500 videos, So I say good bye.
I have tried and failed in my attempt to expose the reviewers to the other members. As soon as I posted the gallery of the reviewers mistakes I was attacked by the usual reviewers gang.
I said many months ago to my few friends I have here that I would retire after I had uploaded 500 videos, getting the reviewer badge gave me a reason to stay a little longer as I wanted to see what really happens, but now as I have seen and learned I no longer wish to stay. I've really enjoyed my time here, and I hope that my 507 videos(and 127 videos deleted) and the 200,000 pictures I have uploaded have brought a little fun to your life.
To all that I have become friends with I thank you for your friendship and our chats, they really gave me a reason to come here each day.
To all those that hate my uploads I say thank you for the thumbs down, to all those that supported me,and there were 100 times more positive support than negative I thank you with all my heart.
I wish everyone the best in their life, and remember, the world does not start or end on a porn site.
As I said before, if you ever see a sexy little half Asian girl sitting in CP at lunch time come over and say hi. I won't bite you,unless of course you ask me to.lol
Maybe I will come back someday, I will continue to use the site, but not as often as I have in the last year, and I doubt if I will sign in when I am here. You can still comment, positive or negative, I will read your comments when I visit.
For all, thank you and good bye.
**** to the reviewers gang that think I am leaving because of them please ask anyone on my friends list and they will tell you that I had planned to leave months ago,I blocked the boys club from commenting on my profile, no need for spam****
If you have anything to say about members leaving then go here and say what you feel: http://xhamster.com/user/capoxhamster
I said many months ago to my few friends I have here that I would retire after I had uploaded 500 videos, getting the reviewer badge gave me a reason to stay a little longer as I wanted to see what really happens, but now as I have seen and learned I no longer wish to stay. I've really enjoyed my time here, and I hope that my 507 videos(and 127 videos deleted) and the 200,000 pictures I have uploaded have brought a little fun to your life.
To all that I have become friends with I thank you for your friendship and our chats, they really gave me a reason to come here each day.
To all those that hate my uploads I say thank you for the thumbs down, to all those that supported me,and there were 100 times more positive support than negative I thank you with all my heart.
I wish everyone the best in their life, and remember, the world does not start or end on a porn site.
As I said before, if you ever see a sexy little half Asian girl sitting in CP at lunch time come over and say hi. I won't bite you,unless of course you ask me to.lol
Maybe I will come back someday, I will continue to use the site, but not as often as I have in the last year, and I doubt if I will sign in when I am here. You can still comment, positive or negative, I will read your comments when I visit.
For all, thank you and good bye.
**** to the reviewers gang that think I am leaving because of them please ask anyone on my friends list and they will tell you that I had planned to leave months ago,I blocked the boys club from commenting on my profile, no need for spam****
If you have anything to say about members leaving then go here and say what you feel: http://xhamster.com/user/capoxhamster
11 years ago
Especially in light of recent events in the past few weeks...
I for one will never be downloading my content on this ungrateful site again.
All the best to you, and take care
bon chance
It's been a pleasure to know you, and be your friend on xHam.
All the best!
This is a sad moment for this old heart. Seeing you going from here. You have been like a Breath of fresh air here showing you have a concern to have good thing going for the site. Taking so much guff and standing up for what you think is right and fare to be done.
As for the corruption of thought of sexual attitude. Thai is a Fantasy site to Dream your Dreams of what you would like to do and in other times you would not be able to do. Some do realize this and it seems that the others are one who have to try and cause problems to the other to have it look like a bad sit that is is not.
You and all you added to the sit will be missed.
The only regret I have is not knowing you better with more information for your profile.
Say Hi when you can. Even if it is only a Thought or as Sprite is the Air to my Ear as to say it is you saying HI form where you are.