The dirty way to meet a boyfriend....
A few years ago, I finally divorced my ex. What a complete joke of a human being. I cannot think of anyone I have less respect for. Once I separated, he made my life a living hell for 19 months. However, there was one bright spot in all of this.
Once I kicked him out, I was free to do what I wanted. So I did. I went right online and set up dating profiles on several apps. Well, the dirtiest of these apps is AFF. If you have ever been there, you know exactly what it is all about. People looking to fuck. No bullshit, no drama, nada. Well, perfect, I could have my dating profiles, then I could have the after dicks for the dates I didn't want to end with sex. At least 50% of dates are not worth getting your panties wet for. So AFF was perfect. I said right in my bio I was after a fuckbuddy, no relationship, etc. The issue I had was my inbox was flooded. No joke, 100's of messages a day. 3-4 from the same person. "Oh baby, come get some", "I want to fuck you now", tons of videos of guys jerking off, it was all very flattering, but annoying as well. Yes, I wanted a fuckbuddy, but I wanted some quality, not just 100 dirtbags. I prefer seducing the nice guy with the a****l inside, you know, like the priest that goes to the gym, but has that desire to fuck like a pornstar. Repression can make for some good dick. the hundreds of messages, I get one from several states away, and the message is simple, but interesting. "Looking for a travel buddy, you look like you would be fun". Well I messaged, and a few hours later he messaged back. I was highly skeptical, I mean every guy makes bold claims. "I will take you to Hawaii and fuck you in a waterfall!" Yeah, whatever, liar, we will fuck a few times and your 85 Honda will need some repairs. Even on Liars. Well after a little while, I figure out the reason he massaged from a few states away is because he is married, and works out there. He usually looked for women to fuck out there, but happened to see me running a search close to his home. We actually lived 20 mins apart, and he worked 10 mins away. That sure made things easier. So we set up a lunch date. He was actually a little more respectful than I would normally like, we actually went to lunch, and I was not on the menu. But he told me during lunch horror stories of meetings from AFF, and people being completely different people, or pics 10 years, and 10 sizes old. I had experienced that before, so that made sense.
Lunch was great, we talked, laughed, swapped stories and shocked each other. His body count was not as high as mine, but for a guy, especially married, was very impressive. I knew within 5 minutes I wanted his dick, but he actually made me a little nervous for a couple of reasons. 1. He was married. 2. I actually really liked him as a person. The second one is a very negative thing. I mean, it is good to get along, but you don't want someone 5 weeks after separating from your piece of shit ex sweeping you off your feet. And this guy was a professional sweeper. He was either really smooth, or really perfect. I was not sure which. So when lunch ended, he gave me a hug and said he would love to see me again. I knew I would love it too.
Later that night, I messaged and told him I couldn't see him again. I mean, how could that dirty bastard be that perfect, he had no fucking right. He messaged back and told me he had just seen Han Solo die, and could not possibly handle two disappointments in the same day, could I please reconsider....well, who was I not to respect another human being's pain. So we decided to try lunch again the next week. On the day of lunch, he messaged and asked if I would like to eat lunch, or be lunch. This poor guy had no idea who he was talking to, obviously. So, hotel it was. I met him at the elevator. He kissed me and grabbed my ass in the elevator. His texts had started something earlier, but now I felt like I had just peed my pants. My pussy was dripping. I thought, "great kisser, fucker". So I was going to show him. We got to the room and things progressed. Then as I was standing there in my panties, totally exposed, I undid his pants. Then I pulled out his cock. Have you ever seen a dick that is aesthetically perfect? Like perfect skin, perfect length, perfect girth, perfect head, perfect shape, perfect hardness, etc.? Well, this married fucker had one. I thought, "I am gonna use that like a rental!" I am not always the girl that love a guy licking my pussy, but he pushed me back and licked it. And he was great at it. It was like a girl double my size with a dick was eating me out. He knew how to suck my clit, then lick it, then tongue fuck me, etc. When he started fucking me, it felt like a solid mass of testosterone, inside and out. he had total control, and I was just his to use. He must have fucked for an hour and a half, but it seemed like minutes. We were both panting, dripping sweat, and he had cum in my mouth once, and all over my tits once. We were in somewhat of a hurry to get back to work, so we showered, and ran. I told him I wished we had more time. He said we could come back after work if I wanted. Not to seem to easy, I blurted out, "perfect"! I was there before him, but had a key, so I let myself in. He showed up a few minutes later, and I was already naked, waiting for him. It is amazing ow fast a guy can undress. It seemed like as he stepped from the door to the bed all his clothes were off, and in one fluid motion he climbed into the bed and slid his cock in me all at the same time. It was perfect, too perfect, perfect dick, perfect guy, perfect timing, perfect movement, and he was perfectly married.
