My sluttiest day....ever.
OK, so I am sure anyone that has ever been to a swinger party, or orgy has been fucked by more than one guy in a day, or with alcohol, but outside of that, we usually stick with one guy. However, sometimes......
So I had ventured into the app world, and experienced some popularity, probably because I was about 10 times prettier than the other girls, so I had a couple of regulars I would fuck every couple of weeks. The husband, as always, so fucking arrogant that no one would ever cheat on him, lmao.
So I had this soldier I would fuck every couple of Fridays in the morning. It was fun, he was rough, and used me like a whore....good stuff. Lots of orgasm, and he could go multiple times. He was about 15 years younger than me. So we fucked for about 2 hours, then I showered at his place, got dressed, and headed out. As I was making the hour drive towards home, I got this craving, you know the one, where even though you feel well used, not all your spots got hit. So I texted another guy. Just a side dick I had fucked once from a website. He had been unemployed, and since it was about noon on Friday I though he may be home. He was about 10 years younger and not very experienced, but he had a great cock, and even if he didn't know exactly how to use it, I knew exactly how to use it. He was one of those you ride most of the time. Well, he messaged back instantly. He said he wasn't home, but could be in 10 minutes. I told him I was on my way, not to bother with pretense, or Netflix, just be naked and ready to fuck. He was there, naked, and I fucked him hard. I rode that cock till my legs were weak and my ass hurt. So good, that second dick of the day... And I thought I was done. Well I showered at his place, got dressed, then sucked his dick again, and left. He looked half dead, I had to laugh. All I could think was, "I sat on his face for at least 30 minutes, I wonder if he could taste the soldiers dick?" Oh well.
So my husband came home about 30 minutes after I made it back and was being a total prick. Bitching about everything, then he said he was going to the gym. One of my friends called and asked me to go to "sushi" later, which meant dancing, but I didn't translate that for my husband. So when he got home I said, "you seemed upset, so I am going to eat with (name omitted). Be home later. He wasn't pleased, but fuck him. I stopped by a gas station and changed clothes in the bathroom, and went from classy to slutty in about 6 or 7 minutes. I knew I looked hot because the women in the gas station looked pissed as I bought my gum, and the guys just stared at my ass. So I met up with my friend about 9, and she said, "I am out to get laid tonight, can you be my wingman?" Of course, anything for a friend, right? She wasn't married, but she was engaged. She said he was being a dick, so I didn't care. We got dancing about 9:30, and I knew I had to be home, an hour away by midnight if I didn't want a totally miserable weekend where I would be stuck hanging out with my husband's lame ass family. So we are out there, and these young guys keep dancing up on us. Well, I know what that means, young means enthusiasm, but not experience. I had already seen enthusiasm, twice that day, I wanted some experience. Well, there were a couple of good looking guys, dressed down a little by the bar, my friend had noticed them too. She said, we need to get them to dance. They seemed to be oblivious, and were chatting, and laughing with each other. I told her, "no, we need to hurry, watch this." So I pushed up my tits, walked around around the dance floor, and up past the bar to the bathroom, as I turned into the bathroom, they were staring, good, done deal. As I came back out, they were staring again, and I smiled. I walked up to them and said, "do I know you?" they said "no", but started to stand up, I said, "well, I'd like to." They agreed they would like to know me too. My friend walked over, and they were obviously Ok with her as well. They bought us a drink, and they were obviously close to my age, and pretty hot. It was about 10 by now, so I knew I had to work fast, so I said, "(friend's name) is on a mission to get laid tonight, and I am her wingman, now, are either of you interested in fucking her?" they both aid they would be happy to help. So I said, where. Well one of them said he lived about 20 minutes south, near the freeway. Well that was on my way home. So the other guy started to say where he lived, almost objecting like he was getting cut out. "I said, can you come to his house?" He said, well, yes, but why? I said, "while he fucks her, you are fucking me." Now the other guy looked a little jealous, I said "relax, you'll get your turn" "But I have to leave by 11:30, my husband will be pissed" So they gave us the address, and we all left, in separate cars like a fucking sex train. When we got there, we all knew what was happening, they put on music and we started pulling out cocks right in the living room. We were both on our knees sucking cock when I noticed the one in her mouth was bigger than the one in my mouth. Well, no worries, I was fucking both, whether she liked it or not. That's her price for making me wingman. Well, they started towards his bedroom, obviously thinking we were fucking on the couch. I stood up about 30 seconds later and pulled my guy towards the bedroom, he hesitated, I said, "relax, I got this." So he followed like a dog. We went into the room, and he was lying on the edge of the bed, sucking his dick and rubbing her pussy. I walked up behind her and said "let me help" and reached around and rubbed it for her. Well they guys really liked that. To summarize, she got fucked by two guys, I got fucked by 2 guys, and my friend and I both got to eat pussy. Her guy was my last, so I thought, so I let him shoot that cum deep in my throbbing, overused pussy. As I put on my panties, it was dripping a little. I got the last guys number. That was good dick, I wanted some solo rides. He want in my phone as "Sarah". But i knew who he was. I wanted a few more loads of that cum. It was thick, and heavy and felt warm and good dripping out. And the dick. Like 7 inches and thick. MMMMM. I am a short girl, so that's the perfect size. Just tapping the bottom, but not ramming it. His friends was longer, but skinnier, only needed that dick once.
