Getting caught
When I was 19 there was a public toilet and the ladies was upstairs above. I found a wall at the rear of the male toilet, climbed it one night, then onto a roof, up a short cast iron drain pipe and onto a flat roof. In the middle were sky lights and looking down I had a perfect view of the ladies toilet cubicles! Many a happy hour spent perving!
Until one night.... a railway line was about 60 meters away and I used to watch the trains go by, usually crouched and I thought well hidden.
At the front of the flat roof was a 3ft wall and below was the street. There was a nightclub about 4 door down, only open at weekends (but a good supply of wanking material when they needed a piss)
One night I nosed over the wall and saw two police cars below with blue lights on. I thought nothing of it, probably a fight in the night club and went back to perving. 20 mins later they are still there so I decide to get down and leave via the male toilets. As I climbed down the drain pipe I see more police closing in from the rear of the building.
I hand myself in and am taken to the police station to be questioned. Train driver thought he saw a burgler on the roof said the police man. I don't have any tools or even dark clothes on. I tell him I was just nosing for somewhere quiet to sit as I'd had an arguement wih my step father. They were fine with the explanation and drove me home.
On reflection if it happened now I'd get caught as I'd be sure to have recorded it!
Until one night.... a railway line was about 60 meters away and I used to watch the trains go by, usually crouched and I thought well hidden.
At the front of the flat roof was a 3ft wall and below was the street. There was a nightclub about 4 door down, only open at weekends (but a good supply of wanking material when they needed a piss)
One night I nosed over the wall and saw two police cars below with blue lights on. I thought nothing of it, probably a fight in the night club and went back to perving. 20 mins later they are still there so I decide to get down and leave via the male toilets. As I climbed down the drain pipe I see more police closing in from the rear of the building.
I hand myself in and am taken to the police station to be questioned. Train driver thought he saw a burgler on the roof said the police man. I don't have any tools or even dark clothes on. I tell him I was just nosing for somewhere quiet to sit as I'd had an arguement wih my step father. They were fine with the explanation and drove me home.
On reflection if it happened now I'd get caught as I'd be sure to have recorded it!
7 years ago