Ok, it's been a while and I've found more things about porn that piss me off or makes me wonder about the industry. If you agree with me that's great, if not it doesn't matter it's MY blog. 1. Have You Visited Your Local Porn Store Lately? As things currently stand I think most people get their porn from the internet. It's the easiest and quickest way to get up and get off and with most new porn releases often costing upwards of $45 for a single high-quality title it's no wonder why most people come to sites like Xhamster for their quick sexual thrills. Aside from being a place where Read more
More Bitching About Porn's Problems!
Okay, here we go again with some more subjects in porn that pisses me the fuck off. Maybe you'll agree with me, maybe you won't. Here's another 5! 1. Parodies Okay so we loved the shows they're based on, but does every DAMN show need a porn parody of it? This isn't really a new genre as most people might think, porn has been making their takes on Hollywood's best over the years, but now it's gotten out of control. Some of the shows they're spoofing already have so much sex in the real thing is there even a point in making a porn parody of it? They did one on Jerry Springer,( a show Read more
What Pisses Me Off About Porn or Just General Bitc
First of all let me say I love porn in almost all it's forms, sorry puking and shiting on each other isn't porn. There is though a ton of things in porn that have become so standard you might not notice them anymore or you chose to live with it. Some of these things you might agree with some you won't but for me these are 5 things in porn that piss me off. 1. The MILF Craze Okay so I live in Southern California, virtually the birthplace of the MILF, so I know one when I see one. I have no real problem with the genre except it's become a way for so-called retire Read more
What Do The People Want?
Hey everyone this Cumcannon. I'm here to ask one question: "What do you guys and gals want to wank to?" I try to get a little of everything, but the best things I want to put up are too large cause of the vids resolution is too high. And when it's coverted down it loses too much luster in the video. I try to pick the highest quality pics and try to avoid pics that look like they were taken by someone watching a vid or computer screen. I am willing to put up more Tgirl vids and pics and possibly gay pics and vids for those out there who want it. S Read more
Super Lesbians or Guys Posing As Lesbians!
Ok, we've all seen the profiles on here with a hot avatar of a girl that we click on only to see it belongs to a lesbian, even worse, a lesbian with a chip on her shoulder. They put things like "Fuck off men, women only!" or "Girls Club". If you're a lesbian more power to ya, but think about it you're on a site where most of the users are horny guys. What did you think was gonna happen when post a half-naked picture of yourself either just posing or doing something naughty. You're gonna get the same reaction as when you go outside in a top Read more