500 videos, So I say good bye.

I have tried and failed in my attempt to expose the reviewers to the other members. As soon as I posted the gallery of the reviewers mistakes I was attacked by the usual reviewers gang. I said many months ago to my few friends I have here that I would retire after I had uploaded 500 videos, getting the reviewer badge gave me a reason to stay a little longer as I wanted to see what really happens, but now as I have seen and learned I no longer wish to stay. I've really enjoyed my time here, and I hope that my 507 videos(and 127 videos deleted) and the 200,000 pictures I have uploaded have bro… Read more

Posted by P-L-P 11 years ago 31

What do reviewers do?

Before I became a reviewer I often wondered what do they do.I've now been a reviewer for a long time,about 36 hours at the point of writing this.lol I had a few questions that I never got answers to, so here I want to answer my own questions, and your questions if you have any. Can reviewers delete a picture? No. Each reviewer gets to look at a set of uploads, they have a few buttons they can press regarding each picture,the buttons are as follows: public(allows the picture to post),copyright(if the picture has any writing advertising other sites), move to men(if the picture doesn't have… Read more

Posted by P-L-P 11 years ago 73