I sit to wee

I have always had trouble using a urinal. Being small, especially when limp, I often have to fumble to find my penis. I have had many occasions when I ended up wetting my pants as I tried urinating standing up. How many other small guys have decided it is simply easier to sit like a woman to have a wee?
Published by swingle66
8 years ago
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Relm 2 months ago
Same! I always sit down to pee.
Kryfos 1 year ago
to kink2kink : Exactly!
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jojosmallone 2 years ago
same here. Plus since i am a submissive sissy cock sucker it just seems more natural and normal to sit when i pee. I gave up my "man card" a long time ago so even in public restrooms i sit to pee
ctmarriedman 2 years ago
We should definitely chat sometime. 
kink2kink 3 years ago
That s how is faggots and sissies pee
DobbsCD 3 years ago
I sit to pee when out. Some days my soft cock is so small i piss everywhere.  
kurt714 3 years ago
I sit to pee too. It’s a chance to sit down and relax. I work standing up so why would I want to stand to pee. Plus it gives me privacy to rub it some. 
birichdejr 3 years ago
i sit to pee , even in public  ,  and i always wear panties  , 24 / 7  , love them    
kink2kink 3 years ago
to soumis36000 : Wonderful 
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swingle66 Publisher 4 years ago
to soumis36000 : I often remove all my lower clothing and squat in the backyard to pee. 
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soumis36000 4 years ago
I have been sitting like a girl to urinate for several years.
As my wife imposes the permanent chastity cage on me, it is more practical for me.
Otherwise, I get urine all over the seat or the floor.
My wife likes to humiliate me by making me piss like a girl, it keeps me in my place as a submissive husband and turns him on.
cagedcuckold30 4 years ago
I also sit to pee all of the time. its so humiliating in public restrooms. 
tinycock47 4 years ago
I have the same problem 
petitki1 5 years ago
sitting pee me too
billisaperv 5 years ago
I sit to pee most of the time too, for the same reason. I always end up with at least a small wet spot when i try to pee standing like a man. 
explorer_3x69 5 years ago
Quite often I have the same problem!
swingle66 Publisher 5 years ago
to ctmarriedman : Especially when it becomes common knowledge amongst friends.
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ctmarriedman 5 years ago
It’s so emasculating. 
swingle66 Publisher 5 years ago
Exactly. If I forget to hold push myself down when I am sitting, the wee goes under the seat and wet my pants. his has happened more times than I can remember!
SandyPark 5 years ago
I'm with you!  Real men stand.  We sit demurely!
swingle66 Publisher 5 years ago
to MissLesley : Same, i have to push my penis down between my legs. 
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davisdrake20 5 years ago
I'm fucking tiny af (3.75 inches fully hard/erect) so I can confirm it is far much better practically to sit to pee. I've only been doing this for a few years now, about 3.5 years, and its just better. I've stood before that, with the occasional sit, but I always suffered from many of the problems you mentioned.
drillenfun 6 years ago
I'd love to be sucking you and have you wee right in my mouth!
Ive been sitting for the last 20 years 
Not22Sure 6 years ago
Nearly always i sit to pee as i have MS and it is much easier
jojosmallone 6 years ago
to MissLesley : I too have to push my tiny thing down between my legs now. I use to be able just to sit and pee but as I get older my little fellow get smaller and smaller. 
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jojosmallone 6 years ago
I learn along time ago to sit while I piss. I struggle to hit the urinal or bowl when I pee standing and learn from experiences as a teen to sit. It is just more natural for me plus a lot less clean up....
jojosmallone 6 years ago
I have peed sitting off and on my whole life. Since my tiny pens has shrunk and stays limp 95% of the time I now always sit to pee. It does seem more natural for me to sit and pee like a female plus now my wife never complains about me "missing the bowl".
Minuscule 6 years ago
Always sit to pee especially when I am out in public and use the restroom. Being small and wetting on the front of my pants is embarrassing.    It is safer to just sit and not risk it.   Bigger guys have no idea what it is like for us.
mlock76 6 years ago
I can definitely relate. I sit to piss and have been for a while now. No matter how I aim, it sprays out like a fuckin' windex bottle