Getting caught

When I was 19 there was a public toilet and the ladies was upstairs above. I found a wall at the rear of the male toilet, climbed it one night, then onto a roof, up a short cast iron drain pipe and onto a flat roof. In the middle were sky lights and looking down I had a perfect view of the ladies toilet cubicles! Many a happy hour spent perving! Until one night.... a railway line was about 60 meters away and I used to watch the trains go by, usually crouched and I thought well hidden. At the front of the flat roof was a 3ft wall and below was the street. There was a nightclub about 4 door do… Read more

Posted by voyu 7 years ago 4

Will cousin let me fuck her..

It appears the answer is no. She went out boozing on Friday night and when it came up in chat last night she confessed a guy had bought her a drink, given her his number and asked her out. I said lucky her and did that mean I was free to date women if I hit it off with any. Her response was no with a laugh, that she didn't want any risk that I'd fall for someone and want to do something daft like live with them and then break up our happy arrangement. I said I was happy with the arrangement and had no wish to change it, but that it seemed a bit unfair that she could see other guys and ev… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 10

Cousin fingered again...not quite as expected!

Yesterday she was on pain killers for something and by evening already appeared quiet chilled. I watched her take her overnight tablets and so I went off for a drink, intending to go check on her in an hour or so. I went up to bed about 1am, passed her room and i could see the light was on from the 3 inch gap in the door. I pushed it gently and asked if she was okay, but all I could hear was a feint snoring sound. I walked to her side to turn out the light and saw she was lying on her side with her right hand resting off the bed with her half smoked joint still hanging from her lips. I… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 11

Does niece takes it up the ass?

I don't know if she does or doesn't, but I know what I saw and that's why I posed the question and wondered if others would draw the same conclusion! The time was about 10:30 a couple of years ago. She called round to get changed before going out to the gym. She went for s a shower(before i had a spycam), changed then went off out leaving her overnight bag, obviously planning to come back later and take it back with her. Her college folder sat on the top and I picked it up to take a look at the work she was doing. When I did the clothes shifted slightly in the bag and I heard a rustling… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 7

not niece shower peep

My gallery by the above name makes me so horny but not for an obvious reason. A couple of years ago my cousin shared some information with me, as she often does, about her daughter starting out with sex. The question came from her daughter about how to deal with semen leakage if she had had sex, couldn't shower and didn't want cum dribbling down her legs for the next few hours! My cousin, ever the fountain of knowledge, told her that she had often used a sanitary towel designed for monthly periods, which she placed in her knickers to catch any sperm that dribbled out and would be absorb… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 3

Cousin fingered

I stayed up late last night till 2:30am. Cousin went to bed about 12:30 but was still awake at 1am when i went and used the bathroom for piss. Her door was half open so i said good night as i passed the door, she called out could i take some glasses to the kitchen so i went in and picked them up. She was semi reading/half asleep and was in bed but her top half was partly visible and she had on a red lacy see through top and i could see her nipple squashed by the material which looked so hot. Later when i went up to bed her light was still on and she was snoring. I went in on the pretext o… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 12

Cousin starting out

I was totally astonished when cousin told me she became sexually active aged 6. Under the instruction of an older boy and some porn mags she quickly progressed from wanking his cock, to sucking the cum out, initially spitting but then in time swallowing. He made her look at the porn mag pictures while he licked her fanny and taught her to see it all as normal between a boyfriend and girlfriend as thats what mums and dads did, but she had to keep it a secret. This awful behavior on his part eventually caused her much distress when she finally learned what it was that she had been doing and… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 2

background, early experiences

My cous has admitted she started out with sex at a far to early age, before she understood what she was doing. By age 13 she had already been playing with boys for some years, then started drinking in pubs with her older brothers girlfriend, wearing the girlfriends high heels stuffed with toilet paper in the ends so they fit her small feet. The girlfriend was an easy shag apparently and my cous would end up staying over at her flat and hearing her getting fucked in the bedroom. From there she was taken advantage of by one of the girlfriends older drinking friends when she was drunk one nig… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 2

Psychology of Porn

I love the fact that porn is the one common link we all have around the world. That whatever else separates us, people the world over share the same sexual interests and desires no matter where they are from A quick look at my/your friends list highlights that fact and its reassuring to know that were all not so different despite how our own countries try to paint people in other parts of the world Peace and happiness to you all, just a shame the planet isn't based on peace and love instead of war and destruction.… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 3

First memories

We grew up about 50 miles apart my cousin and i and our lives never crossed till i was 9 and she was born. I was grown up, working, own house and girlfriend while she was still at secondary school and it was around then i began hearing the first family g****vine gossip about cousin L and her antics. L takes d**gs, L dresses like a tart, L stays out late, L always has different lads calling for her, the list went on every time mum came home from her sisters house and started sharing the details with dad. I was also careful to disappear and eavesdrop from a distance after noticing mum stop ta… Read more

Posted by voyu 8 years ago 7