female within the lifestyle, you will see this used in personal ads and online profiles.
Sexual arousal and pleasure through the use of non-sexual objects, actions, or non-genital anatomy. Often times thought of Bizarre or unusual sexual desires. (See also Bizarre)
Flagellation is the sexual stimulation derived from pain, usually whipping or spanking. (See also BDSM for a better understanding)
French or French Culture
Oral-genital sexual activity. (See Also Cunnilingus)
Full Swap
Full Swap Swingers is a sexual encounter among 2 couples in which both couples have sex with the other couples, usually, the husbands switch wives during sexual intercourse, sometimes play is expected and welcomed among bisexual women. Also known as Wife Swapping.
Fun & Games (Swingers)
Fun and Games or Swingers Fun and games is a euphemism for sexual activity.
Lifestyle Definitions – G
A homosexual person, male or female. A gay female may also be called a Lesbian
Gay Black Man (GBM)
A black male homosexual. Someone who is attracted to other men.
Gay White Male (GWM)
A white male homosexual. Someone who is attracted to other men.
Refers to money for sex, considered a nice way of transacting money for sex.
Golden Shower
A golden shower is when a woman or man urinates on their significant other as a method of foreplay.
Greek or Greek Culture
Greek or Greek culture is another euphemism for Anal-penile intercourse or Anal Sex. (See also Anal Sex)
Group Room (Swingers)
Room set aside for group sex, generally furnished with wall-to-wall mattresses or pads. The term is prevalent in the western US or West Coast. The group room on the East Coast is called “Matroom”.
Group Sex (Swingers)
Swinging; Sexual activity between three or more people, usually involves a full swap. (See also Full Swap)
Lifestyle Definitions – H
Hall Pass
An agreement between a couple where one or both of them may have sex with other people.
Hard Core or Hard Swinging (Swingers)
A swing party or swing engagement where sexual interaction is assumed and expected. This can entail anything from Full Swap to DP or Double Penetration. (See also Double Penetration and Bisexual)
Oral-genital sexual activity; “Giving head” sucking motion, slang terms include, Blow Job, and Head or Giving Head.
The basic idea behind hedonistic thought or Hedonism is that pleasure is the only thing good for a person. Sometimes used to justify actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain a hedonist strives to maximize the pleasure (pleasure without pain)
Height/Weight Proportionate (HWP)
Someone that is not overweight or underweight.
Sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex involves men finding an attraction to women, and women who are attracted to men.
Is a negative feeling toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.
One who enjoys and has sex with only the same sex, (See also Gay)
Sexually tense; In need of sexual pleasure, getting turned on, the act of wanting to have sex, having the mind and body crave and wants sex.
Host (Swingers-Host)
Host, or Swingers Host, an individual that has a place for swinging events, such as their household or their event location in which the host has secured a location for others to play. (See also Can Entertain)
A happily married woman that enjoys having sex outside the marriage with the full support of her husband. The husband is generally monogamous with his wife and may or may not watch her with other men.
Refers to a man with a large penis, in the swinging community it is not uncommon for a husband to want to watch a man that is hung have sexual intercourse with his wife. In some cases women have sex and make the husbands watch, this entails cuckold or cuckolding. (Also See Cuckold)
Lifestyle Definitions – I
Indoor Sports (Swingers)
Indoor or Indoor Sports is a slang term for swinging activities in general
In Search Of (ISO)
Seen in profiles and personal ads.
Lifestyle Definitions – J
Jacking Off
Of a male, engaging in the act of masturbation.
Lifestyle Definitions – K
Kama Sutra
Or: Kamasutra, the Indian manual of erotic love believed to have been written by the Hindu sage Vatsyayana sometime between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, containing descriptions and illustrations of sexual positions, recipes for aphrodisiacs, descriptions of ways of kissing and embracing a lover, and so on.
