View it at As it is not easy for me to upload video onto xhamster. Please view it from the above link . The moment you click on the link, xhamster will go to a Warning Page. There are 2 options below it. Cancel or Proceed. Click on Proceed. Read more
Closing this account
Dear mutual fellow friends and fans, As the producer speculated 2-3 years ago. That the dreaded time has arrived and this is to terminate/closing our 'Hahadadada" account in xhamster. The govt and it's agencies are coming down hard on porn . The police installed a sort of Cyber and Sex sites Monitoring System that is able to locate users & IP address surfing banned sites ( which is porn). It is an extremely good system which is hard to beat. xhamster is included in the banned list. It is able to track down to what sort of upload , downloading and the time spend in this banned site. All th Read more
Suggested ways for xhamster to deal with spammers.
1- New Registered user/s must wait 2 days in order to make comments . Same as xhamster made many of us to wait 48 hours for a video to appear. 2- Limit the number of comments/private message that a new user can post. (maybe base on the number of days registered) 3- Black list their PC/computer ID (each computer have unique ID which cannot be duplicated or falsified) once they are confirmed as spammers This way, they cannot use the same computer to register again with a fresh user name. It works and cannot be hidden by V.P.N. 4-A more subtle way is to make their "message" or cert Read more
Porn as an Potent Remedy
SEX materials , Porn as part of Medication Porn is truly understated and under represented. There are researchers out there claiming porn is immoral thus damage society. Especially the teens. Well, teenagers are teens. They are retarded. It is a fact. No need researchers to do a data on that. Their hormone levels surges and this explains why many teens cannot think straight. Hell, if they can fuck their pet hamster or a camel They might just do it. Out of curiosity. Just wait until their hormonal level stabilizes. By then maybe they know what is safe sex & responsibility. Read more
Merry Xmas and a Happy Cock Year
This one(video) , we decided to share with all viewers. Wishes you all Merry Peaceful Christmas and a Very Happy Year of the Cock. 2017 will be the year of the Cock as per Chinese Lunar Zodiac sign. of course one may change it to the year of the Hen , Chicken ,Cockerel,Tukey or whatever birds that make you happy. Same video is uploaded onto this xhamster but i suspect the soundtrack may not be synchronize. For the year 2017, the producer of "hahadadada" wishes that users of xhamster to make their own original videos instead of copying from another sites. Happy Nude Year and Happy Read more
Be Aware of Scam/s
This is a special Public Service announcement . *"hahadadada" is the first ever in xhamster making Public Service.(reader's may counter claim) We are also the first in Xhamster to feature a Durian Video. (That stinky delicious fruit) The first in xhamster doing a video with music played by another xhamster user namely NED75. I notices nobody else doing this. Credits to the respective news agency. Here it goes, Be cautious of requests to remit or transfer money to people acquainted online or people you do not know well enough. The criminal can spend months building rappor Read more
Sh*t happens unexpectedly
What a fine morning and what a fine day. Happily toying (with the laptop , not the pussy)around with various softwares/programs or do you call it as "apps"? And a fooking sh*t happened. Not sure if the producer mind is empty and plain ole blur. I deleted and confirmed a deletion of my own video editing software. I thought that i was updating the program. How in this world did it happened., i can't really answer Was thinking of something else and finger is too fast with the mouse. I think that what happened. ..blink of eye and it was gone gone gone. Now have to use a "Free Trial Ve Read more
The Scientific Reasons Why You Should Just Always
Please refer to the provided website / link to read - Article belongs to the website. Rights and copyrights credits to the "" Written in English Language Thank you. Read more
How To Make A Video.( An Idiot guide)
1- Get a Video Camera/ Camera with Video Function/Mobilephone with video camera function. 2- Check the video specs of the camera .The minimum standard now is 720HD 3- Go and video record something. 4- Does your camera comes with "Steady-shot/ Video Stabilizer? If YES, switch it ON. 5- If you don't like what you have just recorded , please do not upload to this site. It is annoying. 6- Try NOT to take closeup videos too often , use long shot/wide. End of lesson 1 Lesson 2.. Understand that making porn(adults film) is not the same as making a full feature movie. Watchi Read more
Genre of our "Hahadadada" videos
I would ask myself this. After releasing/uploading more than 80 videos. Just exactly what type of genre/category are we in. Is it about flashing no panties? As outdoor nudist? In-door dancing ? Music Videos ? Other than the usual sex scenes on the bed of course. Sex on the bed no need to explain further. yeah, we are not into Anal , BDSM ,Piercing ,sca tting. What type of genre/category are we in. Or rather, getting into. I know that we here like to make short videos. And videos of ours are NOT suited for Facebook. Videos that have soundtracks. And because of soundtracks (music) , Read more
Almost Had It / Almost Caught
Now, the scenario might have been different in Western society. In Western society where the people are much more open minded Am sure the people in Sweden, Germany , Russia and many more places. The people and their society will just smile , give a thumbs up finger sign or just pretend not to see a thing. The most will just frown. Not angry but just a frown and walks away. However, it is just not the same doing "flashing" in public with the South East Asian people. They sure love to view porn but hidden. They sure love to have sex but hidden. They sure love to peep and peek but pr Read more
Govt blockade.
