My New Tribute is Up on erome... Dedicated to the Magnificent Maya Hawke as Robin Buckley in Stranger Things... Will she survive her encounter with my bulging brown b**st in the Cumside Down..? ;P How to find it: Go to my profile main page and under "Personal Information", click the link for "Website"... This will take you to my page on the "Pink Heart" site. Then click on the latest album/thumbnail (usually top left) ... and Enjoy! ;) If you wish to leave comments, please leave them here, as it makes it easier for me to reply to you! Read more
Since xham is now a sellout joy-kill little cun...
...t! I will no longer be able to post my tributes on this previously free to use platform. You can therefore find any new content of mine here: I will post links here in the blog section and in the status bar of my profile whenever I upload a new video. All my other videos on here are now set to Friends Only (Until they are deleted by the hamster as I'm sure they will be...) as well as most of my galleries. That is all. Thank you to all my friends and supporters on here! You made it fun :) Stay stiff and spunky y'all! #fuckxham #fuckxhamwithabluntvegetable #m Read more
Fuck 2020! A Tributer's New Year Poem...
Well 2020 is nearly over and what a shit year it has been... Lockdown, Trump, Police brutality and fucking Covid-19! But right now I'd rather think about only things positive and good Such as Lady Boss Chastain and how she gives me crazy aching hard wood! Of course this year had a few occasions for celebration Like that fat orange twat losing the presidential election! But for myself, it is the little moments that I mostly treasure Like stroking for Miss Howard and moaning with pleasure! Masturbating over beautiful celebs may seem somewhat perverted But it can be therepeutic when thoughts ne Read more
Ten Things I Hate About Porn! (Isolation Rant)
Well, as the above title states the following is a list, in no particular order, of ten things I hate about porn... Thanks to ubig_geek for his post which inspired me to do this one. You can find it here: And thanks to the coronavirus for locking me up in my house for almost a month and sending me gently out of my mind. The result of which is the post you are about to read... so enjoy my ranty madness! ;P One. Too Many Close-ups! Oi... Camera person! Change the bloody angle now and ag Read more
A minor annoyance - for discussion
Greetings Fellow Hamsterites... Forgive me for getting a little ranty. But this bollocks is really bugging my ballsack! I've noticed a few people with my videos saved in their favourites, but who have not bothered to leave any comments! Now let me just make this clear. I make these tributes really just for ME... but It would be utterly disingenuous of me to say that I do not enjoy receiving comments and feedback from people saying how they enjoyed the video (why else would I post them on a video sharing site? ;P). But even just a quick "Nice video" or "Hot"... Or if you're not familiar with Read more
Not Your Usual Christmas Music
Allow me a "Bah Humbug" moment if you will... There are many things one hates about the Christmas season... the shitty weather, crowded stores, hysterical cynical consumerism, visits from annoying relatives... As for me... my biggest annoyance is Bloody Christmas Music! >:( An unending stream of puling sickly sentimental depressing treacly jingle-belling bollocks being ejaculated ad nauseam from every radio and store tannoy within earshot! So I've decided to post some Christmas music that serves as a respite from the no Read more
My Music Lounge
Welcome... I decided I would post some of the music I like on here just for fun and for those of you who are interested. Please feel free to post any of your own favourite tunes or comments about favourite musical artists... and enjoy! Addendum as of June 2019: (You will have to copy and paste the song name and artist name featured in each post into the search engine of your choice in order to hear the song... since the Hamster no longer seems to allow direct links to a certain video-sharing website... >:/) P.S... This blog post is fully endorsed by Cara Delevingne... ;P http Read more
Favourite Halloween Movie?
And which Lovely Lady would you love to cuddle with during the scary bits? :o For me it has to be... Frightnight (1985 original of course!) Cuddling with Bryce... *sigh* under a cozy quilt with a big bucket of popcorn... ...until suddenly she... OH MY... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Read more
First Movie Sex Scene that you remember cumming to
Back in the innocent (or not so innocent ;P) time of your youth... as you began to blossom into puberty... what was the first movie sex (or just incredibly sexy) scene that made you want to just *ahem* "rub one out"..? :) Read more
A Question...
Have you ever been masturbated/wanked off by someone of the same or opposite sex...? Read more