Hamster against Piggy - New insensitive Censorship

My friend Ingres drew an Easter cartoon titled "The diligent marten", which he had dedicated to all users at xH and especially to his friends. I, egines, am one of these friends.

Picture description: In the cartoon Ingres (fully clothed) could be seen in his garden. He had hidden a lot of Easter eggs for his boyfriend Jossy (fully clothed). Jossy searched in vain for the eggs. A marten (nude) had eaten it before. The marten sleeps with filled belly hidden behind a bush.

(I hope, I can post a pic of the cartoon soon in this blog)

First Posting in the early morning
Title: Cartoon Easter Surprise - Chris Ingress
Description: My friend Chris devoted this funny cartoon Easter to all users he, especially ton his friends, including me. Thank you, Chris! :-)
Deleted: some hours later. Del. Reason: Copyrighted

Second Posting at early afternoon
Title: Easter Surprise by Ingres - Read Description!
Description: this cartoon Ingres dedicated to his friends, including me. xH had deleted the cartoon after my first posting "copyrighted". This is not an Easter joke! :-(
Deleted: some hours later. Del Reason: u******e

The second posting had been commented by many users and friends. I had been able to save all comments. Make your own meaning about this!

The comments are listed in chronological order. First comment placed first.

Samsonight: Hehehe, gefrässiges Tierchen...
Waingro: Cool:)
ingres: bout the cartoon:
HAPPY EASTER!: this is a lil cartoon about lil a****ls. did u ever have one? a hamster? a rat? a chinchilla? sth. like that? then u will know: in the life of these smaller a****ls there are phases of EXTREME diligence. this view is about such a phase…
ingres: It's Easter so I wanna say THX to all x-hamster-users and to all of my friends, THX, THX, THX, egi!!. Personally i'm a bit the passive one ("just let it happen..."), maybe that's the reason for attracting (or better: being attracted by) some rather strange stories in my life. But what's going on here at x-hamster?? JEZZUUUUZZZZ!!! I'm pretty amused, I'm pretty confused (OOHHH YES, I am), this might be the strangest experience in my life. PUUUHHH! Extremely inspiring, extremely emotional, extremely funny. Sometimes I'm just out of words (and that DOES MEAN sth. ask my mother! she'll confirm that!)
So I hope to create some further stories 4 u in the next weeks and months and I'll try my very best to entertain u a bit with my cartoons, my dear fellows out there in the world. Have a nice Easter Feast 2012, hope to c u here again when Jossy and me 're back from Spain.
egines: Ich möchte die Hamster-Attacke von gestern auf diesen Cartoon selbst kommentieren:
Ein verrückter User hat beim Anblick des Cartoons auf "Report inappropriate photo!" gedrückt und einen Revisor gefunden, der beim Cartoon von Ingres dachte:
1. "Hoppla, ein lebender Künstler, da gibt es doch sicher ein Copyright!" und dann mechanisch auf DELETED/Copyrighted geklickt hat, ohne genau zu schauen oder die Description zu dem Cartoon zu lesen. In der Description stand zu lesen: Ingres hat diesen Cartoon allen Usern und insbesondere seinen Freunden gewidmet, zu denen ich, Egi, gehöre.
2. Der verrückte Reviever hat genau hingeschaut und den Marder gesehen, der die Eier von Ingres gefressen hatte und dachte: Huch, der Marder hat die Eier von Ingres gegessen! Eggeating = Pussyeating und das ist eindeutig Sex zwischen Tieren und Menschen = Tiersex! Leider hat er danach vor Erregung auf den falschen Button geklickt und anstatt b**stially Sex den Button von Copyrighted gedrückt.
3. Der Reviever hat gar nichts gedacht und gestern rein mechnisch alles, was ihm zum Reviewing zugeschickt wurde gelöscht, um seine Quote zu verbessern.
Preisfrage: Was ist am Schlimmsten?
