Ten Things I Hate About Porn! (Isolation Rant)

Well, as the above title states the following is a list, in no particular order, of ten things I hate about porn...

Thanks to ubig_geek for his post which inspired me to do this one. You can find it here: https://xhamster.com/posts/9933823

And thanks to the coronavirus for locking me up in my house for almost a month and sending me gently out of my mind. The result of which is the post you are about to read... so enjoy my ranty madness! ;P


Too Many Close-ups!


Oi... Camera person! Change the bloody angle now and again instead of just staying on the same hairy sweaty taint shot for half an hour!
I have no idea what the girl looks like but I could pick this fuckers balls out of a police line-up of a hundred others!



I've said it before and I shall say it again. POV porn is Shite. Pish. Absolute fucking wank... Not a sexy angle in sight. Where is the girl!? All I see is shaky iphone footage of what appears to be the raw meat counter at Tesco and a pair of shrivelled hairy balls jiggling around for 20 minutes... Stop it!


Too Much Ass Slapping:

While I am certainly not adverse to an occasional short sharp cheeky spank upon a lady's pert plump posterior... It seems every single porn video now would be incomplete without the constant aggressive and repetitive Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! aaallll the way through it... Enough already with the fake macho bollocks you twats! Can I not just simply enjoy the shapely beauty of a woman's firm round creamy derriere without seeing some fuckwit's bright red monkey hand print stamped on there like a produce sticker on a fucking melon!?



The fuck!? I mean... c'mon! You're not a plumber mate and your cock is not a roto rooter... You're not unblocking a drain. Seriously. If you want to see a woman with bloodshot red eyes, mascara dribbling down her face and puking and drooling like a toddler, just hang around outside a Wetherspoons at chucking out time!


Female pornstars who constantly shriek "Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Fucking fuck that fucking fuck you Fuck!" - I mean... I know it's porn and not Shakespeare, Shaw or Shelley... but for fuck's sake come up with some better dialogue!


Male pornstars who constantly grunt "Fuckin' yeah! You fuckin' like that? Fuckin' love getting your fuckin' fuck fucked you fucketty fuck Fuck?!" - Jesus intercoursing christ... Does anyone in porn speak human anymore?


Hair Pulling:

More stupid macho shit... And they don't know how to fucking do it right either. Allow an accredited porn legend and a gorgeous lesbian comedienne to demonstrate the correct way to manually manipulate the protein filament protuberances located around the cranial area...


Whatever the fuck this is:



What. The. Blue. Arsed. Fuck.


Inc*st Porn:

Do I really need to explain?


When the camera cuts to a shot of the guy's face before he cums:

Ugh! A notoriously off-putting trademark of 70's and 80's porn but still prevalent in modern times (talkin' about you Bang Bros!). Seriously... nothing destroys a boner quicker or surer than a close up shot of some scrawny tattooed fucking meth head gurning away like a tractor just ran over his foot... God help you if you cum whilst staring at this:


Auuugggggghhhaaaauuuwwwkk! Kill it! Kill it with Fire!

And there you have it. I could add way more to this list but instead I open it up to you, fellow denizens of the hamster wheel, to chime in with your own irritations and loathings regarding this most abundant of groinally abusing and wrist-exercising audio visual art forms. What in porn puts the limp in your meat truncheon or dries out your minge like an old brillo pad? ;)
Published by jaz37
4 years ago
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Number 10 is a pet hate of mine too
BeeCee83 3 years ago
Brilliant! ?
MichiganJacker248 4 years ago
Right on!
redclay56 4 years ago
A little bit of just about anything goes a long fucking way...
MalibuKen 4 years ago
to jaz37 : I can understand that’s annoying 
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to MalibuKen : Personally, I prefer to see the girl do the finishing... But if the guy is right on the edge, moaning hard and all it takes is a couple of pumps and he shoots... then yes, that can be really hot too. But as africababes and Stark12 already mentioned below... It's when they stand there like plebs pounding away at the meat pole for an eternity until finally a tiny bauble of jizz emerges and she has to either lick it off or pluck it off with a finger to wipe it on her face... Then that's just anticlimactic as fuck!
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to africababes : Sadly I'm not familiar with Adina Jewel... Did she retire from the industry? And that does bring up another point of contention... Not Enough Women of Colour in Porn! Misty Stone is the only one I can think of ( bearing in mind that I don't watch that much porn anymore ) but there definitely does need to be more diversity. More beautiful black, brown, asian and latino women (and men!) to spice up and liven up the dull, dry and flaccid pornographic arts I say!
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MalibuKen 4 years ago
to jaz37 : Also, should the girl finish the guy off?
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
Exactly! I've Never understood the mentality behind that... What could be hotter, especially as a viewer, than to see this lovely lass work out that pearl sauce with her mouth or her hands!?

