A minor annoyance - for discussion

Greetings Fellow Hamsterites...

Forgive me for getting a little ranty. But this bollocks is really bugging my ballsack!

I've noticed a few people with my videos saved in their favourites, but who have not bothered to leave any comments!

Now let me just make this clear. I make these tributes really just for ME... but It would be utterly disingenuous of me to say that I do not enjoy receiving comments and feedback from people saying how they enjoyed the video (why else would I post them on a video sharing site? ;P). But even just a quick "Nice video" or "Hot"... Or if you're not familiar with words, a fucking smiley face would suffice! Just some brief acknowledgement for the vid that made you rub one out would be nice!

I work full time and have a side business and when I DO get the time to set up and video a tribute, I spend a fair bit of time and effort on making these videos and getting them the way I want... NOT because I think I'm hot shit; NOT because I think I'm a better tributer than anyone else (I'm fucking not!) and NOT to be a show off twat, or be like "Oh, look... I'm so fancy with my editing and video making skills!" But because I enjoy making tributes and I like to make each one special and unique to each of my Ladies/muses/"tributees". Like I'm making a little movie to the lovely lass who has my crank raging and rock hard at that moment! It makes it enjoyable for me and hopefully to whoever else chooses to watch...

Honestly, I don't care if you downvote my shit... because you're a cunt. That much is obvious and apparent. But people favouriting my shit and not leaving comments really fucks me off more for some reason. Especially you whiny little pricks who keep bugging me to tribute a certain celebrity (who I just happen to like too) over and over again. And when I finally get around to doing it... NOT because YOU wanted it... but because I wanted to do it! And you can't even leave a comment to say it was ok or it fucking sucked fucking elephant cock or something! Would it take you that fucking long? Is it too much of a fucking detour from your ever-so-busy cock abusing fucking schedule!?

Phew... Ok I've had my little tantrum! ;) But seriously. Am I being a dick about this? Am I being over-demanding or oversensitive? Is this a "netiquette" issue. I'm sure some of you will read this and think, "Oh fuck you! You fucking drama queen! What are you complaining about?" and you may be right. :)

In any case, I now open this up for discussion... Please let me know your opinions on this. Or feel free to rant about any annoyances you have about being a content creator on the hamster wank wheel.

Or just tell me to fuck off and grow a pair! ;)


Published by jaz37
5 years ago
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jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
Oh Stark! For someone who puts out such consistent, abundant and high quality content on such an unfailing regular basis... you can be more than forgiven for not leaving comments! :wink:
But really my biggest irritation is most certainly with the no-content creating people who make requests OR have a favourite celeb that I've already tributed, but then don't bother to leave even a word of regard. Some do PM me privately to let me know their thoughts and that's absolutely fine, if they don't want to leave a public comment. However, it really is just an insignificant "first world" aggravation of mine and like Johnman said; if they have your stuff saved in their favourites, then that should be enough for you to know they enjoyed it! :smile:
jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
to emmafan89 : Thank you for your honesty, emmafan :smile: I know I'm being a whiny little fucker about this! I'm sure that's a good reason why some people don't leave comments. 
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jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
to CumPistol : Ha ha! True enough... and I've definitely been guilty of being both kinds! :grinning:
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jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
to Johnman9191 : You are absolutely correct, Johnman and obviously far more emotionally mature than I am! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I should not let it bother me... but it does! Maybe not as much as before, now that I've ranted about it, but I guess I still find it a little baffling and "impolite" to favourite someone's work and not just leave a quick "Nice" or "OK" or an emoji or just something!
I'm honestly fine with haters... If they downvote my video I KNOW they won't leave a comment because they're coward little bitches who shirk from confrontation and engagement with someone who will tear them a new arsehole! But someone who likes something of yours enough to save it for future viewing but doesn't support you with even a word of approval? 
To me, it's like you cooked a meal for yourself... but it's so good that you want to share it with a friend, because you think they'll enjoy it too. So you give them some... and they just scarf it down and hand you the empty plate without saying a word to you. Wouldn't you be a bit miffed? Like... Did they actually like it? Or were they just hungry and didn't care what they shoved in their mouth?
Oh well... In any case, I'll try my best to follow your more zen-like approach in future! :wink:
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emmafan89 5 years ago
I'm sure I've been guilty of "favoriting without commenting" in the past.  Often it would be because I don't feel I have anything original or insightful to add (and usually other comments express what I would express), but I'll make a better effort to let the creators know that I appreciate their work!
CumPistol 5 years ago
to jaz37 : No, absolutely, I'm a big believer in comments. I just meant that it's good to remind yourself that you don't need outside validation, it doesn't mean your work is bad. It just means this site is full of wankers. Both kind of wankers.
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jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
to CumPistol : Even a painfully boring "hot" or "sexy" would be fine! At least it's some indication of what you think of it rather than just sneaking it away into your favourites and blanking the one who created it! I can't help it... I find it rude. Of course you are right in saying we don't upload our content purely to get comments... Yet at the same time; isn't that why the comment section is there? To let that person know, "Hey, I liked your video/picture/story. Good work." just as a friendly acknowledgement for something you liked enough to save it for future viewing enjoyment. 
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Johnman9191 5 years ago
Your frustration is understandable. Usually when I see my tributes in people's favorites, it's enough for me to know that they at least enjoy what I make, even if they don't leave a comment. I try not to let it bother me. Keep doing what you're doing, because remember, it's for YOU, no matter what the haters may think :smile:
CumPistol 5 years ago
If you can't rant here, where can you? 

Being an uploader myself, I can understand the appeal of comments. It's not the reason we do what we do but it certainly adds to it, to know how someone felt about it and it's far better if they write something interesting, not just the painfully boring "hot" or "sexy". I'll still upload my galleries even if no one comments on them but my heart always skips a small beat when I see a notification pop up in red. 
jaz37 Publisher 5 years ago
to CumGirlShoot : Thank you CGS for your comment. Be assured that none of the above applies to you my friend. You always leave me such fun, enjoyable and enthusiastic comments and I truly appreciate your kindness and friendship. I also understand that this is not done with bad intentions... It's just one of those little things that annoys me because I am sometimes WAY TOO sensitive and reactionary. I apologize for this post being so angry and pathetically needy! But I just had to vent! :smile:
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CumGirlShoot 5 years ago
Honestly I'm one of them ^^' that all time he can, add to the favorites a particular video that I like and I want to watch it later or another time, even for give him another little of visibility to all of them that I know sometimes come to my profile to take a look at my favorite photos or videos...
When I can and I've something nice or that I truly feel inside me, I always transcribe it with a comment.
I'm sorry if I've gave to you or someone else that will read your post or this comment that feeling... but I think that many people don't do it with bad intentions... many of them are simply bored and lazy ^^'... but yes the interaction side is what make a good a community like our and sometimes also a simply smiley face or an heart is more than welcome to who create contents 