Old house exploring

. The plan was to go visit the old house again the following Sunday but due to harvest that plan had changed to the following Sunday. I had talked to Benny Friday as I always do and he was really cranky and told me not to come to farm. I was set do thingz around my place when Biggy showed up early Saturday morning. We were on the road by 7 and did not get out of town very far before Biggy had me on my knees sucking his cock while he drove. He would get close to unloading and have me stop then when calmed down would have me suck his cock some more. My jaw was getting sore from sucking his cock… Read more

Posted by jellybj 5 months ago

Fun Party Game

A Different Kind of Party So like was out at the ice fishing shacks and a guy asked me if i wanted to go to a party and said sure why not and he said just be a few people there so Kool. We stopped by my house and I got showered and changed and wore a sweater and my yoga pant. We got the house and there was 3 other couplez there and started drinking and stuff and I think the couple that was hosting the party asked if I was up for playing a adult type game so sure I can do that. So like the jest of the game was the gurlz kneel on the floor and have handz secured behind back and blindfolded an… Read more

Posted by jellybj 2 years ago 5

Dog dayz

I know it has been awhile: Dog Dayz I have been busy way busier then i ever wanted to be. I worked 15 months with out a day off during covid and i thought I would get back onto a somewhat regular schedule in my life. I was wrong I did get some dayz off I was in the hospital for a week because of exhaustion. So what has been happening. I think I did mention that I was owned by a nice older gentleman. Benny, it was a nasty winter and I did not get out to see him very often mostly cause of work but also weather. I did get out there a few timez and did as a good owned girl doez. I would arrive a… Read more

Posted by jellybj 2 years ago 52

Covid Continues

Was a great summer for a change i finally got some more dayz off and regular dayz off as well though the the Gobv't refused to pay me the overtime i was due and wouldnt let me take dayz off to cover the over time i worked for 15 monthz. Typical Gov't and typical bought and paid for Union executive. CUPE. yes rite. fr the last few weekz we have been back on the Gov't controlled and mainstream media lies about the covid casez. I work in a freekin hospital i see what the real numberz are and they aint what the media is selling. The media said we had a pout of control break out in my area. We have… Read more

Posted by jellybj 3 years ago

Wow been a year already

As I mentioned a year ago left me with a guy that knew how to use me really hard and obey or else. But like anything and specially with me I am not a keeper but one to be passed around or on or sold. My last BF wasn't happy with the amount seed they he and his father had pumped into me and I did not get pregnant. My Bf had made me tag along with him to see an guy about something I forget now anyway they get to drinking and my BF sellz me to the old guy for a dollar, like really only a dollar and leaves me there with Benny. Benny is around 70 maybe older but hard to say could be younger but h… Read more

Posted by jellybj 3 years ago

Covid Collapse

Covid scare killed the adventure I was on for awhile and it was fun and I was allot busier at work because of it. SO we finally are getting back to normal and I finally got a weekend off. Bf came over and pounded me good. I was happy it was just him we dont seem to do it just one on one usually has 2 or 3 of his buddies with him he comez over. He then said we were going to a house party out on a farm which is kool and had me douche and wear a one piece dress no bra or panniez and runners. Off we went. I asked if i knew ho place we were going to and he said a bachelor which is pretty much most… Read more

Posted by jellybj 4 years ago 2

What have I been up to for the last year

I don't know where the last year has gone, I did mention last that in the spring to do get these craving for some extreme attention and on the advice of a friend I followed up with that and discussed with my BF. I think i have mentioned that my BF does spank me at times but nothing to extreme. He asked what I was looking for and I mentioned I wanted him to tie me up and whip my pussy hard. He did not answer rite away and only responded with " that sounds interesting " He then followed that with I don't think you have earned that yet. Now I was confused. Ok I said what do I have to do prove I h… Read more

Posted by jellybj 5 years ago

Is there a difference when it comes to Sex

I have been asked if there is a real difference when it comes to sex with various kindz of guyz. I have found that there is indeed a difference with mind set, since the vast majority of the guyz that have used me are not in for a " relationship" just getting off and filling pussy where the primitive mindset of breeding comes into play. Guyz between the agez of 16 and 25/27 don't give a damn about a relationship they want to party hard and bang equally as hard and then keep on partying. Also given the opportunity will do what ever they want and or can think of in the moment. Guyz between 28 a… Read more

Posted by jellybj 5 years ago 4

Boy Friend Blues

SO like after a long summer of working most everyday and only getting the odd week day off, my BF found some young pussy at the lake he chose to be with instead of me. I saved my money and went to AZ for a month to unwind and got seriously unwound. I had to head back to Work I guess I could have stayed in AZ as a i*****l since I did have some inviting job offerz. But I do have a tiny house there and some responsabilitiez so I did go back. My on off BF was busy with harvest and I didnt bother to contact him at all. Saw his mom at hospital where I work and she was sweet as alwayz to me. She le… Read more

