A different point of view

“There is no more unhappy being under the sun than a fetishist who pines for a boot and has to content himself with an entire woman.”
― Karl Kraus

I think it is safe to say that we all have seen them here from time to time, you know the guy begging one of the women on cam to see her armpit or the countless calls for feet. Yea, those odd people who pop into a room, blurt out their request over and over and then disappear, whether banned or just impatient it is hard to know. To most these obsessions to various body parts or physical actions probably don’t make much sense, I mean what’s attractive about an arm pit right? If however you are one of these unfortunate souls, you might secretly hope that their requests will be honored, allowing you to indulge the dark desire without having to give voice to it.

A casual search reveals several of the more common fetishes are voyeurism and exhibitionism, domination and submission and body piercing and tattoos. I like most of the people who visit this site probably share the first one at least in part and the others seem very popular here too. I also have a few fetishes that came to being relatively early in my life, constant if not unwelcome companions I’ve kept locked away inside me. Neither is too uncommon, appearing on most lists of kinks, but I’ve never mentioned them to even the closest of friends or fa.mily lest they think less of me. The response is so ingrained that even here on a site filled with people with many similar interests, people whom I’ll never meet, I keep them to myself. I suppose my persona here really isn’t all that different from reality, influenced and shaped by the people around me.

I am fortunate that mine have never become an obsession, but I wonder what life would be like if they did. Would I become like that person in the quote, unable to enjoy the entirety of a woman, just playing a game so that I might have a few moments with what I truly desire? Or would I become one of the odd guys, with a nondescript name who’s only interaction is spamming a request to strangers in the hope they might take pity on me?

I hope I never find the answers to those questions, but maybe from now on I will look upon these things with a little more sympathy and won’t be so quick to judge, after all that could be me someday.
Published by woody345
13 years ago
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