Unknown Victorian Erotic-Pornographic Literature

Favorite Unknown Victorian Erotic-Pornographic Literary Masterpieces At the beginning of my student years in 1965, I 've discovered and appreciated two relatively unknown printed masterpieces of erotic and pornographic literature of the 19 th centuy, which have accompanied me all my life long. I discovered the two books some days ago on the internet and I am glad to share the magnificent works with you: The Pearl, a magazine of facetiae and voluptuous reading was a monthly pornographic magazine issued for 18 months in London by William Lazenby from July 1879 to December 188… Read more

Posted by egines 11 years ago 13

Fake profiles on xHamster

Camouflage and deceiving is at the height of fashion of many users of xH - some integre and clean users have compiled a list with fake profiles or give tips to check profiles. It is worthwhile to take a look at (in alphabetical order): http://xhamster.com/user/cireman/posts/96499.html http://xhamster.com/user/DeepThroatDealer/posts/121459.html http://xhamster.com/user/Furie/posts/59026.html http://xhamster.com/user/justforpornhere/posts/142226.html http://xhamster.com/user/tonywall/posts/68195.html My friend Waingro ("The Donkey Slayer") is specialized to detect and discover and pub… Read more

Posted by egines 11 years ago 6

My 2nd Anniversary on xHamster

To my second anniversary day on xH, I got many congratulations for which I am grateful. I was particularly excited about two galleries devoted to me on this occasion by my friend hk55: http://xhamster.com/user/hk55/posts/176284.html http://xhamster.com/user/hk55/posts/176360.html and WALKINGWITHYOU: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/1817952/happy_birthday_egi.html I am overwhelmed and delighted!… Read more

Posted by egines 11 years ago 5

Alice in Wonderland XXX

Alice in Wonderland XXX A few days ago I watched on TV "Alice in Wonderland" directed by Tim Burton, written by Linda Woolverton, and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film stars Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway. The film is based on an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_%282010_film%29 I knew that there is a porn musical from this c***dren's classic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_%281976_film%29 which I had watched a long time ago in cinema and rem… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 15

Indian Kamasutra

An expert report on the cultural and historical background of the Indian "Kamasutra" and an excellent summary of the content: http://xhamster.com/user/Mikebasil/posts/130612.html If you are interested for this matter and have enough time, you can read the original text of the Kama Sutra with this link: http://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/kama/index.htm A similar work in Arabic language and from the Arabian cultural area is "The Perfumed Garden" written by Shaykh Nefwazi and translated by Sir Richard Burton: http://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/gaRead more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 2

Fonctions et Tâches à xHamster

1. L'équipe de xHamster 1.1 Le chef de l' xH c'est le Boss. Il peut être contacté à cette adresse: http://xhamster.com/user/xhamster 1.2 Le modérateur du site, le chef du Programming Staff et du Technical Staff et des Reviewers c'est Capoxhamster, ci-après abrégé en Capo. Le Capo pocesse comme tous les autres membres inscrits à xH un propre profil, et il est accessible via PM ou commentaire: http://xhamster.com/user/capoxhamster Les fonctions des capos comprennent: - Coordination des tâches et l'ensemble du workflow de léquipe de xH -… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 3

Functions and Tasks at xHamster

1. The team of xHamster 1.1 At the top of xH is the Boss. He can be reached at this address: http://xhamster.com/user/xhamster 1.2 The site moderator, chief of the Programming and Technical Staff and head of the reviewers is Capoxhamster, hereafter called Capo. The Capo has a own profile, like all other registered users , and can be reached via PM or comment: http://xhamster.com/user/capoxhamster The duties of the Capo include: - Coordination of tasks and the entire working process of the teams xH - To define and to change rules… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 6