Posted by jellybj 6 years ago 2

Tag team

My new BF for what ever reaswon decided that he wanted a break from this past summer and i was working allot of over time so wasn't able to be there at his beck and call so like then he found someone at the lake to satisfy his needz and i wasnt get any attention at all. So like I had a sunday off finally and sent a text letting him know the day before think he would come by my house Saturday evening but nope I was home alone. So like Sunday morning he showed up with a a gurl he was like maybe 18 and I made them a coffee and they were in the living room sitting beside one another and he called… Read more

Posted by jellybj 6 years ago 1

May Long Weekend Game

My BF has informed me that we are have a great game that we re going to play on the May long weekend and of course if the first good long weekend of the season..lolz.. anyway the game is such once we get set up at the cabin. So here goez, the game as i have been told is this the guyz (4 total)are going to give me a head start of 30min and i am heading off into the bush and they will follow with quadz and paintball gunz, everytime I get hit I have to take off a peice of clothing. ( I do get to keep my runnerz and face mask on ) once i get hit and remove said clothing article i get a 15 minute h… Read more

Posted by jellybj 6 years ago 2

How I Play in Second Life

So my new BF wanted to see how I play in Second Life. Which is Kool! I carefully laid out my toyz and special chair i use which is more narrow and a bit higher then a regular chair which makez it easier for me to use my dildoz and type with one hand..lolz.. I logged into Second Life and he did like my avatar I have made there and she is quite sexy and cute. I put allot of effort into make her as sexy as possible to enhance the experience for the man/player i am with at the time. I went to a couple of placez that are good for hooking up and met one guy there and we went back to my place and… Read more

Posted by jellybj 7 years ago

A Dare from PurpleHaze66 Part 1

PurpleHaze and were chatting last night and my new not yet BF was over and he was tired from working out in the cold all day on the farm and Purple and were talking about the Xmaz gangbang I did for His Xmaz gift and how Ben was now kinda my gift from Purple since I met him there anyway Purple has this dare for me to go down to the arena when the old guyz are playing hockey and go into the shower and see what they do to me when they come in off the ice. Any way long story short after bangin me Ben was kinda liking the idea. I checked my schedule I have to work afternoon shift tomorrow and Ben… Read more

Posted by jellybj 7 years ago 2

I was thinking and Merry Christmaz

So like I was talking to this really Kool! guy from Calgary yesterday and when I saw his picture like it made me gooey instantly and i do hope we can carry it further though for most i am not what you would call GF material i am just to weird for most. But today as I was getting ready for work I started thinking am I that weird that I have this thing for cum like i mean i like everything about it the taste the smell the way it feelz on me and even better in me. Ok so I like watching porn because I am a very visual person I can watch the vid and use a dildo and as I watch i can feel what she on… Read more

Posted by jellybj 7 years ago 1

Summer can be fun

Sorry for not getting on here to write stuff about my adventures in being a good slut. Sex that got me a job So like last summer I was at a party and i had on my bikini and sweater nothing much and I was drinking and havin the usual fun being flirty and dense..lolz. I was feeling guilty for not bringing any booze to the party so I was sitting on a pinic table just listening to the music and the drinkz i did have were making me goofy anyway so was prolly best i took a break and this comez over sitz down beside me and handz me a wine cooler and i say kool ty and he startz telling me how hot he… Read more

Posted by jellybj 7 years ago 2

What do i like

I like dominant gurlz and guyz. I am submissive and I like the the type of dome that will force me to as they want anywhere anytime doing what ever they want me to do, lets face it one on one can get boring, I like Dommes with imagination and a variety of kinkz they like to experiment with. I don't do s**t or pee stuff at all and I will do anal but I don't like it much, always hurtz so much, but I have dated a few guyz that were really into anal and I figured hey whatz a lil pain to make them happy right small price to pay really. Spanking is good Strap is better Whip is best Cane OH G… Read more

Posted by jellybj 10 years ago 6

I can be so not smart

I doo indeed do some odd off the wall thingz. the weekend after he left to go back to work I went to a party lotz of people there was fun then i got the idea in my head to go find a bedroom. I wasnt even drunk only pretended to be and in that I was hoping that some one would follow me. i found an empty bedroom downstairs and wandered in and flopped down on the bed with my knitted dress up exposing my pussy no pannies and no bra as is customary for me lol. Didnt take long before someone walked in, I left the light on that was sitting on the nite stand and I could hear some words befor… Read more

Posted by jellybj 10 years ago 7