How to add Pictures to your About Me
My friend xXxPoistxXx writes in his blog this excellent guide that I would like to pass on with his permission, because the short description of xHamster is incomprehensible for a lot of members and I had been asked too how to add pics in the About Me:
"How to add pictures to your about me: (I have been asked this several times now)
Step 1: Either upload or locate somewhere (publicly available - can be here @ xham, google, flicker, facebook .... whatever really just not behind a password/login) on the internet the picture you intend to use (NB: the appropriate width for about me pictures is approximately 390 pixels, any wider and the right edge will be cropped;) (NB2: some sites don't work all that well for this purpose such as Imgur - not sure why).
Step 2: Right click on said picture as select 'copy image location'
Step 3: Open 'Edit Profile' from within xHamster, scroll down to where you edit your about me, place the mouse cursor at the position amoungst the text where you want the picture to be located, then click the 'image' button just above the editing plane. (this will put [image*][/image] (without the star)where your mouse cursor was and automatically move your cursor between them)
Step 4: Paste (a couple of options - I suggest the always simple 'ctrl-V' but edit->paste or rightclick->paste work equally well)
Step 5: At the bottom of the page click the button 'Update Profile'
Step 6: Check it worked - if not ask me.
NB: there are other ways to do some of these steps but this is the easiest to understand way IMO."
"How to add pictures to your about me: (I have been asked this several times now)
Step 1: Either upload or locate somewhere (publicly available - can be here @ xham, google, flicker, facebook .... whatever really just not behind a password/login) on the internet the picture you intend to use (NB: the appropriate width for about me pictures is approximately 390 pixels, any wider and the right edge will be cropped;) (NB2: some sites don't work all that well for this purpose such as Imgur - not sure why).
Step 2: Right click on said picture as select 'copy image location'
Step 3: Open 'Edit Profile' from within xHamster, scroll down to where you edit your about me, place the mouse cursor at the position amoungst the text where you want the picture to be located, then click the 'image' button just above the editing plane. (this will put [image*][/image] (without the star)where your mouse cursor was and automatically move your cursor between them)
Step 4: Paste (a couple of options - I suggest the always simple 'ctrl-V' but edit->paste or rightclick->paste work equally well)
Step 5: At the bottom of the page click the button 'Update Profile'
Step 6: Check it worked - if not ask me.
NB: there are other ways to do some of these steps but this is the easiest to understand way IMO."
13 years ago
I'll try this
Cheers Joe
I hope Engine lives now a better life
Thank you.