Cousin starting out

I was totally astonished when cousin told me she became sexually active aged 6.
Under the instruction of an older boy and some porn mags she quickly progressed from wanking his cock, to sucking the cum out, initially spitting but then in time swallowing.
He made her look at the porn mag pictures while he licked her fanny and taught her to see it all as normal between a boyfriend and girlfriend as thats what mums and dads did, but she had to keep it a secret.

This awful behavior on his part eventually caused her much distress when she finally learned what it was that she had been doing and caused huge damage to her life which is still evident to this day.

Because after the initial grooming she became a magnet for other older k**s in the neighborhood since her favorite games now included playing 'mums and dads' and word must have spread between a few of them.
Then when she was 8 she began a sexual relationship with her older brother which last till senior school when she finally learned to her horror what she had been doing all those years.

Blokes are opportunist tossers and all need castrating at puberty!
Published by voyu
8 years ago
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xodan 6 years ago
Castration seems a bit extrem !  but Yes 6 or 8 years seems a bit young !
william2015AND 7 years ago
very erotic!