I have an uncanny ability to fuck things up further than anyone I know! Such is life. Found out the subject of my misery has a new fella today. I feel surprisingly good about it - genuinely pleased for her and really hope it works out well for her. Despite her uncanny ability to break my heart into a million pieces TWICE in my life, she really is a lovely person and deserves to be happy. I hope she never needs it, but I will always be here for her if she needs a shoulder to cry on or a hug although after this morning's huge fuck up I'm probably the last person she would turn to. Read more
I'm sorry!
I realise now the love was mine it wasn't shared by you I realise now it's not your fault there was nothing you could do You didn't ask me to fall in love you wanted to be just a friend and when I became a jealous fool you knew it had to end When we met for the first time it was ME who asked YOU for a kiss you couldn't possibly have realised it would end up quite like this So hun I'm really sorry for causing you such stress for being a loved up crazy fool for getting in such a mess Please will you forgive me for being such a prat and when you're next on FB will you Read more
The seasons of love
When you first fall in love it's the season of spring when the friendship starts to bloom when the touch of her hand and the sound of her voice will always lift the gloom Spring turns to summer as passions rise every waking moment she's in your heart no arguments or quarrels no anger no tears you're certain you'll never part But sure as night turns to day, summer turns to fall and the passion seems to wane you realise she's drifting away, her thoughts aren't of you and you feel the heartache and pain Fall becomes winter and the love has gone she's no longer yours to adore an Read more
My winter of sorrow calls
I lay here thinking what I wish you could be and what we could have done together If only our paths had crossed at a different time it might have been forever You're the person who I want for me the lover I adore who's breasts I caress, who's lips I kiss, who's body I explore Who makes me feel alive again full of passion lust and fire who shows me what my life is missing who is all that I desire But that can't be because we're apart I have just memories now that's all my summer of love has come to an end and I hear my winter of sorrow call The rain is my tears, the bare Read more
Addicted to you
Since we split I've tried so hard to move on and leave you be After all you've made it clear that you've no interest in me but whenever I have a moments spare time my mind thinks of you and I wish you were mine when I close my eyes I see you there your in my dreams my everywhere It's driving me mad I feel so blue but I can't help it I'm addicted to you Read more
I was wrong
I thought this would be easier this being apart I thought the tears would end and I'd heal my broken heart I thought that I could go on get stronger day by day I thought that I could hide my pain until it went away I thought that I would be ok be outgoing and strong I thought that I'd get over you I guess that I was wrong Read more
Day 4
In reality this is day 8 as everything changed on 7 September, so over a week has passed and I am surviving. Still get a churning in my stomach when I think of her, I suppose that will go on for some time yet. Work is piling up, need to concentrate on work today if I can and not keep checking if she is on line (and wondering what she is doing if she isn't). Exercise went well on Tuesday, not so good yesterday but am determined to do better today. Still not sure how to find new friends on here - sure I could send lots of friend requests but don't know who to send them to! Trouble Read more
Losing love
Is losing love part of life's lesson to help me on my way? to teach me how to cope with pain to live from day to day? if I have loved and lost and seen it crumble to an end will my aching broken heart ever start to mend? And if I do manage to survive to get through all the pain will I ever be strong enough to fall in love again? Or will I forever feel the darkness and despair the emptiness in my life because you're no longer there? Read more
How can I forget
How can I forget when my feelings run so deep when all I want do is lie in the dark and weep I promised not to contact you and leave you to contact me but I don't know if you ever will and I can't just wait and see What if you don't, will I survive? or will I fade and die? and if I did would anyone care? would anyone even cry? Your memory keeps me going of all the times we met without that I have nothing so how can I forget? Read more
Day 3
Hmmm. Missing my friend, but realising that she meant much more to me than I did to her which makes me sad. Looked back on our chats over the last year and cannot believe that it's so easy for her to shut the door quite so firmly. Background - This is a person who I dated MANY years ago, we lived together for a while but she started seeing someone behind my back and we split. She contacted me through another social site, we started chatting and eventually met up. The years had been much kinder to her than me (we hadn't seen each other for over 30 years!). She would come to the tow Read more
Day 2
hmmm, not feeling as positive today as yesterday. But life goes on, so must I. Have taken some fitnesss equipment to the office, so lunchtimes can be exercise time! Read more
Day 1 of the rest of my life. Make up with the person who's life I've been making hell - done (I hope) Look at doing something about my fitness (need to shift the beer belly, see if I can turn the barrel into a six pack!) Upload pictures of my best feature - done (IF above works, then more of the body will be revealed!) Get some friends on here - over to you world! Read more