Kinky is a word for unusual things: especially things that are sexual. As a general term, kinky can refer to anything that is far-out, quirky, or offbeat. More specifically, this is a sexual term for acts that are a little odd.
Lifestyle Definitions – L
Leather (Fetish)
Leather, also a fetish of sexual stimulation through the wearing or touching of leather or leather garments, which can entail whips and leather lingerie. (See also Fetish)
A woman sexually and emotionally attracted to other women. Although Lesbians only date women, on rare occasions a Lesbian couple may invite a single man for a threesome. Some couples have a single male over to impregnate one or both members of the Lesbian couple. In this case, the man would be known as the Bull or Swinger Bull.
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
Lifestyle Swingers
A Lifestyle Swinger or Lifestyle Swingers couple is one who attends lifestyle functions, such as swinger parties, swinger clubs, and one who is involved in a soft swap and full swap. (See also Soft Swap and Full Swap)
Local Swingers
Local Swingers means a swinger or swinger couple that is local to your area such as local swingers in your city as well as your neighbors. Local Swingers also attend local Swinger clubs which can be found here.
Long Term Relationship (LTR)
Used mostly in personal ads and online ads.
Lifestyle Definitions – M
Male (M)
Used mostly in personal ads and online ads.
Marital Aids
Dildos, vibrators, and other devices which are used in tandem or in place of the penis in a Heterosexual or Homosexual even Lesbian relationship. (See also Dildo)
Married Black Couple (MBC)
A black couple who is participating together in the lifestyle.
Married Bi Couple (MBiC)
A couple participating in the lifestyle where at least one of them is bisexual.
Married White Couple (MWC)
A white couple who is participating together in the lifestyle.
Masochism is the sexual gratification through receiving pain and also humiliation from others. Pain can range from whipping, caning, welts, drawn blood, and bruising. Humiliation can range from degrading acts to verbal abuse. (See also BDSM and Caning)
Master/Slave (BDSM)
Participants that are involved in a bondage and discipline sexual relationship. (See also B&D, Bondage and Discipline)
Meet For Pleasure (Swingers)
Willing to meet for swinging or swinger sex there is no social or emotional interaction not directly related to sexual activity.
Menage A’ Trois (Swingers)
Three people, two of one sex, one of the opposite sex in a swinging interaction. This can be a MMF or a FMM, if a FMM is occurring a DP or Double Penetration is usually expected and or wanted. (See also Double Penetration(DP) and Threesomes)
More than three people in a swinging interaction. (See also Group Sex)
Mother I’d Like (to) Fuck (MILF)
A sexually attractive female with c***dren. Usually, this is in reference to an older woman (age 30 – 50).
Lifestyle Definitions – N
Newbies or Newcomers
New people in swinging; First-time swingers either a couple, single woman, or man new to the lifestyle.
Non-Smoker (Swingers)
Non-Smoker, this is a swinger or swinger couple that does not smoke. With online swinging profiles, one may say Nonsmoker or NS.
No Strings Attached (NSA)
This means someone that wants to get together to swing without any sort of commitment or other relationship (other than sexual).
Nymphomaniac or Hypersexuality
Nymphomaniac and the concept of hypersexuality replaces older thoughts of nymphomania (or furor uterinus) and satyriasis. Nymphomania was believed to be a female psychological disorder with an overactive libido and obsession with sex. In males, the concept is known as satyriasis or satyr.
Lifestyle Definitions – O
No swinging takes place at the club or party; you meet and make your own arrangements. Great for newcomers or Newbies, (See also Newbies)
Online Swingers
Online Swingers is a swinger or swinging couple that is looking for other online swingers, or Swingers on the internet. Now people can access the internet to find swinger parties and swinger couples and clubs. In the past couples had to purchase a swinger magazine to find other couples and clubs.
Swinging takes place at the club or party; you meet and make arrangements to swing at the club. Great for Local Swingers and Lifestyle Swingers. (See also Local Swingers and Lifestyle Swingers)
Open Swinging or Open Door (Swingers)
A couple swinging with another couple in the same room; Several or all participating couples together in the same room. A minimum of privacy.
