My stepsister and I were raised in a very strict, very traditional family. Neither of us were ever allowed to date; indeed, we were always chaperoned at any event where members of the opposite sex were present. I was eleven when our parents married, and she was a year older than I. Though we had not known each other before, we soon became each other’s best friends! Though there was some friendly competition, we always had each other’s backs and were inseparable. So imagine our surprise when our parents announced that they had selected a husband for my stepsister! She had only met her future… Read more

Posted by n2oral 4 months ago

Dressing up with my sister and her friends

When I was a kid, my adopted sister (does that make her my stepsister? We had different parents so I guess we weren’t true siblings…) who was three years older had always liked dressing me up in her clothes, putting lipstick and even makeup on me and pretending I was her little sister. We had done this for years - our adopted mom thought it was so cute! When I was half of twenty and she half of 26, she asked me if I wanted to play dress up again. I said, “Sure - if I can dress you up in my clothes too!” and so we went up to her room. She made me strip down to my skivvies, then handed me a pa… Read more

Posted by n2oral 8 months ago 6

My next date with Suzie

Needless to say, after our second date in the movie theater, we were both eager to go out again! It was May, toward the end of our seventh grade, and Susie invited me over to “study” for our upcoming tests. I was a top student, so I was somewhat in demand as a study partner, but Susie had more than math in mind to study… Suzie’s mom, Margaret, was a widow. Suzie was the baby of the family, her older brothers and sisters already grown and gone. Margaret was happy that I was assisting her daughter, as my family was prominent in our little town. Their house was small, so it seemed perfectly norm… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 3


I’ve always loved the female breast. Perhaps it all stems from the fact that I was raised by nuns my first year in St. Anthony’s Home for infants and unwed mothers? At any rate, instead of being nourished from a warm nipple I was forced to suck from a bottle. So that may explain my cravings for that wondrous mound of flesh, crowned by a rubbery protrusion that we know as tits! When I was finally adopted, my mom loved cuddling me to her magnificent boobs. She was a very shapely woman, already in her 30s, and had been a beauty queen during the Jayne Mansfield era of feminine ideals. She loved h… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 5


A quiet knock on the door of my hotel suite. Heart suddenly pounding, i go to the door and peer through the peephole. She stands there patiently, eyes downcast. It is her! I open the door and say, “Larissa?” “Da. Robert?” She says my name softly. ”Yes. Would you like to come in?” ‘ She is a shining mass of long blonde hair sweeping into my rooms, walking proud and erect as she gazes around the living room and walks - or rather, glides - to the window overlooking St. Petersburg. The sun is sinking into the west, the glowing light outlining her slender body wrapped in a knee length coat. “… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 2

A random phone call led to …

It was a Friday night on campus and nothing was going on, so I was over across the quad at my buddy Mike’s room and we were commiserating our fate on an all-men’s Catholic university. (I think this was a form of torture the Vatican devised after the Inquisition was outlawed?). Anyway we had just finished a joint and Mike was busy rolling another one when the phone rang. I was nearest the phone so I picked it up and answered - to a girl’s voice! Now everyone in town knew that the University had its own exchange, so all numbers beginning with 234-xxxx were going to go to the college. Some town g… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 2

Partying with Linda

Well after our memorable Prom night, I couldn’t wait for another opportunity with Linda. I was so proud of getting my ashes hauled and could think of nothing except getting her hot, slimy vagina wrapped around my dick again! A couple of weeks after Prom, she called and asked if I wanted to come up to her college for a party celebrating the end of final exams for the spring semester. I eagerly assented, telling my parents that I would be staying with her brother, who was a senior at the same university. I did drop by Denny’s apartment and told him that in case my parents called, would he cover… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 4

Prom Season

One of the young guys at work yesterday wanted to get off work early because he had a hot date for prom. I asked him if he had already procured his condoms and he grinned a sheepish grin and admitted he had. This got me remembering my own proms in my youth… When I was a junior in high school, my first junior/senior prom posed a dilemma - who to invite? I wasn’t currently dating anyone, so I asked a friend’s sister. My friend Denny was a senior in college, and dated Debbie, who was a lifelong friend my age, a junior in high school. Debbie was bringing Dennis as her date, so I invited Linda, De… Read more

Posted by n2oral 1 year ago 5

Her story- playing with him the first time

My sis wanted to tell her side of how we got started… How I remember it, I was coming home after school. I had just started high school (I was half of thirty, if you can do the math). It was still hot in September, and I noticed coming up the drive that the window air conditioner in my room was on. Which puzzled me, as I didn’t expect anyone to be home? I came into our house and went up the stairs and as I approached my room, my door wasn’t completely closed. I paused at the door and could hear the a/c running, and a rhythmic sound from my room. I peeked through the slightly open door, and w… Read more

Posted by n2oral 2 years ago 7

My next date with Nikki

I couldn’t just date Nikki for two reasons - her Eagle Scout college aged boyfriend Tom, who had never more than kissed her, such a straight laced snob, but more importantly her mother the formidable Bertha, who saw her role as getting her three daughters married off without being pregnant. I was especially unwelcome, not because of class (my parents owned a sizable local business) but because I was - CATHOLIC! In a rural Kansas town, you were either a Methodist or nobody. So we had to sneak around behind Bertha’s back. A couple of weeks later we got another opportunity. Again a girlfriend p… Read more

