I have no bulge

I am a guy with a rather small penis and display absolutely NO bulge in pants/jeans. Over the years I have noticed women looking at me crotch and exchanging smiles and whispers with their friends. As a guy who has developed a predilection for small penis humiliation this is a huge turn on. I am equally aroused by the idea of women appreciating the bulges of well hung guys. Clips like the following make my heart race! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jObMeCy7cqMRead more

Posted by swingle66 1 year ago 1

Chronic masturbation

I masturbate a LOT. I do it more now (in my early 50's) than I did as a teenager! I frequently masturbate three or more times a day, most days of the week. It is not uncommon for me to spend an entire day engrossed in playing with myself. I have a small penis and I honestly think that has a lot to do with it. Many small guys I chat with also report masturbating more than they consider an average amount. A running theme in my masturbation thoughts is the size of my penis. As can be seen from my images, videos and favourites, I am obsessed with being small. I keep myself meticulously free of pu… Read more

Posted by swingle66 5 years ago 39

Straight, but obsessed with big cocks...

I have always considered myself straight, but I have had a lifelong fascination/obsession with big cocks. As a guy with a small penis I was very sexually timid as a young man. I also had a string of unfaithful girlfriends which fed my thoughts of sexual inadequacy. At first I hated it, but I eventually grew to embrace it. Now I find it impossible to have an orgasm without seeing a guy with a big cock fucking a woman hard, or imagining one of my exes with her well hung lover.… Read more

Posted by swingle66 6 years ago 31

Crotch watching

I am straight, but as a guy with a small penis I am fascinated by well hung guys. Despite trying to resist, I can't help myself checking out the crotches of other guys. Manly bulges make me feel immediately timid.… Read more

Posted by swingle66 7 years ago 27

Fucking machine - help wanted

I want to build a fucking machine for my girlfriend. She likes deep penetration so it has to have at least an eight or nine inch stroke and be variable speed, from very slow to ultra-rapid. Does anyone have any tips? All help would be greatly appreciated.… Read more

Posted by swingle66 7 years ago 2

I shaved my legs

I finally plucked up the courage! After a very long time thinking about it, I finally shaved my legs. I have been shaving my pubic hair for many years, largely to emphasise how small my penis is. In recent times I have shaved from above my navel to below my balls, and it really made me look boyish. I am a naturally quite hairy guy so my legs ave very hairy. I had toyed with the idea of shaving my legs, but it is a big step. I finally took that step. It was quite a shock to see the end result. I am now hair free from my navel down. I feel boyish, the natural state for someone with a little… Read more

Posted by swingle66 7 years ago 15

I sit to wee

I have always had trouble using a urinal. Being small, especially when limp, I often have to fumble to find my penis. I have had many occasions when I ended up wetting my pants as I tried urinating standing up. How many other small guys have decided it is simply easier to sit like a woman to have a wee?… Read more

Posted by swingle66 8 years ago 48

Masturbation survey

Are you male or female? Male Age? 49 At what age did you start masturbating? Around 12 How many times a week do you masturbate? 7-21 Almost always every day, usually several times. How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Usually only once. Where do you masturbate: In bed? yes In the shower? yes In the bath? yes Outdoors? Yes At work? Yes Every room in the house? Most but not all. In a car while traveling along the interstate? No What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? Yes A friend? Yes A friend's spouse? NO A stranger?… Read more

Posted by swingle66 8 years ago 6