So I left at 11:30 on the dot, in my classy clothes I had changed out of earlier, You gotta think about this stuff if you are going to be a cheater. I didn't have time to shower after that one. Oh well, a little perfume and a stupid husband, you know. So There I was, driving home, feeling exhausted, used to perfection, and just thought it couldn't be any better. 4 different dicks, one day, and only two were even aware of each other. Slutty, yes, but cool. When I got home, my husband was in bed, so I took off my clothes, and climbed in. He rolled over and started groping me and I started to push him away. I still had a load of cum in my pussy, then I thought, "fuck him, deuche." So I used his dick, that worthless dick made me cum twice more that night. But not because it was good. Because I thought it was sexy as hell that his dick was covered in the other guys jizz. Fucking awesome. 5 dicks in 18 hours. I woke up and told myself, "that was slutty", but fucking hot! So while my husband went to the gym, I had to drive a few blocks and fuck a standby. So really, if you give me a 30 hour day, that was 6 different dicks, and countless orgasms.
So I had ventured into the app world, and experienced some popularity, probably because I was about 10 times prettier than the other girls, so I had a couple of regulars I would fuck every couple of weeks. The husband, as always, so fucking arrogant that no one would ever cheat on him, lmao.
So I had this soldier I would fuck every couple of Fridays in the morning. It was fun, he was rough, and used me like a whore....good stuff. Lots of orgasm, and he could go multiple times. He was about 15 years younger than me. So we fucked for about 2 hours, then I showered at his place, got dressed, and headed out. As I was making the hour drive towards home, I got this craving, you know the one, where even though you feel well used, not all your spots got hit. So I texted another guy. Just a side dick I had fucked once from a website. He had been unemployed, and since it was about noon on Friday I though he may be home. He was about 10 years younger and not very experienced, but he had a great cock, and even if he didn't know exactly how to use it, I knew exactly how to use it. He was one of those you ride most of the time. Well, he messaged back instantly. He said he wasn't home, but could be in 10 minutes. I told him I was on my way, not to bother with pretense, or Netflix, just be naked and ready to fuck. He was there, naked, and I fucked him hard. I rode that cock till my legs were weak and my ass hurt. So good, that second dick of the day... And I thought I was done. Well I showered at his place, got dressed, then sucked his dick again, and left. He looked half dead, I had to laugh. All I could think was, "I sat on his face for at least 30 minutes, I wonder if he could taste the soldiers dick?" Oh well.
