How I Play in Second Life

So my new BF wanted to see how I play in Second Life. Which is Kool!
I carefully laid out my toyz and special chair i use which is more narrow and a bit higher then a regular chair which makez it easier for me to use my dildoz and type with one hand..lolz..
I logged into Second Life and he did like my avatar I have made there and she is quite sexy and cute. I put allot of effort into make her as sexy as possible to enhance the experience for the man/player i am with at the time.
I went to a couple of placez that are good for hooking up and met one guy there and we went back to my place and started to play.
What I try to do is make the whole thing as real for me as I can so if for example the player spankz my avatar I in turn use a spatula to smack my butt in real life and so on.
MY BF sat back and watched me get into it. So when the guy got to the point of having sex with me that is when i stick a dildo to the chair and i have many dildoz even onez that have a squeeze pump so you can pump fake cum into you as he cumz to enhance the experience.
So as we go into sex in the game my BF was laughing hysterically at what I was doing but understood now why my butt and legz are in such great shape from riding my dildo the way I do is one heck of a work out.
I did meet a guy from here in SL but the demandz he placed on me were not such that it was something I was willing to do for just him. I found his intent to be very selfish in design. I know and appriciate that there are those who willlive as it is said a Seond Life in that world but for me i have a Real Life Boy freind who i love and would not do anything that would that situation in jeprody. In the game I was able to block the person.
I have alwayz gone to Second Life to get my sexual needz taken care of when I was single and the oplace is great for learning new thingz other then just for sex.

My boy friend has now come up with some interesting ideaz for when in game instead of me doing thingz to myself he will do what is being done to my avatar inworld which soundz like great fun.
Published by jellybj
7 years ago
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