Funktionen und Aufgabenverteilung bei xHamster

1. Das Team von xHamster 1.1 An der Spitze von xH steht der Boss. Er ist über diese Adresse erreichbar: http://xhamster.com/user/xhamster 1.2 Der Seitenmoderator, Chef der Programming Staff und Technical Staff und der Reviewer ist Capoxhamster, im folgenden kurz Capo genannt. Der Capo hat wie alle übrigen eingetragenen Mitglieder von xH ein eigenes Profil und ist dort per PM oder Comment erreichbar: http://xhamster.com/user/capoxhamster Zu den Aufgaben des Capos gehören unter anderem: - Koordination der Aufgabenverteilung und des gesam… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 2

Mes Avis pour Posting à xH

S'il vous plaît excusez mon français non averti - la dernière fois que j'ai traduit d'un texte long et difficile en français s'établit à 50 ans à baccalauréat! 1: Choisissez un Username normal et ne pas être des caractères spéciaux tels que _a1__b2_ . Ce nom est bien acceptée comme votre Username, mais peut-être il ya des problèmes avec Copy-and-Paste dus à la autrement interdite connexion "sous-lignes" ___ ,si vous voulez insérer ce nom _a1__b2_ ailleurs, par example dans le titre ou dans la description d'une galerie. 2: Le titre(Title) d'u… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 2

My Tips as an User for Posting at xH

An update of this blog follows in July - there will be lots of new informations. 1: Choose a regular Username and no one with special characters such as _a1__b2_ The name will be still accepted as your Username, but problems occur due to the otherwise forbidden connecting "sub-lines" ___ when this Username _a1__b2_ is inserted elsewhere using the copy and paste function. 2: The title / headline of a gallery can be up to 60 characters long. 3: The description can be up to 200 characters long. 4: For both title and des… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 10

Meine Tipps als User für die Nutzung von xH

1: Wähle dir einen normalen Usernamen und keinen mit Sonderzeichen wie beispielsweise _a1__b2_ Der Name wird zwar als Username akzeptiert, aber Probleme können aufgrund der sonst verbotenen verbindenden "Unterzeilen" ___ auftreten, wenn der Username _a1__b2_ an einer anderen Stelle per Copy and Paste eingefügt wird. 2: Die Titelzeile/Überschrift einer Galerie darf maximal 60 Zeichen lang sein. 3: Die Beschreibung darf maximal 200 Zeichen lang sein. 4: Sowohl für Titel als auch Beschreibung gibt es Taboo-Begriffe, die ein… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 13

Conseils d´un Reviewer pour Uploader

En raison de mon blog "Hamster against Piggy" j'ai recu du Reviewer-couple WPBCpl le lien a leurs instructions tres detaillees pour uploader, que je voudrais transmettre a tous les autres utilisateurs sur mon site. Les instructions sont ecrites en anglais et en allemand et en francais et donc comprises par la plupart des utilisateurs. Voici le lien: http://xhamster.com/user/WPBCpl/posts/97737.html S'il vous plait faites defiler la page - il ya la traduction en allemand et en francais. Merci a WPBCpl - c`est quelque chose que j'ai ete malheureusement manque dans xH! Adden… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 1

Tips of a Reviewer for Uploaders

Due to my blog "Hamster against Piggy" I received from Reviever-couple WPBCpl the link to their highly detailed instructions to uploaders at xH, which I would like to pass on to all other users on my site. The instructions are written in English and in German and in French and therefore can be understood by most users. Here is the link: http://xhamster.com/user/WPBCpl/posts/97737.html Please scroll down the page - there you will find the German and French translation. Thanks to WPBCpl - that´s something I've been sadly missed in xH! Addendum on 15/05/2012 Reviewer WPB… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 6

Tipps eines Reviewers für Uploader

Auf Grund meines Blogs "Hamster against Piggy" erhielt ich vom Reviewer-Paar WPBCpl den Link zu ihrer sehr ausfuehrlichen Anleitung fuer Uploader zugeschickt, den ich an alle anderen User auf meiner Seite weitergeben moechte. Die Anleitung ist sowohl in deutscher als auch in englischer und franzoesischer Sprache geschrieben und deshalb fuer die meisten User verstaendlich. Hier ist der Link: http://xhamster.com/user/WPBCpl/posts/97737.html Bitte die Seite nach unten scrollen - dort stehen die deutsche und franzoesische Uebersetzung. Mein Dank an WPBCpl - so etwas habe ich bis… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 1

