Bathmate - scam or legit ?

I've been using this crap for years and the only thing I've gained from it is two small red burst capillaries under my cock and wasted hours and hours of my life (and 100's of L's of water) standing there in the shower holding that shyt on my cock.

When I search for reviews, it seems the only people who made any gains (which could all be lies btw AND all negative reviews can be deleted by forum mods/owners affiliated with Bathmate) also recommend jelqing and other methods. Well, if they did in fact enlarge their penis, wtf makes them think it was their Bathmate pump that did it?

I'm convinced the Bathmate pump is a huge bs scam which doesn't enlarge cocks at all.. just like any other pump.

Those with Bathmates.. speak out/up here.. nothing will get deleted.. tell me your thoughts..
Published by HotnRipped
3 months ago
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