Läßt sich eigentlich nachträglich ermitteln wer der Idiot gewesen ist?
egines: I want to comment on the hamster attack of yesterday on this cartoon myself:
A crazy User clicked "Report inappropriate photo" at the sight of this cartoon and found a Reviever who thought looking at the cartoon by Ingres:
1. "Oops, a living artist, there is surely a copyright!" and then he clicked on mechanically DELETED / Copyrighted, without looking at the pic or reading the description to the cartoon. In the description could be read: Ingres had devoted this cartoon to all users and especially to his friends, one of them I am, Egi.
2. The crazy Reviever had a close look and saw a diligent marton, who had eaten the eggs of Ingres and he thought : Whoa, the marton has been eating the eggs of Ingres! Eggs eating = pussy eating and that is clearly sex between a****ls and humans = a****l sex! Unfortunately, he then clicked in his excitement at the wrong button and pressed at Copyrighted instead at the button for b**stially Sex .
3. The reviever has thought of nothing yesterday and clicked mechanically Deleted/Copyrighted at everything that was sent to him yesterday for Reviewing to imptove his quotes.
Question: What is the worst?
Is it really possible to determine retrospectively, who was this idiot?
trex245: I see that your vote is for more teeth and not longer arms :-)
WALKINGWITHYOU: Excellent my friend
I love your drawing
I enjoy the repartee
Indeed, what reason could push this image to declare unfit for the sight of passers-Hamster: an excess of zeal combined with stupidity...
waingro: LMAO! You obviously have some haters too Egi.....just like ME:) Don`t let it get you down....if people can`t read, it`s not your problem- just laugh at them:) The cartoon is well made and cool:)
xXxPoistxXx: I'm no longer surprised or upset by the 'shit' (sorry to be crass) that happens in the 'politics' of this place, in the war I want to be Sweden - but I have shared your frustration egi, apparently I've even caused some :P (though not to you personally).
This little piece did lead me to Chris's profile which was an interesting distraction though and I want to wish everyone a happy Easter too - especially to you Egi.
xXxPoistxXx: Really, this got screened for u******e - how ridiculous!
egines: The "culprit" had made a confession. My appreciation to for her honesty. :-)
Rock_Bitch to Egi:
that cartoon came to review a few times
i pressed u******ed becouse the boy looks u******ed
and i have to press it
Egi to Rock_Bitch:
Thank you for your honesty. The Piggy removes his hat. There are just fucking rules at xH! :-(
Thank you, despite the unpleasant circumstances ...
egines: By the way, "u******ed" applies to the deleted cartoon at Ingres profile. At my profile I could read for reason: Copyrighted.
Since then, probably several Revievers had been involved ...
Forget it!
teengierin: I don't worry about that stuff any more because all the new stuff on my page, like my travel blog, is totally G-rated. The hamster has defeated me.
mot35: Great toon! And what a mess. I think the mess is caused by all of the below reasons, including laziness (for deletion reasons) by reviewers. Some to look good, some to get their 'load' reduced because of in-action, though i can't see Xham removing a reviewer for any reason other than always letting (or too many) vids that have folks looking u******e. I've seen new vids that is obviously a woman peeing, when it says none allowed. So...what do you do? As Sonny and Cher says...and the beat go's on...(g)

As far the comments.

What do you think about this usensible censorship of the hamster? Please write a comment to it!

Oooops - xH has censored some words in this blog and replaced by it by *****!

I am not very amused about it! :-)

Piggy will never give up the unequal struggle with the Hamsters!

