Tips of a Reviewer for Uploaders
Due to my blog "Hamster against Piggy" I received from Reviever-couple WPBCpl the link to their highly detailed instructions to uploaders at xH, which I would like to pass on to all other users on my site.
The instructions are written in English and in German and in French and therefore can be understood by most users.
Here is the link:
Please scroll down the page - there you will find the German and French translation.
Thanks to WPBCpl - that´s something I've been sadly missed in xH!
Addendum on 15/05/2012
Reviewer WPBCpl has closed his account - "Retired" and therefore the above link does no longer functions.
Generously another reviewer, my friend ottomarweishaupt wrote a comment to my German Blog "Tipps eines Reviewers für Uploader" in German language in which he summarized the no longer accessible version of Dan = WPBCpl and supplemented it with many details.
Addentum on 18/05/2012
The translation in English is done bei ottomarweishaupt in form of a comment.His comment will be translated soon in French.
The instructions are written in English and in German and in French and therefore can be understood by most users.
Here is the link:
Please scroll down the page - there you will find the German and French translation.
Thanks to WPBCpl - that´s something I've been sadly missed in xH!
Addendum on 15/05/2012
Reviewer WPBCpl has closed his account - "Retired" and therefore the above link does no longer functions.
Generously another reviewer, my friend ottomarweishaupt wrote a comment to my German Blog "Tipps eines Reviewers für Uploader" in German language in which he summarized the no longer accessible version of Dan = WPBCpl and supplemented it with many details.
Addentum on 18/05/2012
The translation in English is done bei ottomarweishaupt in form of a comment.His comment will be translated soon in French.
12 years ago
I have rewritten his blog from my memory and added a few details and clarifications.
Welcome to the blog "Tips for photo uploader" . This blog was created to provide answers to some of the most common questions of users who want to know why their images had been deleted from the xHamster Website.
The most common reason for deleting a photo is a visible watermark or copyright symbol or a link to other websites. If one of them is visible to your photo, it will be deleted. Even if you take the time to edit the photo using photoshop to blur the watermark or copyright symbol, it will still be deleted. In exception to this rule it is allowed to have your name or your user name at your picture . In addition, e-mail addresses, artist signatures or the name of the model are ok.. Do not set (c) or (R) or other symbol on the photo X which implies the image is not free and someone else has the rights to it.
Sometimes people like to cover up something in the background by creating a frame around the picture. I think people do this because they fear that their good old mom and dad could recognize the alarm clock on her bedside table she got for her last birthday. Such obfuscation is often done to hide a CR (copyright) and that‘s why such images are often deleted. A blur of a face is okay, because we understand that everyone wants to keep his privacy.
Photos showing children or adults who look like children, will be deleted. It is irrelevant that you think the person it is of legal age. The decisive factor is the opinion of the reviewer. Many users make the mistake of uploading a picture of her naked woman with a photo of their child on the wall in the background. It will be deleted. The same rules apply for people at the beach. Even if your sexy woman is lying naked in a perfect pose at the beach - if a child swims in the background or is building a sand castle, the image will be deleted. This applies even for clothed children whose photos are also forbidden on this website. The same applies to art, such as cartoons with children having sex with a parent or sibling or themes that indicate children. If you're online for looking at children, you must redirect your browser to the Disney website or better log off and seek psychological help. We have zero tolerance in relation to children of any kind on this site.
Peeing and pooping photos are not allowed. This means that a picture of your wife or girlfriend when she squats and pees will simply be deleted if there is a visible puddle under her. No Golden Showers , Alabama Hotpockets, Cleveland Steamer, Boston Pancakes, Hot Carls and also Mushroom Stamps
Remember, the pic will be deleted, if pee or feces are visible in any form.
Dirty laundry will also be deleted regardless whereby it is dirty, whether with urine or feces or encrusted pussy juice. Regardless if you are thinking this is delicious it will always be deleted.
Photos with blood will be deleted too. This means not only no picture of a menstruating woman, but even if it shows blood as a result of violence. This is also valid for fake blood. This is a porn site, not the production site for Saw VII !
Pictures of animals involved in the sexual acts with human beings will be deleted. When your dog named Fluffy or Fido is sitting in front of your bed or on your bed and is watching you fucking your buddy that‘s ok, but if you include your pets in your sexual activities, the image will be deleted. This also happens to drawn pictures of animals involved in sexual acts. If you want to see animals fucking, then go to the zoo. You will not find such photos on xHamster.
Photos showing drugs and drug consumption will be deleted. A naked girl lolling on the bed, while smoking a joint can be attractive, but is against the law in most countries and therefore not allowed at xH.
Any kind of political message at xH is taboo. This is a porn site and not a place for your political views (regardless whether Putin and Obama are mutual sucking their cocks or the cocks of employees or if Michelle Obama is a transvestite). Such images will be deleted generally .
I hope this overview helps to answer the question how to upload your pictures successfully to xHamster. If your photo had been deleted, and none of the above reasons is given in your opinion, please write to me and I will look at your picture and tell you the reason for the deletion.
Thanks for reading this comment and happy hamstering!
Now if only THEY stick to the rules!