Question about Dating a young man/woman
There is a 24 year old girl that works at the same plant that I work in. about 4ish weeks a go she came up to talk to me on my job. From a past relationship my ex put our business in the street i don't date at work. over the past 4 weeks we have got to taking and she wanted us to date. My problem is which i told her is that I'm 13 years older then her and I couldn't date a 24 year old she is very cute but i just don't feel right dating a woman that young. When i told her that she got mad saying that both of her ex were in their late 30's and age shouldn't matter. My question is do you think its ok to date somebody 13 years older then you or would that make you feel weird
9 years ago
Sometimes age difference matters, sometimes it doesn't, it depends on the person.