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Last seen 1 year ago
Kama Sutra Guru
1483 days on xHamster
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159 subscribers
637 comments left
Personal information
I am:
Sean, male, heterosexual
Youngstown, Earth
Female, heterosexual
High school
No, but maybe want some
Most days
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160 cm (5 ft 3 in)
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About me

Just an angry bitter incel who has never even touched a girl. Would give anything to feel the pleasure of women. All I do is drink heavy, game, jerk off to porn, sleep, jerk off more and and cry from being so lonely, short, fat, ugly as fuck, balding, broke, insecure, etc.
I hate women so much for how they treat me. I'm sorry I don't have six pack abs and a new Ferrari and high social status. Stuck up whores. God I FUCKIN HATE ALL OF YOU. I'm going to snap soon. A guy can only take being lonely and horny for so long.
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Strokemaster1997 3 months ago
to IncelMisogynist : Yo youre pathetic and will never be happy you deserve to be alone
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KaneTheSeven777 9 months ago
to H0riz-n93 : Shut Up yah Cunt....
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KaneTheSeven777 9 months ago
to Jizzmaxxxin : Lmao, What??😂😂😂😂😂
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IncelMisogynist Host 2 years ago
Yeah.  It’s so funny huh cunt? 
IncelMisogynist Host 2 years ago
to Britpornlover69 : Prove it then whore.  What’s your address? 
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Britpornlover69 2 years ago
I'm a cute woman with d cup tits and I'd let you fuck me :wink:
Kleptomaniaac 2 years ago
Jizzmaxxxin 2 years ago
to H0riz-n93 : Well that may be but the finbought blue waffle is a very sticky infection to get rid of which seems to be coming more prevalent in the high pizza delivery areas now the waffle Pizza is no joke don't put it in the toaster don't put it in your junk it's it's contagious you can catch it off of slip and slide Slurpees and salamanders and your sister hahaha I'm just kidding haha I'm going to go pounds a little neighbor girl now just washing her car in a bikini yeah really tight bikini it's all wet I'm just going to go jump over the bushes and Humper sounds good to me peace out there now remember no more bashing each other kind of bastard Dirt Bike Locker yep the low pressure Locker the bus something yay
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Jizzmaxxxin 2 years ago
Okay okay we're just going to call a complete truth to this whole thread you guys are out of control with your banter of hatred and deceit deception and denial I think we should all take a minute to think about what we've accomplished here on this thread and it's obviously that hookers aren't cheap and they aren't the best way to go if your neighbors not your gender friend then maybe you can do a Lorraine Bobbitt and get that going on with the ginger of your choosing or build one of your own like The Flintstones did anyways I'm going to keep my eyes open on you guys so that nothing happens with this thread and it doesn't become a mental melanoma of rectal design check it or wreck it I was sent here by whore goddess just to make a comment to help straighten everything out so get your shit together get your legs up get off the stick and you know how which you stay on brooms don't you that's right those peace out party on yeah smoke them if you got them wait a minute I forgot something at no time should you and salt anybody because of your lack of balls bitches
H0riz-n93 2 years ago
Don't let the Gash-havers get you down. And if they do... you ever swung an empty bottle of whiskey through the air? Feels solid, hard.
to titsokaylol : Damn right.
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joanna3226 2 years ago
OYE MARICON incelMIsogino deja de Hablar mal de las mujeres q no tegustan las mujeres porque tu heres un maricon abarbado y feo buscate un gay como tu ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
DesperateForCocks 2 years ago
Your hatred is hot. I'd totally travel and meet for you to do me. You're not even unattractive, I'd hold my legs open for you to shoot a load in me.
H0riz-n93 2 years ago
Just fuck a whore, it's cheap, efficient and less likely to give you a mental illness than interacting with a femoid.
freckles69 3 years ago
to IncelMisogynist : Come to the uk
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IncelMisogynist Host 3 years ago
to comilon147 : Lol. Another keyboard warrior normie talking shit
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comilon147 3 years ago
lmao go suck a dick faggot. blow your brains out
IncelMisogynist Host 3 years ago
to titsokaylol : Well at least im not a freak and don't change what sex i am from day to day.  You can't even decide what gender bathroom to use.  
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titsokaylol 3 years ago
The fact that you call yourself an incel says everything about your mentality, it also explains why you will continue being one. It's either get off your ass and get shit done or jerk off and wallow in self-pity. It's always a choice. Being "short, fat, ugly as fuck, balding, broke, and insecure" aren't an excuse. Anyone who checks all these boxes you mentioned and has even an ounce of confidence can get laid. It's not rocket science. 
titsokaylol 3 years ago
LMAO this is sad. 
IncelMisogynist Host 3 years ago
Well then come to youngstown. 
Maiiaax 3 years ago
raye87 3 years ago
can’t stand women, we’re inferior in every single way but most cunts act like it’s the opposite
arnom 3 years ago
to MisterMyoknight : Oh look, you sound more and more butthurt with each your post. Wanted to be a badass knight of the internet, saving all poor helpless women, but ended up making a total moron of yourself. Not an unusual outcome for white knights though.