Well, I decided I was going to keep all my dicks. I was going to fuck him when he could, and fuck everyone else when he couldn't. It was amazing how creative he was. He was finding a way to fuck me every day. At lunch, after work, weekends, he was rawdogging my tight cunt every fucking day. He would send me home so tired and swollen, my other guys hardly had a shot. But he was married, fucker. And then it happened, he had me up against the wall, legs up fucking me, and it slipped out. I meant to say I loved his cock, but it slipped, or did it? I told him I loved him. The really strange thing is that I did. No presents, no vacations, just sex and conversation. But it is like he understood me on such a basic level, and had such a connection that he knew every piece of me. In the quiet moments, it is like he could read my mind. During sex he read my body like a book (braille of course), but intensely emotional.
Let me explain something. This guy is as cold as they come. He is what I would call a complete asshole to everyone he comes in contact with, unless he feels they are worth his time. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, and will gladly tell a stranger to go fuck themselves. But turn around and help an old woman across a street. I have witnessed both. It is the strangest mix of coldness and winnie the pooh I have ever seen. He is a combat vet, so that is a part of it. He is also insanely loyal. If you are his friend, you are his friend. If he loves you, he gives all. The fact that he was cheating on his wife was a complete contradiction, and I told him that. Once he gave me the background, it made perfect sense, but that is not my story to tell. Let's just say loyalty is learned two ways, by either being shown loyalty, or being scarred by disloyalty. The second usually produces the stronger loyalty from my experience. BUT THE WAY HE FUCKED/FUCKS me! OH MY GOD!!
Anyway, so the words slipped, and he just chuckled, he just told me I was the first to fuck up. It didn't even phase him. There I was, back against the wall, my legs over his arms, his dick pounding me, me blurting out stupid shit, and he just chuckled and kept fucking me. THANK GOD! But I really thought he would back off after and I would lose him. But instead, the next day he asked me if I could get away for a weekend, I said I could. He emailed me a plane ticket and hotel itinerary to NYC! WTF?? I had never been, but always wanted to. It was over my birthday weekend, so it was magical. We stayed at the Marquis on Times Square, laughed, played, toured, etc., for three days. So, for once, a guy wasn't full of shit just to fuck me. Now, I don't mind a guy fucking me, I really like fucking. Just don't lie to do it. To make a long story short, that first year, while he was married, he took me to NYC, San Diego, Chicago, Boston, and Louisville. He is so not a liar! It was awesome! He was on his way to divorce before I met him, so after the first year, he filed, and a year later we moved in together. He has taken me to 31 states, and also checked off my Bucket list Hawaii. We go to NYC every year before Christmas, and San Diego every spring. My life is perfect!
It is such a contradiction to my last marriage that it doesn't even seem like reality sometimes. We crack jokes with each other. He calls me his Goddess. He treats me like one, but still, always, fucks me like a whore. I love it. Going from a marriage where I fucked over 50 (probably double that) while I was married, to a boyfriend I have never cheated on it the strangest thing ever. Thank you AFF for making your sleazy site available for me to find dick, and a perfect ending! BTW, sleeping with women is never cheating!
