What do reviewers do?
Before I became a reviewer I often wondered what do they do.I've now been a reviewer for a long time,about 36 hours at the point of writing this.lol
I had a few questions that I never got answers to, so here I want to answer my own questions, and your questions if you have any.
Can reviewers delete a picture?
No. Each reviewer gets to look at a set of uploads, they have a few buttons they can press regarding each picture,the buttons are as follows: public(allows the picture to post),copyright(if the picture has any writing advertising other sites), move to men(if the picture doesn't have female in it), move to shemales(easy to understand.lol), u******e(easy to understand), zoo(again easy to understand), pissing shitting(dirty nasty shit), v******e(easy to understand). As you can see there is no delete button. NO ONE REVIEWER CAN DELETE ANYTHING.
Each reviewer only gets to look at an upload once and can not decide which upload to look at, they are displayed randomly.
So, when your pictures are not posted and you get annoyed then have a look at your upload and see whats wrong, it will be one of the problems listed above.
Can reviewers delete videos?
No. The reviewers are shown 10 screen shots of your upload, the same 10 screen shots that are displayed on your page when you upload. The reviewers will decide if the upload is in the right channel,ie, gay,femdom,Asian and so on.
Thats all they can do, again they can not delete the video.
A reviewer doesn't like me and deletes my uploads.
No he didn't. No reviewer can delete a video or picture. They can report a video to support, but so can you and they do it in the same way you do it by emailing support and letting them know. Only support can decide.
Fuck all the reviewers,they are scum.
Maybe you are right, but think about it, if the reviewers didn't stop the shit,ie.p**o,s**t,piss and other crap then this site would not be here and no one would use it. If this site allows u******e uploads then it affects us all, who wants to be a member of a site full of u******e uploads?
(if the answer is yes then fuck off and die)
All the reviewers are in a gang.
No, check my friends list and you will see that my hammy friends are not reviewers, just normal members like you and I. In the past the site did have a problem with a few reviewers but they working on correcting that now.
Fuck the reviewers they do nothing for the site.
Maybe you are right, but I have reviewed over 12,500 pictures in less than 36 hours to make sure that none of the shit gets posted. And there are other reviewers that have reviewed more than me.
I had a video deleted for no reason.
I can't answer this as I also have had many videos deleted for what I can see no reason. I had a video deleted today and I am sure there was no reason.
If you have any other questions then please post them and I will do my best to answer them.
I have been told by other reviewers to delete this blog as I give away too many secrets.
I will not.
I think that's the problem, too many reviewers really think they are important, they need some form of silly status to make their life complete, fuck it, all we do is look at uploads before they go public, nothing special.
I will give this reviewing thing a little more time and see what happens, as of now I think its shit. Too many UA uploads are getting through.
Hint to men: when you upload a video or picture of your cock,tribute, then it gets moved to the gay channel, so only gay men will see your cock. Since 99% of females on here are fake, then the chances of any woman seeing your cock are about.000001%, but good luck and keep trying.
I've been reviewing videos today and I have seen so many videos marked as copyright by some reviewer and there is no reason for it. There is nothing on the screen for them to be marked as Cr, so I still have no idea why videos get deleted other than there are some fucking stupid reviewers that can't follow simple rules. And I also learned that if I try to review properly and do the job right I will probably get some shit. It seems the boys club is still here and alive.
I've had enough. The reviewers,as I have always known are just doing the job,many reviewers don't review much, just so they can part of some stupid little gang and get some feeling of self importance in their otherwise sad little lonely life. This is not aimed at all the reviewers,there are some that are nice and do the job to make the site better.
I've had enough of the Gynophobia from the boys club reviewers. I thought things were going to improve on this site. But its still the same,but its still the usual misogynistic barbarity imposed unto female members by patriarchal men on xhamster that couldn't handle a real woman.lol
I'm out. I asked for my reviewer status to be revoked as I don't want to get involved in their shit any more. I took a screen shot of my comment on capos page telling him I was out, just in case the sad little men think they had me removed for calling them out on the shit that they had given me and the fact that many of them can't review properly and that's why some of them lost some reviewing rights after I posted the proof that they were marking videos as CR for no reason other than stupidity or laziness or both. I tried to do the job right, the way its supposed to be, but it seems that anyone that does it right gets attacked.
I had a few questions that I never got answers to, so here I want to answer my own questions, and your questions if you have any.
Can reviewers delete a picture?
No. Each reviewer gets to look at a set of uploads, they have a few buttons they can press regarding each picture,the buttons are as follows: public(allows the picture to post),copyright(if the picture has any writing advertising other sites), move to men(if the picture doesn't have female in it), move to shemales(easy to understand.lol), u******e(easy to understand), zoo(again easy to understand), pissing shitting(dirty nasty shit), v******e(easy to understand). As you can see there is no delete button. NO ONE REVIEWER CAN DELETE ANYTHING.
