Second meeting -continued

Her legs were silk smooth and delightful to caress I stroked each one getting ever closer to her pussy With each movement she arched her back toward me but it was not time for the ultimate prize so I licked and kissed her stomach moving up towards the curve of her breasts Taking first one nipple then the other I licked sucked and teased them with my tongue Her response was wonderful her beautiful eyes half-closed with the most sexually charged expression I have ever seen Now was the time to give myself the ultimate prize turning so I could place my head between her legs I gently parted her… Read more

Posted by olb51 11 years ago

Second meeting

When I left Zoe that lunch time I knew we would meet again the pm I received that night confirmed it Several weeks passed before we were able to arrange a meeting After an age she sent a text with a date time and place she had an obliging friend willing to lend her flat for the afternoon . I was so nervous I hadnt been with a woman for a long time and my levels of self esteem were rock bottom and I got lost in a strange town and was late She opened the door and the minute I was inside she kissed me my arms went round her and our tongues met We stayed locked together foe an eternity slowly str… Read more

Posted by olb51 11 years ago 1

First meeting

It is probably the same for everyone we exchanged messages for some time each one a little more intimate then the talk of meeting then finally we agreed to meet A safe public place midway between our respective towns We had chosen a service area with a coffee shop I was early Im always early I sat in the car feeling more nervous than I should be for a simple cup of coffee Nothing for it I got out and walked towards the coffee shop then hesitated not sure of wether to go in or stand outside A voice behind me Are you Phil ? I turned and found myeslf looking into the most beautiful grey blue… Read more

Posted by olb51 11 years ago


I get quite annoyed when people friend me or accept an invite to be friends then never talk Collecting is for stamps or butterflies not people… Read more

Posted by olb51 11 years ago 1

The kindness of strangers

If you took a straw poll of public opinion in this country today many would condemn us for belonging to the Hamster community We are perverts sluts dirty old men all the terms that deride people who are honest and open about their sexuality We live in times of hypocrasy suspicion and fear where to be anything other than 'normal 'is to be looked upon as a threat . I would disagree Recently I suffered a great personal loss since then I found friendship comfort support from within this community People who have talked me through the sadness anger and depression that comes with bereavment .Im no… Read more

Posted by olb51 11 years ago 7