If youāre dating somebody how long do you wait until you let them meet your k**s? Read more
Is it possible to be friends and hang out with somebody you have feelings for but they're taken? Read more
Random thought/ advice
Random thoughts....... If you have been on my page and read my blogs you would have seen that I have had problems with my sons mom in the past because she wouldnāt let me see my son. And I had to take her to court to get the right to see him. Fast forward about 5 years to 2020. We are on speaking terms and get along a whole lot better now. Even though she still have people in her family and friends including her mom and sister giving me the stank eye when they see my. They speak but I can tell they really donāt care about me because of her lies. Itās cool because I feel the same about them. H Read more
Question about baby momma/dadies
I have a soon to be 3 year old son by another woman but we are no longer together and on the weekend that I have him she checks up on him and I do the same with he is with her. VERY long story short I had to take her to court for just to see my son. my current gf has 2 k**s by her pervious BF he doesn't care about then nor does he check on them to see how they are doing or anything. Her philosophy is if they aren't together then she doesn't want to see them no matter if he is taking care of his k**s or not. Here is where the problem comes into play. she gets mad saying that i shoudn't be text Read more
Question about eating pussy
Me and one of my female friends were having a convo about eating pussy and she was like her ex boyfriend would eat her while she was on her period. She was like she would take a shower and then put a tampon in and he would just lick on her clit to make her cum. I was like thats nasty fuck because you're bleeding. She said that you don't see any blood because the tampon should soak it up. To me thats nasty because one your bleeding. I told her she is nasty for letting him do it and he was/is nasty for doing it. Whats even worse I'm sure he would kiss her after is he done. My question is ladies Read more
Dogging a bullet
wow I dogged a HUGE bullet its time for me to slow down Read more
Taking a brake from xhamster
I think gonna take a brake from x hamster for a while have some things I have to work out. I have meet a some very cool people on here some that i have talked to offline and we have become very good friend. I have some things that I have to fight for and i need to be focused on them. Not gonna lie looking at new vids on here is a nice distraction but now i don't have the time to waste. I hope to be back soon Read more
Question about Dating a young man/woman
There is a 24 year old girl that works at the same plant that I work in. about 4ish weeks a go she came up to talk to me on my job. From a past relationship my ex put our business in the street i don't date at work. over the past 4 weeks we have got to taking and she wanted us to date. My problem is which i told her is that I'm 13 years older then her and I couldn't date a 24 year old she is very cute but i just don't feel right dating a woman that young. When i told her that she got mad saying that both of her ex were in their late 30's and age shouldn't matter. My question is do you think it Read more
ITs a shame the some women are ratchet and psycho
iTS crazy that men have to go to court to get rights to see their k**s just because their k** mom wants to be a stupid Heifer. I shouldn't have to get a lawyer and roll the the dice hoping the jude will see my side when she is the one who is causing problems and not letting me see me like i want to. our legal system is messed up and need to be fixed because this is crazy Read more
This is a question for both woman and men on here
I need some adviceā¦ā¦Does your pregnancy hormones make u say or do crazy things to your husband/ boyfriend? And do the men how do u deal with it? Read more
I have a question for the women on here
If u have a best friend that is doing wrong and she knows in her hart that she is doing wrong would u tell her about herself or just let her keep on doing what she is doing? Read more
Im be a dad
I just found out that my gf of 10 months is pregnant. The problem is my parents are gonna kill me. any suggestions on how to brake the news to them? Read more
Toe sucking survery
I have a huge foot fetish and my gf has very sexy feet which i love sucking on her toes. she loves it and it drives her wild. My question is 1st to the ladies Do yall enjoy your toes getting sucked on. And 2nd for the men do yall enjoy sucking on your wife/girlfriends toes. Read more
The new xhamster layout
If you are like me and don't like the new xhamster layout you can go back to the old layout by coping this link http://xhamster.com/switch_design.php and putting it in your address bar. Thanks to my good friend 1Luckygirl for this info:) Read more
county flag counter
Could somebody help/show me how to get the county flag counter to work on my profile? Read more
Practice safe sex
Don't get me wrong I love watching women get fucked w/o condoms but people please practice safe sex because 30min---to 2 hours of fun is not worth a life time of pain because you did not want to use a condom. Also it's no fun having to wait a week wondering if your clean or not. It's not worth it Read more
Question about dating part 2
I have a question maybe somebody can give me some advice about. I have been talking to this woman for about 4 weeks now and I was feeling her at first but now I'm not really feeling her like that anymore. My question is how can I tell her that I'm not feeling her anymore w/o hurting her feeling? Read more
Question about my next set of pics
What would like to see in my next set of pics/videos? I need some feedback and i would love to know what yall would like to see:) Read more
Question About dating
Last night at work we had a conversation at work about dating and why is it that when a person is single they cant get a man/woman to look their way. But the sec that they get a boyfriend/girlfriend men/women come out of the woodwork trying to get with them. were they at when the men/women were single? I would love to hear what other people have to say about the matter Read more
questions about my pics
All of the pics and videos were taken by me and are 100% mine. Im not one of those people on here that steals people pics and pass them off as their own. Whats the point? because sooner or later the person that you took them from will see them and thats where the trouble starts. Read more