There has to be an amazing finale, right? Well, a little after 11 I headed downstairs, hair a little wild, denim shorts, short denim shorts, tanktop, still, Vegas rules, no panties. He is in the casino, looking great, YOUNG, but I was not worried about his age, car, taste in clothes, music, race, religion, anything!!! I was just concerned about that 10 inch, soda can round pussy destroying, cock. He wanted the MILF, I wanted the dick. Perfect. So we went to grab coffee in the casino, and sat down. He said, "you were fucking amazing last night!" I thanked him and twisted on my seat, I was SORE! Read more
What happens in 2
So after consoling my friend, we called our group. They were all up and had ate, so I jumped in the shower, grabbed some coffee and we were off. I had only slept 3 hours so I was a little lethargic. It was a shorts day, but still, no panties. They wanted to hit the mall, and that was OK with me, but I knew I had to get alone, so I hit the high end stores, while they looked for the cheaper stores. I told them I would catch them for lunch about 2. So we split up, and I started working on an idea I had been thinking of since I knew we were going. Devious is the word. Yes, I am a deviant. So I log Read more
What happens in Vegas......
OK, what is the definition of stupid? Here is how I define it....letting your wife go to Vegas with her friends, alone. I mean, maybe some wives can go to Vegas without their husband and not fuck someone else, but that has never been my experience. I have been to Vegas when I was younger and married to my first husband, while I was single in between, and while I as married to the total POS, I have somehow managed to fall into a pile of dicks every time. My boyfriend and I have a rule. We don't go to Vegas alone, and we stick together when we are there. It avoids suspicion. So let's just look a Read more
What good neighbors are for.....
When I was married, to a complete jackass, I found it was good to always have a good standby. Here was my solution.... Apps are great, not only can they help you find people with similar interests, but you can also find people you know, funny! Well, I was on a rather trashy app, and I came across a profile pic that looked very familiar. So I delved...yes, the other pics were not much more confirming, but all together I was 75% sure I knew who it was. Not necessarily a bad thing. I thought he was good looking, he also lived about 2 blocks from my house, and I was friends with his wife. She was Read more
The dirty way to meet a boyfriend....
A few years ago, I finally divorced my ex. What a complete joke of a human being. I cannot think of anyone I have less respect for. Once I separated, he made my life a living hell for 19 months. However, there was one bright spot in all of this. Once I kicked him out, I was free to do what I wanted. So I did. I went right online and set up dating profiles on several apps. Well, the dirtiest of these apps is AFF. If you have ever been there, you know exactly what it is all about. People looking to fuck. No bullshit, no drama, nada. Well, perfect, I could have my dating profiles, then I could h Read more
Funny/Crazy Unicorn situation!
As you can probably tell. I am very bisexual. Several years ago, again, while I was married to by stupid ex, I used a "special' website to find couples to play with. Being the one in the middle is a hot prospect, and quite honestly, can end up with a very good girlfriend. So I talked to a couple on the website, and the female was very cute, so we met for lunch, then did some shopping, and had a GREAT time! We were just like old friends, and we both knew what the basis of the relationship was, so there are no taboo subjects. It makes everything easier. She was chatting, showing me pics, talkin Read more
Car sex
While I am not a huge fan of car sex, it can be fun.... I was shopping one winter day, and it was snowy, I was wearing a hoodie, and walking to my car, so I am not sure how the guy Noticed me. But he did, so he must have seen me in the store, and waited. well he walked up to me right outside the doors, and started talking to me. He couldn't have been over 25, if that. He had a good 5:00 shadow, so I knew he was old enough... Well he told me I was hot and that he wanted to take me out. I told him I was married, so it probably wasn't a good idea. He said, "how about ice cream now?" I told him ic Read more
My sluttiest day....ever.
OK, so I am sure anyone that has ever been to a swinger party, or orgy has been fucked by more than one guy in a day, or with alcohol, but outside of that, we usually stick with one guy. However, sometimes...... So I had ventured into the app world, and experienced some popularity, probably because I was about 10 times prettier than the other girls, so I had a couple of regulars I would fuck every couple of weeks. The husband, as always, so fucking arrogant that no one would ever cheat on him, lmao. So I had this soldier I would fuck every couple of Fridays in the morning. It was fun, he was Read more
Fucking bosses
So I was the Assistant to the CFO of a large company. He was a co-owner with his wife, but she had the majority, and she made sure he was aware of it on a regular basis. One day he was at my desk and we were searching through his email for an attachment. We opened several, and then one was a nude pic of his wife. Let me say, she was hot! I would have played with those tits, and licked that pussy and ass, anytime! But she was a bitch, I am sure he only got laid once a month. But he was a good-looking guy. Well, he was super embarassed about the pic, and apologized, and said, "she sends them a Read more
The problem with married life...
My last husband was such a piece of shit, totally lied to get me to marry him. I guess I was dumb enough to fall for it. Well it went downhill fast. One week after we were married, he totally changed the game. Totally! All of the sudden, I had no money, no assets, and no say, in ANYTHING! So, game on, right? You fuck me, I fuck anyone, and everyone else. So week 2 of marriage.......I had been given a massage as a gift in my bridal shower, God knows my ex would not have let me pay for one, so I decided to get the massage, since it was already paid for. I show up to the parlor, and the next per Read more