Published by egines
12 years ago
Please or to post comments
mot35 12 years ago
Oh, i'm not saying don't complain!! By all means, carry on!!! Its the only way change is ever made. (g)
mot35 12 years ago
Received some feedback and 'further' thoughts from folks on my post below, and appreciate it. I didn't take a side and won't now. Rules are rules, its their site, and we must follow them. I fully get that (as was pointed out to me) this is a "porn' site and so 'what the fuck' with cesnor lol. I get it. But even some folks who view porn, have 'their' limits and so would complain about it. Again, one mans trash is another mans treasure. When i view vids i look at comments too before i make mine...so have some of you. You loved it but look at the comments...how often have you seen negative ones and made you wonder what the hell their complaint is? Xham is following the laws of the land. What is ok in here, may not be in another country and so on. Need i mention Japanese vids? (g) In some places even looking close to a banned sexual depiction, they may get shut down in that country. My problem, again, is the uneven view of the rules and going overboard with them by some reviewers. Again i point to that vid of mine...what i didn't say is much later i came across the same vid, submitted by two others, a year apart. Exact same scene and length of time. Soooooo? More latitude and consistency is needed here, thats all. Their site, their rules for their reasons. You apply for job, do you then demand changes is the way things are done and your pay? "You" asked to work for them...live with it. Yeah, shit bugs me here...but its free. (g)
westerwald 12 years ago
Bitte alle wieder etwas runterfahren,darüber reden hat doch geholfen!:wink:
mot35 12 years ago
The problem is this...one persons trash is another persons treasure. It holds true in Xham i would think. What one reviewer would see as 'too young' another may not. I saw the toon and didn't think anything of it, and read the comments and wondered what the hell? But thats me. I had a vid rejected for the reason of too young. Went to my hard drive and looked at again, and thought who the hell was it that reviewed it? All the gals looked in early twenty's! Yeah, one looked late teen, but one under age. Again, subjective. Xham should get two people for the pics and two for vids (too keep load light) who can make the determination if any of the folks feel they themselves would delete something that is borderline. After all, if they think those girls in vids i've seen are squirting cum, they have a slanted view of what pee is.
Esiel 12 years ago
The reviewers would have to be more careful and look very good content to avoid situations like this we met, but as always that's the theory.
raudy 12 years ago
Da ist wohl das Laufrad im Hamsterkäfig defekt?
Liebe Leute, das ist lächerlich! Ritalin ins Reviewer-Futter!!!
WPBCpl 12 years ago
I have put together a blog with user tips on how to keep your pictures from being deleted. I also always send a PM to the user that has a pic that I have voted for deletion so that the user knows their picture has been deleted and why.

I hope this helps. I have offered advice to a number of users to make their photos appropriate for the xHamster website. Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you as well.

teengirerin 12 years ago
I think, egines, that you captured the problem pretty good in your comment right below where you said that xH strict rules leave no room for judgment. By the way, you can bypass the xH word censor by posting your blog and seeing what gets censored and then editing those words by placing an underscore in them like this: f_amily
egines Publisher 12 years ago
Important note to Rock_ Bitch

She wrote to me after this blog had been online, she is not the culprit, because she had only evaluated the Ingres cartoon together with other involved reviewers and not even performed the deletion herself. For a deletion always it would be nescessary that several reviewers give their o.k. to the eventual deletion and one of them would delete the pic or vid after the agreement of the other reviewers. She had not been the deleting reviewer.

I didn´t know this until now.

Nevertheless, I am still unhappy with the strict rules of xH, which apparently let no scope to the reviewers for a reasonable and adequate assessment of the situation. :frowning:
Do not give up my friend

you know you'll always have you aec real admirers

small anedocte : a few photos were posted a few days ago under the title of "blonde" : so far nothing too serious. Except that the photos were of pure bestiality unnoticed ... and spent several hours online !

rather than being afraid copyright, so let's actually from the real threats !

Moreover, because of copyright, this site should already be closed, the 4/5th photos and videos are protected by copyright !

short, keep my friend !
Buggster 12 years ago
I am ashamed of what my fellow reviewers often do to this site.
For Gods Sake - it got removed again! What is this place coming to!
waingro 12 years ago
All rise! Fantastic blog Egi! And all rise to the artist Ingres who has made this piece of art. "Reporting" this as "beastiality" or "underage" is simply pathetic. I am beyond words. I can understand your frustration and of course Ingres`. It goes to show that simple minds should simply stay away. If they can`t appreciate true works of art and/or humor, or the lack of ability to read and interpret, we`re better off without them. Keep up the good work Egi- and give my regards to your artist friend for amazing work:smile:
Weinfan 12 years ago
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich alles verstanden habe - aber vielleicht konnte der Zensor ja auch einfach kein Deutsch....
Stupid in jedem Fall!