The kindness of strangers

If you took a straw poll of public opinion in this country today many would condemn us for belonging to the Hamster community We are perverts sluts dirty old men all the terms that deride people who are honest and open about their sexuality We live in times of hypocrasy suspicion and fear where to be anything other than 'normal 'is to be looked upon as a threat .
I would disagree Recently I suffered a great personal loss since then I found friendship comfort support from within this community People who have talked me through the sadness anger and depression that comes with bereavment .Im not over it yet It is too recent but I will and I want to thank my friends for their help now and in the past This is a place where one can truly rely upon the kindness of strangers
Published by olb51
11 years ago
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Yorkshirebrummy 5 years ago
On a brighter note it only seems kinky the first time LOL
Yorkshirebrummy 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss, itā€™s said that time is a great healer, Iā€™m not totally convinced but my experience has been that eventually the acute pain recedes to a dull ache which serves as a reminder of those weā€™ve loved and lost.
Lurcher 6 years ago
Too trueĀ 
ukwolf 6 years ago
I agree
fishkiller 11 years ago
I agree with you, I believe everyone enjoys porn, looking at another's genitals and watching them have sex, alone or with someone. I/we don't meet anyone for a swapping party, but we do like to watch the videos, and we consider ourselves to be normal, you are not alone. By the way, there are a lot of people like us!!!!
well said sweetheart
wildrick 11 years ago
That's true