: < (

I liked the other picture better...… Read more

Posted by woody345 12 years ago 2


After much thought and contemplation, I do believe pirates are better than ninjas.… Read more

Posted by woody345 12 years ago

Woody's Babble

Just scratching an itch, nothing to bother with in here. In my first blog post I mentioned how I had been tempted to write something several times and never went through with it. That worked fine as long as I never crossed that boundary, but then I did and now I find myself in the awkward position of never writing anything else which seems a bit defeatist, or writing shit that nobody cares about other than me. So this is pure vanity, a ode to myself to satisfy my belief in self importance. Look at me, I'm writing stuff, important thoughts and beliefs. Or not, maybe it's just an outlet… Read more

Posted by woody345 12 years ago 1

A different point of view

“There is no more unhappy being under the sun than a fetishist who pines for a boot and has to content himself with an entire woman.” ― Karl Kraus I think it is safe to say that we all have seen them here from time to time, you know the guy begging one of the women on cam to see her armpit or the countless calls for feet. Yea, those odd people who pop into a room, blurt out their request over and over and then disappear, whether banned or just impatient it is hard to know. To most these obsessions to various body parts or physical actions probably don’t make much sense, I mean what’s a… Read more

Posted by woody345 13 years ago


My blog. Has a nice ring to it as it implies that I have something worthy to say, something that others will find informative or entertaining, perhaps even inspirational. I have clicked on that button to make a first post several times since I have joined this site, typing away for a few moments before hitting the back button, thinking to myself that nobody really wants to read this do they? See, I’m not very good at taking the thoughts in my head and putting them down in words, but I’m alright with that, it is who I am. And yet here I am today, finally doing what has eluded me in… Read more

Posted by woody345 13 years ago 2