Oh and by the way... as I know you are something of an Elsa Jean fan :wink: I just came across (ooh-err) this interview she did where she talks about the industry and recounts some crazy on set stories (which actually shed some light on some of the annoying things we've been griping about on here) . It's pretty interesting and she's quite a funny gal! If you're interested, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DipTRbWdp5s&ab_channel=HollyRandallUnfiltered
jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to africababes : The Only POV porn I actually like would be the MHBHJ series (Mark's Head Bobbers & Hand Jobbers). Now THAT'S how POV is done when it's done right! You can actually see the women and they are perfectly framed with good lighting, their mouths working that slippery pork-pole, lying on their belly, ass gently bobbing up and down in the background, barefeet up in the air... gleefully teasing that cock till it (literally) shoots like a fountain... Gorgeous!

And I agree with your other point... silent bored "where's the jizz" cumshots are the worst! And you actually may have hit the nail on the head as to the reason for that... I saw an interview with Elsa Jean where she was talking about doing a scene where the guy prematurely blew his load during the shoot and then when it came to the actual "money-shot" couldn't cum and actually peed on her instead! :open_mouth:

Anyway thank you for your comment my friend! And if you are interested, here's a clip of that Elsa interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN_nukGzKmM&ab_channel=HollyRandallUnfiltered
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to MalibuKen : Exactly... If they're done Right! My annoyance lies with the fact that porn makers consistently keep doing it Wrong.
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MalibuKen 4 years ago
to jaz37 : One, three, four, five, six, and seven if it's done right
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to MalibuKen : That's fine. To each his own :wink: But I'm afraid to ask which ones?
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MalibuKen 4 years ago
I like some of these, they happen to turn me on
africababes 4 years ago
That really annoys me too . Why is that ? you can see the guys really struggling but the guy won't let her help . I think it's just shitty actors who genuinely can't fuck . Adina Jewel was an incredible cock sucker but she only did low budget scenes so most of the guys she sucked off were lousy who could only handle her for a few minutes and they used to just wank themselves off which really frustrates me because when she had the right man and the right cock she drove them to the limit .
africababes 4 years ago
Some POV's can be good . It depends who is filming it . One of the best blowjob scenes I ever saw was a POV but yeah I know what you mean the majority of them are apallingly badly filmed . One thing I don't like is After watching the guy trying to flex his muscles and trying hard to be "Alpha Male" When he finally gets to blow his load He makes no sound whatsoever and seems totally disinerested  and just stands there like some teenager pathetically wanking himself off with barely a droplet of Cum dribbling out of his dick . Now when I cum I lose my shit and that's just me wanking . When I cum during sex or a blowjob I literally completely spaz out and I mean totally spaz out I lose all self control and make all sorts of noises . What I'm saying is these guys either prematurely blew their loads earlier during filming or they've become so accustomed to sex that they just don't feel anything anymore it's just routine to them .
pumpit4sluts 4 years ago
That was an entertaining read! I'm not fussed about most of your pet peeves, but I'm with you on numbers 1, 2 and 9. They can fuck right off.
CumPistol 4 years ago
to jaz37 : Nikki Hearts' the tattooed lass and yeah, she's yummy. I, uh, I actually love girls in sneakers, especially the big ugly kind. It's one of my weirdest fetishes.
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to CumPistol : Mmm... Keira Croft is yummy... as is the sexy tattooed lass! I did quite enjoy the vid, but it does bring up another pet peeve of mine... BIG UGLY SNEAKERS ON THE GIRL! No! No! And thrice NO! Not to mention shoes on the couch (not in my house)!
I love feet! I want to see FEET! The blokes can keep their horrible hobbit trotters covered, but I want to see that young lovely's pretty pink piggies! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to prairieFreak13 : Hee hee! Glad you enjoyed my isolation meltdown! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Oh Nina is the OG! If I had hair... (on my head at least) she could pull on it all day long! And lovely Kate seemed to really enjoy it! :wink:
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jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to Johnman9191 : Glad I could be of service in making your day better :smile: Hope you and your family/friends are healthy and safe. Yep, the spitting thing is super disgusting and not erotic at all. I mean I love to see a (fairly) wet slippery blowjob, but they always make it so over the top that it just becomes obscene and ridiculous!
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prairieFreak13 4 years ago
haha enjoyed this rant and THANKS for the Nina clip....MMMMMMmmmmmmm
CumPistol 4 years ago
to ubig_geek : That's pornstar Keira Croft being a fluffer/photographer during the second scene of Interracial Gangbang Tryouts Volume I for EvilAngel.
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to CumPistol : They take pics before and during shoot. That's just a horny female photographer
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CumPistol 4 years ago
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Johnman9191 4 years ago
This definitely made my day in isolation better :smile:. But really, these are so true. One thing I hate the most in porn is all the damn spit. Seeing and hearing them suck and slurp it up almost makes me gag. And it's especially gross to me when the dude rubs his spit covered dick all over the girl's face. That shit makes me sick.
jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to ubig_geek : I didn't know that... Thanks! I guess they went out with female pubic hair :wink:
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They dont have fluffers anymore. That was a 70s trend
jaz37 Publisher 4 years ago
to CumPistol : Absolutely... Fluffers... The unsung heroes of the sex industry world. A job that literally sucks!
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CumPistol 4 years ago
to jaz37 : Shout out to those unseen pornographers, the fluffers, for all their *hard* work in getting coked up cocks to get up and running. 
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