Old house exploring

. The plan was to go visit the old house again the following Sunday but due to harvest that plan had changed to the following Sunday. I had talked to Benny Friday as I always do and he was really cranky and told me not to come to farm. I was set do thingz around my place when Biggy showed up early Saturday morning. We were on the road by 7 and did not get out of town very far before Biggy had me on my knees sucking his cock while he drove. He would get close to unloading and have me stop then when calmed down would have me suck his cock some more. My jaw was getting sore from sucking his cock so much he finally unloaded feeding me a huge load of awesome cum for breakfast.

We arrived shortly after 8:30 and had some coffee and headed into the house it was dark and eerie inside. We ended up not long after entering the house in the same room of torture but there had been changes the room had been cleaned up and there was a table set with allot of different tools of torture set out neatly and the bed was gone and there was ropes laid on floor and what I thought was a closet before was actually a small room more like a cell with a cot in it. As before I did have a change of cloths in the mini van and good thing to because Biggy grabbed my shirt and tore it off me. Then pulled my shorts off me and took my sockz and shoez. I had to be completely naked. He pushed me into the room and closed the door as I Begged him not to do this to me. I was quick to find there was no door knob in the inside and no window to escape from.
I was in the room for what seemed to be a long time when Rick came in with a hood thing he pull my hair through the hole in the back and pulled it over my head covering my eyes completely but leaving my nose and mouth exposed. He lead me out of the room and I felt him putting the rope on me my arm pulled together above my head and then my legs spread wide uncomfortably wide. I tried to plead with him not to do anything to my but told me to shut up or he would gag me and he wanted to hear me scream. I was already in tears. Rick said that there are thingz he needed to do to me and that he would never get another opportunity like this again and he was going to take his time to enjoy it all.

I could hear other voices in the room so we were not alone and apparently had several observers. Rick and I assume it was Rick held something to my nose and I could smell the old leather then he dragged it over my body and around my body through the crack of my butt and between my lips and across my clit the sensation sent shiverz through my body. Rick then said I am going to use this on you to begin and you are going to say thank you master after every stroke and I murmured a yes Master.
Rick then addressed the room saying I am Master Rick and this bitch represents every bitch that has ever dome us wrong and she will pay for that he then started with my back hitting me very hard with the strap making me yelp at first and me saying thank you master then my inner thighs very tender spots to be whipped I was blubbering in tears and still saying thank you master then my butt. He whipped me so many time on the butt I was screaming and saying thank you master. He told his audience how I dreamed of hearing a bitch scream in the pain they deserved.

I mumbled that I needed to pee and my hands were released and I was told to squat which I was harder then one would think with your legz spread painfully wide a deep voice asking if Rick was going to make me drink it and Rick stated no but perhaps get the bitch to bath with it later followed by the urine would be good for sterilizing the wounds later. Oh god I was so scared.
Something was placed in a nipple and I could feel the vacuum and it pulled on my nipple then the other one then my boob was pulled out ward and I winced sharply as something pierced my skin on my boob and then out the other side then he did my boob and then I could feel my boobz being stretched out ward and up making me moan and groan loudly in pain as he did so. I felt more vacuum being applied to my nipplez. Rick then told me to open my mouth and I did and he grabbed my tongue with a plier or something pulling out and stretching it I felt the pain as he pushed something through my tongue then released the plier and I could not pull my tongue back into my mouth. I felt his hand on y pussy and he said don’t worry bitch we will be getting to your pussy soon enough just having some fun with those small tits first and laughed loudly. He went back to using the strap on my butt and tummy making me scream again.
Rick then carefully removed the needled from my boobs and one voice commented on good the blood looked ozzing out as the needles were removed. Then everyone left the room for a time I know not how long and then returned. I felt allot of sharp pins maybe on the tender underside of my boobz and then on the top and at first it was bearable but as it was tightened onto my boobz the pain became unbearable quickly making me scream and beg for it to stop but he did not. The thing was removed and Rick aid he would clean my boobz with alcohol and the burning sensation was extreme to say the least. Then the pressure of being stretched was removed but I could feel my boobz swelling regardless. A voice asked when are going to get to use this bitch and Rick said very soon. My hands were released and then my ankles and I was then taken back to the room and pushed onto the bed. Cock after cock came in and did me as hard and rough as they could in all positions possible.

There was a break when Rick came in and said we need to feed you and handed me a glass and told me to drink it and I could tell from the smell it was cum and allot of it but it filled me up. Rick then had me lay over some pillows as he straddle me and pushed into my pussy saying it was just right not tight but not loose either just right so I can enjoy you and he slowly did me making me finally orgasm s he unloaded in me saying then next time you feel a cock in you bitch you are going to scream like never before. He pulled me from the room and and I was laid down on the floor and my legz pulled painfully wide apart and ankles were fixed to something and then I felt myself being hoisted up then my arms pulled apart and secured as well.

Rick then said we need to cleanse the bitch before begin and he pushed something into me and OH My GOD! Did it ever burn. I don’t know what he used but it was extreme. Rick then addressed who ever was in the room saying these are called pears of anguish and were used in midevil times to stretch the vagina and anus on bitchez. He went to explain how they work by turning the threaded knod it cause the lefts to open up as I felt one being pushed into my butt and then another into my pussy and then he started to turn the knobz as I felt it slowly stretching me only to stop and place more vacuum on my nipplez. The discomfort was manageable at first but did not take long before I was screaming in agony. One voice commented saying he would be able to fauk this bitch for an hour after being stretched out like that but then best was yet to come as Rick mentioned.

