Random thought/ advice

Random thoughts.......

If you have been on my page and read my blogs you would have seen that I have had problems with my sons mom in the past because she wouldn’t let me see my son. And I had to take her to court to get the right to see him. Fast forward about 5 years to 2020. We are on speaking terms and get along a whole lot better now. Even though she still have people in her family and friends including her mom and sister giving me the stank eye when they see my. They speak but I can tell they really don’t care about me because of her lies. It’s cool because I feel the same about them. Here’s the thing....I had our son this whole week for Spring break even though they’re not in school. when I went to pick him up Sunday she asked me if I wanted to come over for game day to play games and just hang out. I agreed. Me my our son and my sister and her 2 daughters came over. When we first got there her mom and sister spoke but I got the feeling they really didn’t want us there. We played games and the k**s played also. The next day she texted me like she also does to check on our son and we spoke and joked around a little. When she told me this.... I really like where we are with things and I am afraid for that to change. But I met someone. And it was really unexpected. But he’s a really great guy. I am not ready for him to meet the k**s yet but I think that’s coming in the near future. I’m not gonna sit here and lie Because I did want to see if we could work things out so I could see our son more. My thing is (1) why would she invite us(me our son, my sister and her k**s over) knowing she has a boyfriend? (2) also knowing that I really don’t care nor does her mom/sister care for me. If she would have told me all this before asking me to come over I would have said naw I’m good. Come to find out she wanted to spend time with our son but instead of asking if he could come over she Invited me over also knowing that I wanted it try to work stuff out. After she told me about her boyfriend she said this.... I hope this doesn’t change anything with us. I am so thankful we are where we are. This is what I always hoped it would be for Our son. For us to be able to do things together and get along and be friends. I said it wouldn’t but after I though about it that was foul because you don’t do stuff like that. She had me and my family sitting in her house with people who don’t care for me or my family. I stated tell her about herself but she wouldn’t listen to me anyway. So I’m gonna go back to like it was. I won’t be rude nor will I talk about her or her family our our son ,but when we speak it’s only about our son. I hate to be that way but she keep on doing foul stuff after I forgive her and enough is enough. I’m I wrong? How would y’all handle the situation
Published by bushwick
4 years ago
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SLCcockslave 3 years ago
I know it's an old topic, but I wanted to say that I applaud your decision to take the high road without being critical of the other parent (at least not while your k*ds are within earshot!) The headgames divorced parents put their k*ds through in retaliation against each other is highly damaging to the k*ds' developing personality and corrosive to their relationship with their parents—which, apart from being their one-on-one relationships with you as individuals, also represent their primary relationship with the parental role-models and introjects that will shape their beliefs about themselves, their place in society and in the family, as well as their own future attitudes, relationships and families throughout their lives.

I say this as one whose parents both did considerable and lasting damage in this regard. They didn't know they were doing it, and I'm pretty sure if people knew then what we know today about human development and the importance of the archtypal ch*ld-mother-father relationship, there would have been a whole lot less of that retaliatory nonsense and a lot more mindful parenting.
bushwick Publisher 3 years ago
Things were until I found some pics on her old phone that she gave our son. And she has been doing other stuff violating the court order. I know it’s gonna be damn near impossible to do but I’m gonna take her back to court so I can be the the custodial parent. I have more than enough evidence to prove she’s unfit, but I have learned the hard way that family court looks out for women. I will put it like this...with the evidence I have if it was the other way around I wouldn’t get to see our son unless it was supervised. If I got to see him at all. She is very conniving and does a lot of underhanded stuff. 
bushwick Publisher 4 years ago
to hockeydad16 : I agree it is gonna be about my son. That’s why I’m take the high road and speak and not be rude or anything. But if it doesn’t isn’t about my son we’re not gonna have anything to talk about 
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hockeydad16 4 years ago
Yo Bush! Tough situation! Never been in one like that but honestly should all be about your son. Seeing him making sure he comfortable. It's a hard read cause don't know both sides of story but go your seperate ways but make sure the kids is happy!!