Each reviewer only gets to look at an upload once and can not decide which upload to look at, they are displayed randomly.
So, when your pictures are not posted and you get annoyed then have a look at your upload and see whats wrong, it will be one of the problems listed above.
Can reviewers delete videos?
No. The reviewers are shown 10 screen shots of your upload, the same 10 screen shots that are displayed on your page when you upload. The reviewers will decide if the upload is in the right channel,ie, gay,femdom,Asian and so on.
Thats all they can do, again they can not delete the video.
A reviewer doesn't like me and deletes my uploads.
No he didn't. No reviewer can delete a video or picture. They can report a video to support, but so can you and they do it in the same way you do it by emailing support and letting them know. Only support can decide.
Fuck all the reviewers,they are scum.
Maybe you are right, but think about it, if the reviewers didn't stop the shit,ie.p**o,s**t,piss and other crap then this site would not be here and no one would use it. If this site allows u******e uploads then it affects us all, who wants to be a member of a site full of u******e uploads?
(if the answer is yes then fuck off and die)
All the reviewers are in a gang.
No, check my friends list and you will see that my hammy friends are not reviewers, just normal members like you and I. In the past the site did have a problem with a few reviewers but they working on correcting that now.
Fuck the reviewers they do nothing for the site.
Maybe you are right, but I have reviewed over 12,500 pictures in less than 36 hours to make sure that none of the shit gets posted. And there are other reviewers that have reviewed more than me.
I had a video deleted for no reason.
I can't answer this as I also have had many videos deleted for what I can see no reason. I had a video deleted today and I am sure there was no reason.
If you have any other questions then please post them and I will do my best to answer them.
I have been told by other reviewers to delete this blog as I give away too many secrets.
I will not.
I think that's the problem, too many reviewers really think they are important, they need some form of silly status to make their life complete, fuck it, all we do is look at uploads before they go public, nothing special.
I will give this reviewing thing a little more time and see what happens, as of now I think its shit. Too many UA uploads are getting through.
Hint to men: when you upload a video or picture of your cock,tribute, then it gets moved to the gay channel, so only gay men will see your cock. Since 99% of females on here are fake, then the chances of any woman seeing your cock are about.000001%, but good luck and keep trying.
I've been reviewing videos today and I have seen so many videos marked as copyright by some reviewer and there is no reason for it. There is nothing on the screen for them to be marked as Cr, so I still have no idea why videos get deleted other than there are some fucking stupid reviewers that can't follow simple rules. And I also learned that if I try to review properly and do the job right I will probably get some shit. It seems the boys club is still here and alive.
I've had enough. The reviewers,as I have always known are just doing the job,many reviewers don't review much, just so they can part of some stupid little gang and get some feeling of self importance in their otherwise sad little lonely life. This is not aimed at all the reviewers,there are some that are nice and do the job to make the site better.
I've had enough of the Gynophobia from the boys club reviewers. I thought things were going to improve on this site. But its still the same,but its still the usual misogynistic barbarity imposed unto female members by patriarchal men on xhamster that couldn't handle a real woman.lol
I'm out. I asked for my reviewer status to be revoked as I don't want to get involved in their shit any more. I took a screen shot of my comment on capos page telling him I was out, just in case the sad little men think they had me removed for calling them out on the shit that they had given me and the fact that many of them can't review properly and that's why some of them lost some reviewing rights after I posted the proof that they were marking videos as CR for no reason other than stupidity or laziness or both. I tried to do the job right, the way its supposed to be, but it seems that anyone that does it right gets attacked.
11 years ago
Seeing all the comments of retired profiles here kinda proofs that your report must be damn close to the truth. The funny thing is that, if they would just have kept silent, your statements would have had much less credibility.
As a summarizing remark: The condition of the reviewing system isn't that surprising, really. After all, it's still the internet.
P.S.: Thanks for linking in the status. I would have missed it otherwise. Status changes appear in the news.
Ok, I replied, now fuck off my page, I know you will come back with one of your other profiles,I know you have a few.
Ok, I replied, now fuck off my page, I know you will come back with one of your other profiles,I know you have a few.
No, check my friends list and you will see that my hammy friends are not reviewers, just normal members like you and I. In the past the site did have a problem with a few reviewers but they working on correcting that now. (Taken from above blog.) Checked,you have 4 current reviewers in your hammy friend list.
I'm sure you have been attacked by the little boys club, as most members that speak up have.