Oral Genital
Oral Genital (See also French Culture, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, and Head)
Female/Male Orgasm, also sexual climax or peak is the plateau phase of sexual response by an intense sensation of erotic pleasure.
Orgy, or Swinger Orgy, Sexual interaction among several men and women in the same room; Complete absence of inhibition in everyone taking part. (See also Group Sex and Moresome)
Lifestyle Definitions – P
This is referred to as a photo and phone number used in personal ads and or online swingers. (See also Online Swingers)
Party (Swinger Party)
Gathering of three or more people of both sexes for swinging.
Poly (Polyamory)
Having more than one open romantic relationship at a time.
Lifestyle Definitions – Q
Quicktime Sex
Internet and computer jargon for a pornographic movie animated by Quicktime software.
Lifestyle Definitions – R
Reverse Anal Cowgirl
Female sitting astride the male, facing his feet, while engaged in anal-intercourse.
Lifestyle Definitions – S
Sadism/Masochism (S&M or SM)
Sadism takes pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation upon someone, while masochism takes pleasure from the pain they receive.
In swinging, someone that is not at risk for becoming or causing a pregnancy.
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Also known as VD (Venereal Disease). An illness that is transmitted between humans by means of sexual behavior (vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex).
Single (SGL)
A person, male or female that is participating by themselves in the lifestyle.
Single Bi Female (SBiF)
In the lifestyle, a bisexual woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single Bi Male (SBiM)
In the lifestyle, a bisexual man participates by himself. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
Single Black Female (SBF)
In the lifestyle, a black woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single Black Male (SBM)
In the lifestyle, a male participating by himself, without a partner. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
Single White Female (SWF)
In the lifestyle, a white woman participates by herself (without bringing anyone else along). (See also Unicorn)
Single White Male (SWM)
In the lifestyle, a male participating by himself, without a partner. Many swinging couples frown upon single males being in the lifestyle, so a single male may have a difficult time making lifestyle connections.
“Unnatural” sex, usually anal sex or oral sex, possibly forced.
Soft Swap
Or soft swing/swingers are a couple that enjoys sexual pleasure with others that includes anything up to but not including intercourse.
Straight (STR- STR8)
A heterosexual person, male or female.
Two couples exchanging partners. (See also Full Swap and Soft Swap)
Also referred to as swinging. Couples married or in an open relationship, who exchanges sexual partners.
Also referred to as swinger(s). Couples married or in an open relationship, who exchanges sexual partners.
Lifestyle Definitions – T
Tantric Sex
Is the act of making love without having an orgasm, or the act of making love and delaying orgasm.
Dialectical slang for oral-anal-sex, based on the ideograph (39) of a face buried between buttocks, the figure 3 which is the buttocks, and 9, the face. Note: Devotees of anilingus have a saying: ‘ Once you get past the smell, you’ve got it licked ‘. See anilingus for synonyms.
Group sex involving three people.
Lifestyle Definitions – U
Slang for a single, generally bi-sexual female that participates in the lifestyle. Referred to as a “unicorn” because they are so rare.
Lifestyle Definitions – V
Another term for bi-sexual.
A vibrator is a toy used for sexual pleasures.
One who enjoys watching.
The act of watching others engaged in sexual activities.
Lifestyle Definitions – W
Water Sports
Also referred to as a golden shower. Urination involving sexual stimulation. This would be considered a fetish.
Wife Swap
Also referred to as wife swapping. When married couples exchange partners.
Lifestyle Definitions – X
A person sexually attracted to and aroused by strangers.
Lifestyle Definitions – Y
Yank His Crank
In relation to swinging, to tease a male sexually.
Lifestyle Definitions – Z
Zipless Fuck
Sex without emotional involvement or commitment, especially between strangers.
3 years ago