To the normies and whores

For all you who like to insult me and put me down for being a virgin incel. At least I'm not a simp or a cuck. Like it's my fault I was born a short and unattractive man. It's my fault that women are so incredibly shallow and narcissistic today. It's my fault that guys are such pathetic simps that they will do anything to get a whiores attention yeah it's just hilarious kicking a man when he's down huh?
Published by IncelMisogynist
3 years ago
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deadbearglare 1 year ago
Start with friends to combat the loneliness and then you'll find a situation where you're able to date someone. Also, no one cares if you're short -- they just care if you are charismatic. So get comfortable in your skin, maybe work out. Short guys build muscle faster than tall guys.
miss__k 1 year ago
I think it’s good you can have your views - free speech is important