Fake profiles here are rampant / running wild

I'd say around 92% of female profiles here are fake. But I want to focus on and spread awareness about 1 piece of sh** on here with many fake female accounts who's most likely a scammer. I've noticed just about all of his fake female accounts have "Financial Domination" in their interests, usually have 3 bs lines describing "themselves" in their About Me section, have a _ in their username, and all have 6 "dating pics" + an avatar pic of "themselves" (yet no pic to verify their profile of course).

Look up these profiles and see for yourself:
ausslut_jenna (email [email protected] listed on page)

All the same cunt/MAN. 100%.
Unfriend them/HIM if you are friends with them/HIM. Tell him to get fucked and call him a fake on his page too so others know. If he has asked you for money then report him to the poIice.

Something needs to be done about this scumbag. He needs to be tracked down, b3at3n badly and then jaiIed - then b3at3n badly in jaiI every day for the rest of his life.

Don't waste your time chatting to "women" on here unless their profiles are verified and/or they have a bunch of vids of themselves on their page.
I'm gonna repeat myself and make myself perfectly clear because I know how fucking thick, stubborn, delusional and pathetic most of you men are. Yes, I'm talking about YOU who's reading this. DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE OR LEAVE ANY (NICE) COMMENTS ON A "WOMANS" PAGE UNLESS THE PROFILE IS VERIFIED AND/OR THEY HAVE LOTS OF CONTENT ON THEIR PAGE OF THEMSELVES AND IT'S OBVIOUS THAT IT'S THEM IN THE VIDS AND PICS. Profiles with just a pic of a good looking woman's face = most likely an ugIy man irl who you are calling sexy - like a fucking m0r0n. If you didn't/don't give them attention, most of these fake profiles wouldn't exist. But you idi0ts keep feeding them and they keep growing in numbers.

Also, just because a profile is verified, it doesn't mean the person in the picture is actually them behind the account. For example, the popular profile/account "lovehomeporn" is a man pretending to be a hot woman. He got a hooker to hold up a sign to have his profile verified and pretends to be the woman in the two pics. I proved it with my comments on his page which he deleted (and blocked me twice) - all but 1 comment I left 5-6 months ago (on my previous account which was banned) which he didn't see it seems and which has gotten 5-6 likes (which I'm pretty sure is the most liked comment on his page out of the 100's of comments he's gotten).

Oh.. and "MichellePhoenix".. another ugIy man pretending to be a woman.. who I destroyed so hard that the pos deleted all my replies on his page and blocked me.
Published by HotnRipped
1 year ago
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xmarky11x 1 year ago
Wow, you  take the whole "get onto a porn site to rub one out" pretty seriously don't you?
HotnRipped Publisher 7 months ago
Another one "horngk_". This sick fuck making all these fake Aussie female accounts really needs a be_ting.
HotnRipped Publisher 7 months ago
Aaaand another new fake account/profile from the same pos: "lil_jem06". (Not even gonna bother trying to edit my original post and add the name to it there because xhamster is fucking r3t4rd3d) Could the pos actually be a bot? Either way, human or bot.. I hope it di3s. Really. Really. Fucking. Bad.
HotnRipped Publisher 8 months ago
to hypermatum : Too much stupidity and false accusations in your post(s) to take you seriously and reply back with anything other than a half-assed sentence.
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hypermatum 8 months ago
What led me here was from a post I had read from another woman about HotnRipped. He writes a comment on her wall saying "S T F U you blabbering twat! You go on and on and on and on... about NOTHING.". I would conclude some of these things as hearsay if I hadn't actually seen the actual screen shot of his comment for myself, that led me to his screen name and thus, this blog post. I find it pure hypocrisy that he comes on here himself "blabbering on and on about nothing" when in fact he is too stupid to realize that he himself is the exact reason that so many fake female profiles, scammers and catfish are abundant. Like hello! When you go around being rude to women then they go bye-bye for good on all sites because they aren't going to tolerate disrespect from men like you any longer. You are then left with an actual site who MUST make a profit. So how does that site accomplish this feat when zero real women (anchors) are left to attract men (profit-gainers) here because of bozos like HotnRipped? They have to introduce fakes and scammers to create the illusion to the public that many women exist here.  Like, duh! This isn't rocket science here.  If a site loses women, it loses it's prime anchor of profit. In order to sustain profit for your business, you MUST introduce fakes/scammers, since men drove all real women out of here. 

One thing HotnRipped is right about is that this is a multi-function site, designed for a wide range of purposes (including "dating"...a.k.a. meeting). Ironic that he shows up here with such intent to "meet" women, sports a completely blank profile to advertise himself to his female peers and describes "It's a secret.", then goes around shooting his mouth off rudely on women's profile walls, then has the sheer gall to say that he's here actually trying to "help people" and that they should "be grateful" and "thanking him" for his luxurious services provided. Too funny! All the while claiming other people as a "pos" and "smartass". Wow, just wow! Oh, but that's not enough! He then comes here frustrated for the failed social outcome in which he has contributed to, ranting in a blog of why so many fakes and scammers then exist when men like him successfully push every real woman off of sites like these for good. When you follow the peanut trails that shows his behavior, we'll all better understand who the problematic people are on these sites and why they contain next to no women, none that chat to men and none that meet men. Brilliant!  Like where is the mystery in any of this? You have created the very environment that you see all around you HotnRipped. Yes, you! Don't blame anyone else. Don't get upset that so many fakes and scammers flood sites like these. If you want real women here,  then what have you done to gain their incentive to be here, their trust, their respect and so on? By being rude to complete strangers? Smh! Clueless beyond belief!
HotnRipped Publisher 1 year ago
to xmarky11x : Oh hello again, weird0 junki3 brain-fri3d immatur3 d*mbass cIown. Still packing your ass full of dr*gs in Thailand and sm*ggIing them back into Aus (which you admitted to me)? Xhamster isn't JUST for jerking off. You can also MEET PEOPLE, which is pretty difficult to do when most of the female profiles are fake. I'm trying to HELP people meet, fuck, avoid getting sc*mmed... You should be GRATEFUL and THANKING ME instead of being a pos sm*rtass.
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