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Last seen 1 hour ago
Kama Sutra Guru
445 days on xHamster
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41 subscribers
815 comments left
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Male, pansexual
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HotnRipped Host 2 months ago
It's BS that we can't downvote comments here, only upvote. Like, some dumbfuck/troll will write some stupid comment under a vid and 5 other dumbfucks/trolls will Like it, but 250 other people would've given it a thumbs down if they could, so it should really be -245.. Misleading. Unfair. Not right.
HotnRipped Host 2 months ago
Reminder: TRUMP WON (AGAIN). You mad, Ieftard(s)? Good. Cry.
ArchiRusik 3 months ago
Thanks 😊 
HotnRipped Host 3 months ago
Seriously hating this new sick trend of femboys/sissys trying to thicken their legs/asses... because they see stup!d women doing it (so for some reason they think they should do the same). STOP! WTF are you doing? WTF makes you think it's hot? I don't want to fuck a fat revoIting ass or dom a bottom that weighs 80 fucking kilos. STAY THIN!
HotnRipped Host 3 months ago
Women will do everything you see in porn with you... as long as you're worthy/hot enough. If they don't wanna suck your dick, rim you... it's because you're not worthy/hot enough. HTH.
HotnRipped Host 3 months ago
If you have sent a woman money online just to watch her on your screen while you masturbate, kiII yourself immediately, you STUPlD fucking waste of oxygen and pathETlC excuse/disgrace of a man.
HotnRipped Host 3 months ago
Being ridden is the worst. Why would any man be into someone bouncing on them? Is it a fat and lazy thing?
Interestina 5 months ago
😉 hola
HotnRipped Host 5 months ago
30,000,000 people in Australia and not 1 cute Australian twink on xhamster. HOW tF is that even possible?!
HotnRipped Host 5 months ago
to SexyDestinyTSKissMe : HAHAHAHAHA are you talking about the same bIack "men" who still live in huts where no SUPERlOR WHlTE MEN are around to buiId things for them, who reIy on donati0ns by SUPERlOR WHlTE MEN to surviv3 and provid3 for their famiIy, who aband0n their chiIdr3n, who c0mmit far more crim3s than any other rac3, who dis0bey p0Iice instructions and thr3at3n them with knlv3s then cry and ri0t after one gets shot ("I can't br3athe - wah!"), who have erection problems and dribble out just a few drops when they cum - UNLIKE SUPERlOR WHlTE MEN... HAHAHAHAHA!! STUPlD DELUSl0NAL FUCK!! GO NECK
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SexyDestinyTSKissMe 6 months ago
HotnRipped Host 7 months ago
From what I've seen online lately, South America is full of sexy femboys on estrogen and she-beasts on steroids/testosterone. Seems like heaven on Earth.
HotnRipped Host 7 months ago
to Doubleanalme100 : I could go on forever about it (like the t4rd "Motsotj" below aka "hypermatum" aka... who upvotes her own posts with her other accounts) - but I won't.
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HotnRipped Host 7 months ago
to Motsotj : You're the same mentaIIy iII butthurt dumb b!tch with multiple accounts who rambles on and on and on... Always wrong, always stup!d, always false accusations, always calling other xhamster members rude and writing posts about them on your page/profile(s)... Fuck off r3t4rd.
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Motsotj 7 months ago
to HotnRipped : Right! Because most women aren't into it! You're failing to realize that most porn is a business.  Women usually don't get into the business because they're wildly into raunchy sex.  They get into it because it's an easy pay check and therefore the sexual stuff isn't probably something that most women are passionate about, especially when taking a stranger's load on them when there isn't love, feelings or an emotional tie to that person. It's not that there is anything wrong with them, nor is it that they dislike men/dicks or even cum.  You simply don't understand that men and women aren't generally one in the same.  Right, a man takes cum on him from another man like a champ because the sex stuff is the primary reason of what brought the two men together in the first place, whereas a woman's primary reason for being in porn is not for sex/cum, but rather her paycheck.  Huge difference there!  I think you'll probably see many more amateur females enjoying cum on them a lot more genuinely and enthusiastically because there's a connection with their male partners through love, trust, comfort and for the pure essence of sex vs. profit.  Also there is a huge difference between masculinity and femininity.  You're leaving out a ton of information or misunderstanding of the big picture, differences and complications of it all as a whole. But I know from reading through your wall columns and posts of comments that you'll probably somehow twist this into me being completely wrong.  I've seen very few people reply to any of your comments and I'm yet to see a single person comment that you've agreed with them on, so...
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Doubleanalme100 7 months ago
to HotnRipped : 100% correct I don't know why people make excuses for that 
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HotnRipped Host 8 months ago
How to lose weight: eat less. The End.
HotnRipped Host 8 months ago
They tried to silence Trump, bankrupt Trump, jaiI Trump, KlLL Trump.. and they FAlLed.. at everything. Trump can literally dodge buIlets fired at his face. He is a GOD compared to you Ieftards. CRY and COPE.
HotnRipped Host 8 months ago
to hardguyinco : I know that. But end of the day, describing someone's physical appearance as "fit" is absolutely fucking stup!d (because fat people can be fit and in-shape people can be unfit).
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hardguyinco 8 months ago
to HotnRipped : There are different terms and meanings of words in different countries. 
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HotnRipped Host 12 months ago
Donk73 1 year ago
to HotnRipped : Yes very true 
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HotnRipped Host 1 year ago
Why do so many women in porn find it either amusing, disgusting or annoying when getting cummed on? Wtf is wrong with these people? It's like they're all not really into dicks/men. Have you ever seen a man act like that? I haven't.
HotnRipped Host 1 year ago
There is no such thing as a straight man. Stop lying to yourself and others.