I shaved my legs
I finally plucked up the courage! After a very long time thinking about it, I finally shaved my legs. I have been shaving my pubic hair for many years, largely to emphasise how small my penis is. In recent times I have shaved from above my navel to below my balls, and it really made me look boyish. I am a naturally quite hairy guy so my legs ave very hairy. I had toyed with the idea of shaving my legs, but it is a big step.
I finally took that step. It was quite a shock to see the end result. I am now hair free from my navel down. I feel boyish, the natural state for someone with a little dick like mine. I am determined to stay this way for the rest of my life.
I finally took that step. It was quite a shock to see the end result. I am now hair free from my navel down. I feel boyish, the natural state for someone with a little dick like mine. I am determined to stay this way for the rest of my life.
7 years ago
I have light body hair and my legs and chest no longer grow any hair!
I love being totally bare especially when dressing in lingerie! I believe any one who cross dresses should be bare all over, because after we are sissies aren't we!