Hamster against Piggy - New insensitive Censorship

My friend Ingres drew an Easter cartoon titled "The diligent marten", which he had dedicated to all users at xH and especially to his friends. I, egines, am one of these friends. Picture description: In the cartoon Ingres (fully clothed) could be seen in his garden. He had hidden a lot of Easter eggs for his boyfriend Jossy (fully clothed). Jossy searched in vain for the eggs. A marten (nude) had eaten it before. The marten sleeps with filled belly hidden behind a bush. (I hope, I can post a pic of the cartoon soon in this blog) First Posting in the… Read more

Posted by egines 12 years ago 14

Meine bewaffneten Hamster - Protest gegen Zensur

Meine Tintoretto-Galerie http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/899779/painted_ero_and_porn_art_21_jacopo_tintoretto.html stand mehrere Tage "Under Moderation" bevor sie unverändert online ging. Später wurden in dieser Galerie von xH zwei Bilder gelöscht: 1x U******e (das bedeutet sinngemäß Nicht-Erwachsen - der Originalbegriff, den xH als Grund für das Löschen angab und den ich unverändert in meinem englischen Blog übernahm, wurde von xH zensiert!!! LOL ) und dies bezogen auf ein Bild, in dem u.a. auch kleine nackte geflügelte Engelchen zu sehen waren und zweitens 1x Copyright ( Tintoretto sta… Read more

Posted by egines 13 years ago 7

My Armed Hamsters - A Protest against Censorship!

My Tintoretto-gallery http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/899779/painted_ero_and_porn_art_21_jacopo_tintoretto.html was several days "Under Moderation" before going online. Then later on in this gal two images had been deleted by xH: 1x U******e (=meaning non-adult - the originate term used by xH as reason for deleting the pic and used by me too was censored in this blog by xH anothertime!!! LOL ) related to a painting with enclosed little naked angels with wings, 1x Copyright (Tintoretto died in 1594 - because this there is of course no copyright, if there ever had been one!). Against thi… Read more

Posted by egines 13 years ago 15

How to integrate a Flag Counter in your Profile

Bei meinem Freund rbr1965 http://xhamster.com/user/rbr1965#comments_block fand ich diesen Hinweis: " Hier gibt es Informationen zum installieren des "Flag Counters" / Here you find information to install the "Flag Counter": http://xhamster.com/user/zeus4096/posts/30992.html The webside: www.flagcounter.com Bitte nicht vergessen, ein "Danke Schön" an Zeus4096" zu senden / Don´t forget to say "Thank you" to Zeus4096 : http://xhamster.com/user/zeus4096 "… Read more

Posted by egines 13 years ago

How to add Pictures to your About Me

My friend xXxPoistxXx writes in his blog this excellent guide that I would like to pass on with his permission, because the short description of xHamster is incomprehensible for a lot of members and I had been asked too how to add pics in the About Me: "How to add pictures to your about me: (I have been asked this several times now) Step 1: Either upload or locate somewhere (publicly available - can be here @ xham, google, flicker, facebook .... whatever really just not behind a password/login) on the internet the picture you intend to use (NB: the appropriate width for about me pictures… Read more

Posted by egines 13 years ago 11

Erotic Art

EROTIC ART (Excerpt from WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia) Erotic art covers any artistic work that is intended to evoke erotic arousal or that depicts scenes of love-making. It includes paintings, engravings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, music and writing. Definition Defining erotic art is difficult since perceptions of both what is erotic and what is art fluctuate. A sculpture of a phallus in some African cultures may be considered a traditional symbol of potency though not overtly erotic. In addition, a distinction is often made between erotic art and… Read more

Posted by egines 13 years ago