Ladies I have a question for you
So what do you shallow evil narcissistic SLUTS get out of treating guys who don't meet your looks requirements like shit? Does this make you feel superior? You feel good rejecting guys like me in the meanest ways you can? I'm on 10 different dating apps and literally not one of you whores has even been remotely polite to me. You can't just simply say " sorry but I'm not interested"? Even though I know it's because I'm ugly and overweight. Because YOU FUCKING WHORES ONLY WANT CHAD AND TYRONE. Well GUESS WHat WHORES, NOT EVERY GUY CAN BE 6'7 WITH BRAD PITT LOOKS AMD TONS OF MONEY. SO I HAVE TO LIVE THE REST OF MY GOD DAMN LIFE IN ISOLATION AND BEING SO LONELY AND SO GOD DAMN FUCKING HORNY AND BACKED UP. YOU DONT THINK I'D GIVE ANYTHING TO BE GOOD LOOKING??????????????????????? SO IM BEING PUNISHED THEN BY YOU STUCK UP WHORES THEN HUH???? HUH!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!
3 years ago