
My blog. Has a nice ring to it as it implies that I have something worthy to say, something that others will find informative or entertaining, perhaps even inspirational. I have clicked on that button to make a first post several times since I have joined this site, typing away for a few moments before hitting the back button, thinking to myself that nobody really wants to read this do they? See, Iā€™m not very good at taking the thoughts in my head and putting them down in words, but Iā€™m alright with that, it is who I am.

And yet here I am today, finally doing what has eluded me in the past, for today I am inspired by something beautiful, something primal, the visage of lust and desire incarnate if you will. What could this possibly be you may ask? I say to you, let your gaze fall upon this picture and see for yourself.


Lovely isnā€™t she? A man could lose himself exploring her, discovering every sensitive spot with his lips while letting his fingers wander in a light caress over her most delicate flesh, urged on by her soft moans. It is just a picture I know, but it fuels the imagination and gets the blood flowing and makes you want to live.

It goes without saying that I have many thoughts when I look at this image, ones I am sure anyone reading this must be having themselves. This woman is amazingly appealing not only for her beauty, but for her passion and intellect. She is the girl you want to bring home to mom, a bit innocent in outward appearance perhaps, but one that pushes you to your limits and beyond when you are alone in the bedroom. Sexy, hot, gorgeous, insatiable and even the occasional O.M.G have been used to describe her and yet none of them really do her justice. Please forgive my blunt language here, but look at that incredible ass and pussy, how can that not stir your passion and bring your desire to a raging boil? How could you not want to push those legs back onto her chest and just drive her into the mattress over and over until you collapsed completely spent? Iā€™ve heard it said they write songs about women like this.

There is a dichotomy of sorts here though which I find interesting, but not too surprising considering the complicated subject. On one hand you have a somewhat classical pose of submission, on her back, legs pulled up to cover her womanhood, and yet...there are those boots. Dark leather polished to a shine, supple to the touch. Straps and buckles, and those incredibly narrow heels tapering to a sharp point capped in silver that could easily press into your flesh demanding your attention and obedience. It is enough to make you want to kneel down and worship them, and I somehow think she wouldnā€™t mind if you did so.

Still, when I first set eyes on this image, the first instinctual impulse I had was one of dominance, the desire to force her legs open as I knelt between them. This is rather odd though, as I am if anything, submissive by nature.

Perhaps it is as I said earlier though, I am simply inspired beyond my normal tendencies.

Published by woody345
13 years ago
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woody345 Publisher 12 years ago
We all do my friend