Posted by n2oral 2 years ago 7

Evangelical pastors and sinning…

Hillsong Church, one of the largest evangelical megachurch organisations in the world with over 30 huge congregations around the world, is in the news as it implodes amid allegations of sexual misconduct by its leaders, pastors, and founders. This is barely news these days, as we have become inured to lurid tales of “men of the cloth” failing to practice what they preach. Why are so many of those who threaten eternal damnation so often exposed as sexual predators? I think it goes way back - there are so many tales of the preacher and the organ lady that they contain a kernel of truth. In my o… Read more

Posted by n2oral 3 years ago 7

Trick or treating my way

Every Halloween, the little k**s start showing up at my door about 5:00 accompanied by their parents. My subdivision is apparently known as easy pickings, because I will get hundreds of little visitors, and the street will be clogged with minivans and SUVs. This goes on until dark, when the little k**s go home and the older k**s take over. From 7:00 until 8:00 I tend to get the junior high k**s, then after 8:00 even high schoolers. Now the popular costumes among these pre teen and teen trick or treaters (who tend to be mostly pubescent girls in twos and threes) tend to be the slutty streetwal… Read more

Posted by n2oral 3 years ago 8

Another date with Nikki

Nikki and I had a great time on our first “non-date” and we both wanted to continue exploring our sexual experimentation with each other. The problem was Bertha, her widowed mother. Her dad, a banker, had passed away about five years ago and her mother was overprotective of Nikki and her two older sisters. Growing up thus without a male presence had made Nikki quite curious about boys.... We got around this by her telling her mom she was going to a girlfriends birthday party and having her girlfriend pick her up, then we met and she got into my car. We spent some time driving around and she s… Read more

Posted by n2oral 4 years ago 5

Seduced by red headed Nikki

It was the fall of 1966, and I signed up to take my SAT test at a nearby university. I was all of seven teen years old, and had already been designated a National Merit Scholar for my “top 10” in Kansas PSAT test my sophomore year the previous year. Nikki Cl*yc*mp, a classmate asked me if she could catch a ride with me as she also wanted to take the test. ”Sure,” I said, “We’ll have to leave about 8am on Saturday to be in Emporia by 9 when the test starts. I’ll pick you up then.” Now I have to explain about Nikki. She was a freckled redhead, the youngest of three girls and the last one livin… Read more

Posted by n2oral 5 years ago 6

A widow gets what she craves...

After I retired, my doctor suggested an exercise program to keep my body in shape so I joined a local fitness club. I went three days most weeks, alternating weights for keeping bone mass and exercise machines for cardiovascular health. There were many younger women who also worked out, but I kept noticing an older woman, about 60, who was there most days I was. Short bobbed platinum hair, about 5’4”, trim with a tight ass and slight tummy and deliciously firm, high tits in the workout togs she came in. One day after our workouts, she was sitting alone in the juice bar so I sat down and intro… Read more

Posted by n2oral 6 years ago 11

The Load Out

We were halfway through our second set of the night at a blues and barbecue joint when she caught my eye. She was dancing with a girl friend, letting the music move her and she was good - shaking her moneymaker and tossing her head, wrapped up in the beat. She was wearing a short skirt and tank top because it was hot in the packed bar, no bra from the way her tits were jiggling as she danced. We finished that number and the next one on the set list was “Time Is Tight” so I led the number off on my bass. We play it slow to begin, then Kris on drums picks up the tempo and her girlfriend sat this… Read more

Posted by n2oral 6 years ago 2

My first time with Leaflee...

One of my first friends here on Xhamster was Leaflee - we became friends six years or so ago. I was attracted to her small mature tits and prominent nipples (they are the size of my fingertip, always erect!) We commented on each others’ profiles, and exchanged hundreds of pms. Then we exchanged phone numbers, and began texting, sexting and eventually phone calls. She would call me while I was at work and she was masturbating, just so I could hear her squishing her cunt and moaning in orgasm. We Skyped so we could enjoy each other’s climaxes - she loves to see guys ejaculate for her! I told Le… Read more

Posted by n2oral 7 years ago 8

Afternoon Delight

The text came Friday night from Karen- "Mike is playing golf tomorrow afternoon- want to come have some fun together?" "Sure what time?" "Be here at noon?" "I'll be there!" Saturday morning I drove the hour to Dallas and got there a little before noon. I texted her to see if the coast was clear, and she replied to come up in ten minutes. Nine and a half minutes later I climbed the stairs to their apartment and knocked softly. A moment later she opened the door and pulled me inside. She is 5'10", 135 pounds, very fit for her age, with long blonde hair and quite good looking. She w… Read more

Posted by n2oral 7 years ago 2

Adieu my friend

Yesterday I had a message from Carolyn, my friend Dennis's sister. I knew Dennis all my life; he lived on the corner down the street from my parents' house. He was 7 years older than I was, so we had little in common at first. Then when I was 17, he rode up on a Honda 250 Dream to the city swimming pool where I was life guarding. He had just ridden that little motorbike from California to Kansas. We started talking, and 50 years later our conversations were interrupted but never finished. A tall, lean redhead with an easy grin, Denny was a mentor and friend. He earned a PhD in mathematic… Read more

Posted by n2oral 8 years ago 2

Chicago 1968

As we near another presidential nominating convention, I am reminded of the events of 48 years ago. History does not repeat itself, but it does often go in spirals. And to quote George Santayana, those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Like 2016, 1968 was a year of unrest. We were in the middle of a lengthy war that was not going well, racial tensions were running high with protests in the streets, and we were choosing our next leaders. The Democratic Party was meeting in Chicago that summer, and after one idealistic candidate, Eugene McCarthy, had succe… Read more

Posted by n2oral 8 years ago 5