The pears were left in me for some time and I was in agony the whole time. It was such a relief when they were removed and then Rick said now this is the good one since this bitch has never given birth her cervix is quite tight and we need to correct that so we can push our cock into her womb and breed he suitabley deep for proper breeding laughing again. I have experience such a device before and felt the very small bulb in the end find my cervix and me in tears and begging him not he still pushed it in slowly very slowly as it stretched me open and not having been used like that for some time my cervix had tightened up again as it is meant to do. I was screaming in pain once again a voice saying how much they liked how I could scream was pure music to the earz. He pushed it in more really opening me up and them left it in me for a time before asking who would like to be first to experience a cervix fauk. A voice answered I will be first and I was turned into a flat position and I felt the cock enter me and find my cervix pushing easily into my depths the voice saying how my cervix wrapped around his cock nicely and he was going to fill my womb with cum and I orgazmed as he unloaded so deep into me. In all 4 cock would enter my cervix and fill me deep though my cervix was so stretched it did no close as to hold the seed in me. I orgazmed each time one would cum in me that deep. I was in extreme pain and ecstasy at the same time. I was then turned upside down again. Rick went on to explain how to tighten a stretched pussy up again.

Rick dragged the strap between my legz before commencing to whip my pussy mercilessly I was screaming so much I started to loose my voice. One voice commented on how my foldz were swelling up and all bitchez needed this treatment Rick then asked who would be first to try me now and it would be the same as last time a cock was forcefully pushed into me the voice saying how tight I had gotten and he pushed into my cervix as well filling me and making me orgasm once again then I was whipped some more and another cock would enter me and fill me deep over and over.

After the last cock was done with me Rick said lets play game I have here is a hand crafted woven leather dildo and lets see who can ram it into her the hardest he then run the dildo over my cheek so I could feel how rough it was. The first to ram it into did so hard that it knocked the wind from me for a moment the all took turnz ramming the dildo into me the rough leather scratching the inner walls of my vagina, one voice jokingly said the bitch must be a virgin her cunny is started to bleed and laughed loudly. I could tell who ever was there was getting fair drunk and I could smell the booze to.

I was turned upside down again and I felt something being pushed into my pussy and it was a speculum to open me up and a voice said what is that and Rick drunkenly responded Hot sauce. Rick poured the hot sauce into me and removed the speculum quickly and OH My GOD the burning was painful I was screaming and screaming or trying to. Everyone in the room was laughing. I was left in agony again for some time before Rick said we need to douche the bitch out again and he said he had more alcohol and that was equal to the hot sauce. He then brutally whipped my pussy and butt again before releasing me and dragging me by the hair to the room again. This time he had my hands secured behind my back as he tossed me onto the bed.

Drunk came into the room and laid down beside me trying to kiss me and I resisted he then yelled at me to kiss him and I did and as soon as I had my tongue in his mouth he bit down hard onto it almost trying to bite my tongue off and then he roughly pushed into me OH my GOD the pain was more then I could bare trying to scream as he roughly pounded my pussy and he did it for a long time the cum burning as he unloaded in me but my body betrayed me and I orgazmed. He got off me and yelled the bitch needz to be douched again and the alcohol burned to the extreme they did me like this for hours before everyone had their turn on me. I finally passed out.
I was awaken from the extreme pain I felt as a cock entered me the voice said put your arms around me and some one had released my hands during the time I was passed out and I put my arms around him he then demanded I kiss him and I was hesitant but did and he kissed me passionately and the voice said now tell me how good my cock feelz in you and I was groaning in pain and stared to telling how his cock felt better then any other. I couldn’t smell booze or taste it either this was some one new. I orgazmed when he unloaded in me. He kept his cock in me as he rolled me on my side asking why I still had those thingz on my nipples and I said I dare not take them off as master Rick is the only one to do that and he asked why I still had that hood on and I gave the same response. He then said you know you are so beautiful with all these welts on your body and your pussy is the tightest he had ever been in. I was so tight I kept his cock hard and he slowly and painfully worked it in me. Rick came in the room and said hurry up and finish with her we don’t have much time before Biggy be here to take the bitch home. The guy painfully did me and unloaded in me again making me orgasm and seemed proud of himself for making me orgasm.

I was in so much pain I couldn’t stand I was hoisted up mu arms held behind my back and my head pulled back and Rick used an cane on my boobz hitting my swollen nipplez several times before finishing with me. Biggy came into the room as I lay on the floor Rick then said one more thing before you get to take the bitch home he selected a large syringe filled with cum and then had Biggy pick me bend me over and Rick inserted the tip into my cervix and pushed all that cum into my womb I was so sore it really hurt as I felt my stretching from all that cum and my cervix so abused it had tightened up so that none of the seed would come out. Biggy picked me up tiossed me over his shoulder and carried me out to the mini van saying how he regretted not being to stick around to be part of the fun. Rick said we will do again I talked to some guy named Benny and said I would be sending a vid of everything that was done to his meat laughing allot.
Biggy paid me in the back of the mini van I just moaned and groaned in pain all the way home and Biggy had to carry me into the house when we got to my place.
Published by jellybj
5 months ago
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