So my husband came home about 30 minutes after I made it back and was being a total prick. Bitching about everything, then he said he was going to the gym. One of my friends called and asked me to go to "sushi" later, which meant dancing, but I didn't translate that for my husband. So when he got home I said, "you seemed upset, so I am going to eat with (name omitted). Be home later. He wasn't pleased, but fuck him. I stopped by a gas station and changed clothes in the bathroom, and went from classy to slutty in about 6 or 7 minutes. I knew I looked hot because the women in the gas station looked pissed as I bought my gum, and the guys just stared at my ass. So I met up with my friend about 9, and she said, "I am out to get laid tonight, can you be my wingman?" Of course, anything for a friend, right? She wasn't married, but she was engaged. She said he was being a dick, so I didn't care. We got dancing about 9:30, and I knew I had to be home, an hour away by midnight if I didn't want a totally miserable weekend where I would be stuck hanging out with my husband's lame ass family. So we are out there, and these young guys keep dancing up on us. Well, I know what that means, young means enthusiasm, but not experience. I had already seen enthusiasm, twice that day, I wanted some experience. Well, there were a couple of good looking guys, dressed down a little by the bar, my friend had noticed them too. She said, we need to get them to dance. They seemed to be oblivious, and were chatting, and laughing with each other. I told her, "no, we need to hurry, watch this." So I pushed up my tits, walked around around the dance floor, and up past the bar to the bathroom, as I turned into the bathroom, they were staring, good, done deal. As I came back out, they were staring again, and I smiled. I walked up to them and said, "do I know you?" they said "no", but started to stand up, I said, "well, I'd like to." They agreed they would like to know me too. My friend walked over, and they were obviously Ok with her as well. They bought us a drink, and they were obviously close to my age, and pretty hot. It was about 10 by now, so I knew I had to work fast, so I said, "(friend's name) is on a mission to get laid tonight, and I am her wingman, now, are either of you interested in fucking her?" they both aid they would be happy to help. So I said, where. Well one of them said he lived about 20 minutes south, near the freeway. Well that was on my way home. So the other guy started to say where he lived, almost objecting like he was getting cut out. "I said, can you come to his house?" He said, well, yes, but why? I said, "while he fucks her, you are fucking me." Now the other guy looked a little jealous, I said "relax, you'll get your turn" "But I have to leave by 11:30, my husband will be pissed" So they gave us the address, and we all left, in separate cars like a fucking sex train. When we got there, we all knew what was happening, they put on music and we started pulling out cocks right in the living room. We were both on our knees sucking cock when I noticed the one in her mouth was bigger than the one in my mouth. Well, no worries, I was fucking both, whether she liked it or not. That's her price for making me wingman. Well, they started towards his bedroom, obviously thinking we were fucking on the couch. I stood up about 30 seconds later and pulled my guy towards the bedroom, he hesitated, I said, "relax, I got this." So he followed like a dog. We went into the room, and he was lying on the edge of the bed, sucking his dick and rubbing her pussy. I walked up behind her and said "let me help" and reached around and rubbed it for her. Well they guys really liked that. To summarize, she got fucked by two guys, I got fucked by 2 guys, and my friend and I both got to eat pussy. Her guy was my last, so I thought, so I let him shoot that cum deep in my throbbing, overused pussy. As I put on my panties, it was dripping a little. I got the last guys number. That was good dick, I wanted some solo rides. He want in my phone as "Sarah". But i knew who he was. I wanted a few more loads of that cum. It was thick, and heavy and felt warm and good dripping out. And the dick. Like 7 inches and thick. MMMMM. I am a short girl, so that's the perfect size. Just tapping the bottom, but not ramming it. His friends was longer, but skinnier, only needed that dick once.
So I left at 11:30 on the dot, in my classy clothes I had changed out of earlier, You gotta think about this stuff if you are going to be a cheater. I didn't have time to shower after that one. Oh well, a little perfume and a stupid husband, you know. So There I was, driving home, feeling exhausted, used to perfection, and just thought it couldn't be any better. 4 different dicks, one day, and only two were even aware of each other. Slutty, yes, but cool. When I got home, my husband was in bed, so I took off my clothes, and climbed in. He rolled over and started groping me and I started to push him away. I still had a load of cum in my pussy, then I thought, "fuck him, deuche." So I used his dick, that worthless dick made me cum twice more that night. But not because it was good. Because I thought it was sexy as hell that his dick was covered in the other guys jizz. Fucking awesome. 5 dicks in 18 hours. I woke up and told myself, "that was slutty", but fucking hot! So while my husband went to the gym, I had to drive a few blocks and fuck a standby. So really, if you give me a 30 hour day, that was 6 different dicks, and countless orgasms.
4 years ago