I was thinking and Merry Christmaz

So like I was talking to this really Kool! guy from Calgary yesterday and when I saw his picture like it made me gooey instantly and i do hope we can carry it further though for most i am not what you would call GF material i am just to weird for most. But today as I was getting ready for work I started thinking am I that weird that I have this thing for cum like i mean i like everything about it the taste the smell the way it feelz on me and even better in me. Ok so I like watching porn because I am a very visual person I can watch the vid and use a dildo and as I watch i can feel what she on the screen is feeling yes did i mention i am weird. That is the same reasosn why i go to like Second Life or other 3D webworldz for sex but there it is on yet another level because it is a person on the other side of the avatar and what ever the person is doing to my avatar I do toself in real life with a variety of toyz such as bulldog clampz for my nipplez and several diferent sizez of dildoz and even some that will pump fake cum. I even have a K9 dildo but that is another story.

I cant do allot of to myself alone but if some orderz me to do it then i can not sure why that is it is as it is I guess. I dont know how many are out there that do the same as I do but i am sure am not alone in this venture. I have had some BFs but there is a fine line between discipline and abuse. For example my one BF came home drunk with freindz and dragged me out of bed naked and bent me over the automan and whip me till i was crying and begging to be gangbanged was abuse. not sure if you have ever been gangbanged by 3 drunkz but they can go for hourz and my pussy was so sore i could barely walk. I did end it after that escapade. Though thankfully the chance of actually getting pregnant of very slim to something I did when i was younger they still reveled in the idea of knocking the stupid bitch up. That would be me of course.

So then after being transfered to nowhere Sask i dated a few timez but found something missing in and of course having sex on the first date seemed to freek them out and just call me a slut but for me hey may as well find out how the sex is going to be before persuing the relationship. That is when i found Second Life and that for the most part takez of my needz though i was cursed with a very gooey pussy and being horny all the time as well. I am a plain gurl short skinny small boob way to sensative boobz and a tight not very deep pussy. Dont get me wrong for the right guy i can and will endure allot but dont like having my ovariez rearranged all the time just like i enjoy being spanked really hard or having my boobz slapped but not all the time.

Though thingz like Hamster and Second life help some releif and again maybe just me but sometimez i just have have to have the real deal the touch the way that cock feelz as it enterz me and how he can make me orgazm. So like last nite my freind my only freind a very ruthless dome i see once a year was on the phone last night and i was being a whiney brat and he said what about that pizza guy WHAT! yeh! the pizza guy order a pizza and bang him and quit whining. It is a small town and he will be eager to relate the conquest and Rorhke sayz that is easy just tell him if he sayz a word he will never get that pussy again. Then he demandz me to do it, Ugh! gezzuz. Ok!. So i hang up order a small pizza and call Rorhke back. tel him pizza is on the way. Yeah! Xmaz even.

So he arrivez I invite him and pay him and then hand him the phone and the k** is like Ok uhuh! hmmm really and so on. so then the k** lookz at me and sayz the guy on the phone sayz if your not naked i am suppose to spank you, WTH! So like the k** is 300lbz which is no big deal i dont care about size or shape or race or color or any of that when it comez to men make me laugh and i am all yourz anyway digressing here. I go to the lving room , my house is really small only 750sqft. The k** follows and sayz your not naked i have to spank you. Ok ok i say and i slip my robe off and the k**z jaw dropz open.

So because i am thin and when i bend over and arch my back and tuck my kneez in a bit my pussy stickz out centimeterz further then my thighz. He sayz you need to get the spatula Oh crap the one I use when i am in second life to spank myself Gezzz, ok i go get it and assume the postion again and holy crap the k** just whackz me with it making sqeel loudly and then sayz he told me to hit you hard cause your bad. Oh Gawd i have a brain surgeon on my handz here. The k** whackz me a few more timez till one my pussy is dripping and two my ass is bright red. the k** sayz the guy on the phone sayz your suppose to suck my cock so i get on my kneez like a good gurl and unzip his pant and holy crap is this k** deformed or what. His cock is as thick as my scrawny arm. I barely get the head of his cock in my mouth and he goes off and liek the good gurl i am I swallow and this k** really needz to back off the junk food his cum was so salty.

So Rorhke the asshole keepz the k** on the phone and the k** sayz i am suppose to fuck you now yes i know i say to myself. The k** is like 6.5" long and like i said as thick as my scrawny arm, So i go to lay down in sofa and spread and he sayz no like that from behind knnez on the edge of sofa and he stopz and is talking on the phone going like Ok yes ok. The k** pointz to the back of the sofa there i think now arch ok i think that it. He getz behind me and startz rubbing his cock up and down my gooey pussy and then stops .. yeah the angle is good i think oh you want me to do what oh ok i can do that for sure.. so like he goes back to the rubbing and then just putz the head in me and I wince sharply holy crap it hurtz and he only got the head in me then he setz the phone down and grabz me by the hipz and just ramz into me I scream like i am being murdered and the k** is unphased by it only pickz up the phone and askz how was that .. oh ok again i see ok.

He pullz back and does it again Gezzuz I yell that freekin hurtz, The guy on the phone sayz you like it like that and to ignor the screaming and any crying, I wont lie yes sometimez i crave that well maybe not quite that level of pain but i do stretch out some and it only takez a few minutez and i start to orgazm yes i am cursed I orgazm way to fast and he keepz pounding me hard and the k** is a machine just doesnt cum again and my tummy musclez are cramping up from orgazming so much and i ask him to cum on my back and he unloadz in me .. the guy on the phone said to cum in you.

I flop on the sofa exhausted and sore then the k** is saying Ok have a great Xmaz and handz me tho phone and he pullz his pantz up askz if i need anything else and leavez, so Rorhke is on the phone how was that and i have to admit i needed that really badly he then said the k** is like 20 and has aspergerz syndrome which i should have guessed all along. Rorhke sayz hope i enjoyed his xmaz prezzie and hangz up. So like at 7am i get a call from work dont forget you have to be here early today for admitting unless of course your busy with pizza Like holy crap how fast does stuff get around a small town.

I get to work and the head nure sayz your BF was here already this morning i am confused and ask what BF well she said that is the best Xmaz gift the k** has ever gotten is all he could talk about said santa answered his letter all ever wanted or has wanted is to know what sex is like. So maybe just maybe there is more to Xmaz and santa then we give credit sometimes liek why did Rorhke call and why did he know about the pizza guy though i only mentioned in passing once and why that Christmas eve, well none the less i felt pretty darned good! for a change but i am still horny so who knows what the new will bring to me or not!

I better get back to work Merry Christmas !
Published by jellybj
7 years ago
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oldbark 7 years ago
You sound real and that is quite a deal!