When I came home, I had a bunch of cum in my ass. He came so much in me. It was amazing. His first orgasm was huge, I could feel It filling me up while he shoved his cock deep In me. But he wasn’t done, he kept fucking my hole. It was so wet and his cock just glided back and forth so smoothly. I could feel all his cum inside me acting like a lube, mixed with all my wet ass juice so that He was sliding all over my walls. He was deep Inside me and his cock was getting hard again. I was riding his cock and he was calling me a porn star and encouraging me to take all of it, which I did gladly. I w Read more
A dream of mine
I'm looking for a guy with a big cock. I like a guy who wants to get his big cock sucked a lot. When I'm sucking your dick I want you to call me a faggot,a bitch, a sissy and whatever else you want to call me. I like it when you smack me in the face with your big cock. I also like getting fucked in my ass. And if you rim my ass before I will really love you. My favorite thing to do is suck your cock while you rim my ass. Does that sound like fun? Read more
i love my transition
i recently received my 5th laser hair removal treatment and i am very pleased with the results. i would say that 95% of my hair is gone from my face. I am so happy about how it looks. My skin is so smooth right now. when i am out in public i get a lot more double looks, and though i don't really know what they are thinking, i always imagine people are seeing my changes and i like that so much. i especially get a lot more looks from guys, and i am starting to really enjoy that. i think all the hair will be gone with the next treatment and i am so looking forward to that. my mind is racing to th Read more
My first laser hair removal
Yesterday, I had my first laser hair removal session. I was really excited sitting in the waiting room. I kept thinking of how long i have been shaving, my first time was when I was 12. I was already growing a mustache and I didn't like it at all. It looked funny on a boy and made me feel uncomfortable. After shaving, I was really happy with the results and hoped it would take a long time to come back but it returned much quicker than I wanted. So began my association with the razor. I really don't like the hair on my face and this laser is going to solve my problem. The nurse who helped me wa Read more
San Francisco Transgender Film Festival
Hi everyone, I just went to the opening night of the Transgender Film Festival in San Francisco. It was a great show. Beautiful music, funny comedy, and everyone had a great time. If you are close to San Francisco, come and see a collection of short films all about trans issues. I felt great last night being out and myself with an accepting crowd. I'll be back tonight and I am really looking forward to it. Hope to see you there! Read more
first memory
my first memory of crossdressing was when i was about three. somehow, i was alone for long enough to put on a dress, heels, and necklace. the colors were bright and mixed up, of course. then i got into the makeup. starting with the red lipstick, i was trying to be like all the ladies i had seen in my life. i have always been very good at mimicking and this is a great example. i remember opening my mouth to try to get the color on in all the right spots. while i'm sure i didn't do a great job, i was doing my best to copy what i had seen. next i had the blush, trying to get it right too. just ab Read more
I used to have a boyfriend.......
He would come home from work, tired and hungry so I would make dinner for him a lot. He really liked my cooking and told me so all the time.I loved making him smile with a delicious meal. I felt so good taking care of him this way. He was really tall, much taller than me at 5'8". He was 6'5" tall with wide shoulders. After dinner we would sit on the couch with his big arms wrapped up around me and it made me feel so comforted and safe. I miss that all the time. When it was time for bed, we would spoon. I always pushed my body into his and he would grab my hip and pull me into him. It was Read more
when I was a boy
one of my first memories of gender differences that i have with typical people was after watching a nature video on pbs. i think i was about 6 years old. i watched a program about jellyfish and their life cycle. you see, jellyfish change their sex during their lifespan. this really threw my world perspective topsy-turvy. i have a very clear memory of looking out my bedroom window, mulling over this new information. i was not sure if i would be a boy for my whole life. i had already started crossdressing, but after being caught i was told boys don't do that. this new idea of being able to chang Read more