What a nuisance. Encountered more than 2 dozen time for the past 4 months We are unable to access the Xhamster page regularly. The message on our side is either the standard "Page Not Found" from the browser. And/Or the govt notice that says " This Site is not accessible due to national law" The blockade is getting more "severe" . meaning- when i am able to access xhamster , it might be cut off just like that by the next minute. However, the govt is still not able to completely block me out. As i am an old hand in IT industry. ( well, i was a sort of jack of all trades) C Read more
Are the videos of "HAHADADADA" preplanne
Good day , Are the videos of "HAHADADADA" preplanned? Now, all of our videos are without planning or with preparation. Perhaps the only type of preparations are to charge up the battery , double check the camera's memory card and a bottle of drinking water. ( not forgetting having a few bucks/ a few quids in the wallet) However, we do have a few wheres we revisited the same place/same spot in the cases of outdoor . It is all about my girl friend willingness to expose a little bit while i am using the video camera and in many instances i am using the mobilephone with built-in camera.( Read more
Limited to Friends Only
Effective immediately, all our new materials / productions are not for Public access viewing All new materials / productions from us are set for Friends Access Only. Meaning , those who are in our "friend" list shall be able to view. Our reasons. 1-We uses Soundtracks , this will eventually attracts the attention of license holders and music companies . 2-It is okay if there are other websites affiliated with Xhamster to feature our works. Xhamster and their "friendly" Porn search engines are sharing servers.( or search engine pool) And that they depends on each other to pulls in vi Read more
Friend Invitation & Approval
This is quite subjective. We turned away a substantial invites. There are regular user invites, premium user invites and proven user(certified) invites. Nah, it's not about using a penis as Avatar. That is not an issue. Whatever as an avatar or as profile photo is not an issue. These below are what that counts- Registered for how long and how many 'friends" they are having. Amount of selfmade materials (be it in video or still images) Number of comments versus number of registered days. Current number of friends versus number of comments The type of favorites in their account. Read more
With or without panty
We all love to have a peek ( if given the chance , perfect timing and opportunity). People are curious , what is she wearing under her skirt. Am sure nearly all guys and gals have the same mind and notion. It is not a dirty act or corrupted thinking to know what is under the skirt. It is about curiosity and the way our brain works. Our eyes give out the optical signal to our brain . And our brain uses the data to think and make decision . And the decision is always " Hey, what is she wearing under that short skirt of hers." The brain will naturally let you know " That is a nice short Read more
Best Video Produced
Was asked which is the best video that we had made so far. Was it "Let's Go Shopping" , was it this title or that title. There is no real and direct answer to that. As each time my girl friend poses for my camera and each time that i sit down to do video editing and during each of the time , it felt like making the best video. That is probably the fun when doing own materials. Since i am just a beginner with a basic home editing software with my trusty old laptop which still runs the XP os. Each time i do a movie, it just felt marvelous. A sense of achievement . As in doing a Read more
Racist Comment/s
When it comes to receiving a comment , i am sure we all look forward to getting one. Especially to genuine uploaders/ users like myself and real people in here. It is okay even when the comment is just a one worded comment. Example- Good / Sexy / Nice As we are not expecting everyone to string up long sentences. Not everyone is good in composing words or fluent in the English language for that matter. Those who want to write in their native language other than in English is okay with us. Google Translate is able to translate . It might not gives out a perfect translation. But it work Read more
Video in Open vs Video for Friends
Now , i did an experiment in here. One of my uploaded active status video is titled as Upskirt From The Stairs Part2 which could be found here >>> This particular video is sort of "LOCKED" and it is only accessible to those listed as Friend. Meaning, only Friends will be able to see. The number of "Friend" is at 82 The number of viewers for that video is 35 . But i viewed the video 4 times. Therefore the correct number of Friends who actually viewed is 35 - 4 ( as i viewed it 4 tim Read more
Invites , Invites and Invites
Day in and day out, there are "invites". Yes, that is the situation however. We are looking for quality friend as friends on our list. The type who shares the same passion or desire in making their own photo albums and home made videos. We do know that not all are into making their own material. As some are without their partner , some are without camera and of course some might be living in isolated places where the only female nearest to them is a penguin , whale ...or walrus. As they may be working for science labs on the North pole or the South pole. I do know that astronauts livi Read more