I only mentioned dating apps because you in your small mind were assuming I was talking about myself. Thus I explained you, it wasn't about myself as I'm not on dating apps at all. So you start to talk about something and when someone replies to it, you accuse them of bragging or whatever BS. So.. Yes, you are a dumbass.

You have literally zero counterargument to what I've said. Otherwise you would've provided it. Next time just sit quietly in the corner and watch when adults are discussing something, OK?
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MisterMyoknight 3 years ago
to arnom : give it up for arnom here! he is not on any dating app and just wanted to let us all know! suck his wisdom in even if u just wanted to jerk off! he can speak generally too! hes the complete package! and thats a fact! his personality is so super amazing and its just that nobody ever found out about it... FACT!
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arnom 3 years ago
to BrownDickBastard : Thank you sir.
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arnom 3 years ago
to MisterMyoknight : Heh, you're being a naughty boy, aren't you? But you are the idiot here, if you think I was talking about myself. Are you really so narrowminded that you don't know people can speak generally, not only about themselves? I personally am not on any dating app at all. Shocking, huh? I'm also not short, but I KNOW how things work. You obviously don't. Also, I'm not saying anything about anyone's fault. I'm not blaming women, I'm just saying how things work, that's something different. You are literally making up bullshit just so you can "save women", lol. You're a textbook example of a "white knight". Stop doing that. Seriously. It's super pathetic. If you are not sure what white knight is, just look it up in Urban Dictionary. And don't be one, for Christs sake!
So, no, I'm not saying it's their fault. I'm just stating facts. And the fact is, women choose men based on their looks. It's different if she is your colleague or a classmate, etc., so you interact with her on a daily basis and she can get to know you. But random woman on the street or in a club won't talk to you if she doesn't like your looks (face, clothes, body language, etc.). Even if your personality is amazing, you will not get the chance to let her know. Did you just crawl from under a rock? I see you need to learn a lot.
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BrownDickBastard 3 years ago
to arnom : You're a good man.
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MisterMyoknight 3 years ago
to arnom : dude your just not getting it at all. of couse one individual chooses based on looks. but that doesnt mean that there is only that one look they all go for. ur just really fucking stupid or as frustrated as this fucking creep. its so easy to say its their fault but u are just an idiot based on the shit u just typed. so ur tinder profile is not as succsessfull as you hoped? and that is all that stupid ladys fault? fuck you! thats what u get from expecting the internet to be a real place. go outside dude... but shower first and try not to be a creep =)
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arnom 3 years ago
to MisterMyoknight : "its not about looks or money"

This is an utter nonsense. You know it, don't you? It definitely IS about LOOKS. How do you think women choose mates on dating apps? By reading their profiles? LoL, don't be pathetic. It's always the looks that determines whether there will be any further interaction. For example, many women openly admit they wouldn't date a short guy, no matter what. There is a scientific study about this. Do some fucking research before trying to be a smartass.

And stop calling men "creep" OK? That's what women do. We don't call women creeps or any other names just because they try to find a mate. It's a sexist and misandrist language that we should finally get rid of.
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