Once I kicked him out, I was free to do what I wanted. So I did. I went right online and set up dating profiles on several apps. Well, the dirtiest of these apps is AFF. If you have ever been there, you know exactly what it is all about. People looking to fuck. No bullshit, no drama, nada. Well, perfect, I could have my dating profiles, then I could have the after dicks for the dates I didn't want to end with sex. At least 50% of dates are not worth getting your panties wet for. So AFF was perfect. I said right in my bio I was after a fuckbuddy, no relationship, etc. The issue I had was my inbox was flooded. No joke, 100's of messages a day. 3-4 from the same person. "Oh baby, come get some", "I want to fuck you now", tons of videos of guys jerking off, it was all very flattering, but annoying as well. Yes, I wanted a fuckbuddy, but I wanted some quality, not just 100 dirtbags. I prefer seducing the nice guy with the a****l inside, you know, like the priest that goes to the gym, but has that desire to fuck like a pornstar. Repression can make for some good dick. the hundreds of messages, I get one from several states away, and the message is simple, but interesting. "Looking for a travel buddy, you look like you would be fun". Well I messaged, and a few hours later he messaged back. I was highly skeptical, I mean every guy makes bold claims. "I will take you to Hawaii and fuck you in a waterfall!" Yeah, whatever, liar, we will fuck a few times and your 85 Honda will need some repairs. Even on Liars. Well after a little while, I figure out the reason he massaged from a few states away is because he is married, and works out there. He usually looked for women to fuck out there, but happened to see me running a search close to his home. We actually lived 20 mins apart, and he worked 10 mins away. That sure made things easier. So we set up a lunch date. He was actually a little more respectful than I would normally like, we actually went to lunch, and I was not on the menu. But he told me during lunch horror stories of meetings from AFF, and people being completely different people, or pics 10 years, and 10 sizes old. I had experienced that before, so that made sense.
Lunch was great, we talked, laughed, swapped stories and shocked each other. His body count was not as high as mine, but for a guy, especially married, was very impressive. I knew within 5 minutes I wanted his dick, but he actually made me a little nervous for a couple of reasons. 1. He was married. 2. I actually really liked him as a person. The second one is a very negative thing. I mean, it is good to get along, but you don't want someone 5 weeks after separating from your piece of shit ex sweeping you off your feet. And this guy was a professional sweeper. He was either really smooth, or really perfect. I was not sure which. So when lunch ended, he gave me a hug and said he would love to see me again. I knew I would love it too.
Later that night, I messaged and told him I couldn't see him again. I mean, how could that dirty bastard be that perfect, he had no fucking right. He messaged back and told me he had just seen Han Solo die, and could not possibly handle two disappointments in the same day, could I please reconsider....well, who was I not to respect another human being's pain. So we decided to try lunch again the next week. On the day of lunch, he messaged and asked if I would like to eat lunch, or be lunch. This poor guy had no idea who he was talking to, obviously. So, hotel it was. I met him at the elevator. He kissed me and grabbed my ass in the elevator. His texts had started something earlier, but now I felt like I had just peed my pants. My pussy was dripping. I thought, "great kisser, fucker". So I was going to show him. We got to the room and things progressed. Then as I was standing there in my panties, totally exposed, I undid his pants. Then I pulled out his cock. Have you ever seen a dick that is aesthetically perfect? Like perfect skin, perfect length, perfect girth, perfect head, perfect shape, perfect hardness, etc.? Well, this married fucker had one. I thought, "I am gonna use that like a rental!" I am not always the girl that love a guy licking my pussy, but he pushed me back and licked it. And he was great at it. It was like a girl double my size with a dick was eating me out. He knew how to suck my clit, then lick it, then tongue fuck me, etc. When he started fucking me, it felt like a solid mass of testosterone, inside and out. he had total control, and I was just his to use. He must have fucked for an hour and a half, but it seemed like minutes. We were both panting, dripping sweat, and he had cum in my mouth once, and all over my tits once. We were in somewhat of a hurry to get back to work, so we showered, and ran. I told him I wished we had more time. He said we could come back after work if I wanted. Not to seem to easy, I blurted out, "perfect"! I was there before him, but had a key, so I let myself in. He showed up a few minutes later, and I was already naked, waiting for him. It is amazing ow fast a guy can undress. It seemed like as he stepped from the door to the bed all his clothes were off, and in one fluid motion he climbed into the bed and slid his cock in me all at the same time. It was perfect, too perfect, perfect dick, perfect guy, perfect timing, perfect movement, and he was perfectly married.
Well, I decided I was going to keep all my dicks. I was going to fuck him when he could, and fuck everyone else when he couldn't. It was amazing how creative he was. He was finding a way to fuck me every day. At lunch, after work, weekends, he was rawdogging my tight cunt every fucking day. He would send me home so tired and swollen, my other guys hardly had a shot. But he was married, fucker. And then it happened, he had me up against the wall, legs up fucking me, and it slipped out. I meant to say I loved his cock, but it slipped, or did it? I told him I loved him. The really strange thing is that I did. No presents, no vacations, just sex and conversation. But it is like he understood me on such a basic level, and had such a connection that he knew every piece of me. In the quiet moments, it is like he could read my mind. During sex he read my body like a book (braille of course), but intensely emotional.
Let me explain something. This guy is as cold as they come. He is what I would call a complete asshole to everyone he comes in contact with, unless he feels they are worth his time. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, and will gladly tell a stranger to go fuck themselves. But turn around and help an old woman across a street. I have witnessed both. It is the strangest mix of coldness and winnie the pooh I have ever seen. He is a combat vet, so that is a part of it. He is also insanely loyal. If you are his friend, you are his friend. If he loves you, he gives all. The fact that he was cheating on his wife was a complete contradiction, and I told him that. Once he gave me the background, it made perfect sense, but that is not my story to tell. Let's just say loyalty is learned two ways, by either being shown loyalty, or being scarred by disloyalty. The second usually produces the stronger loyalty from my experience. BUT THE WAY HE FUCKED/FUCKS me! OH MY GOD!!
Anyway, so the words slipped, and he just chuckled, he just told me I was the first to fuck up. It didn't even phase him. There I was, back against the wall, my legs over his arms, his dick pounding me, me blurting out stupid shit, and he just chuckled and kept fucking me. THANK GOD! But I really thought he would back off after and I would lose him. But instead, the next day he asked me if I could get away for a weekend, I said I could. He emailed me a plane ticket and hotel itinerary to NYC! WTF?? I had never been, but always wanted to. It was over my birthday weekend, so it was magical. We stayed at the Marquis on Times Square, laughed, played, toured, etc., for three days. So, for once, a guy wasn't full of shit just to fuck me. Now, I don't mind a guy fucking me, I really like fucking. Just don't lie to do it. To make a long story short, that first year, while he was married, he took me to NYC, San Diego, Chicago, Boston, and Louisville. He is so not a liar! It was awesome! He was on his way to divorce before I met him, so after the first year, he filed, and a year later we moved in together. He has taken me to 31 states, and also checked off my Bucket list Hawaii. We go to NYC every year before Christmas, and San Diego every spring. My life is perfect!
It is such a contradiction to my last marriage that it doesn't even seem like reality sometimes. We crack jokes with each other. He calls me his Goddess. He treats me like one, but still, always, fucks me like a whore. I love it. Going from a marriage where I fucked over 50 (probably double that) while I was married, to a boyfriend I have never cheated on it the strangest thing ever. Thank you AFF for making your sleazy site available for me to find dick, and a perfect ending! BTW, sleeping with women is never cheating!
4 years ago