The Desire to be used PT 1
I am in and out of the BDSM lifestyle quite often.. I have always had a desire to be used to be shown off as a slut doing my owners desires . I would often ask my lover if he would take me places and fuck me.. invite men to et me stroke them till they came in public. I would beg for him to fuck me while he entertained his friends downstairs . I would text him nasty pics suggestive pics hoping he would open them in front of them , On night he did ..He came upstairs and fucked me with the door wide open ..I know his friends heard I came so hard when he Read more
Dick is Utilitarian ( sex isn't always the
Honestly I have been having a shitty sex week and ever man i encounter assumes his dick is THE ANSWER When engaging someone and they aren't feeling sexual DO you have any other function ? IF not then please don't befriend me Yes this is a sex site I am not dull nor dim witted I understand most people use this as a means to cover for poor social skills or lack thereof . Read more
Fucking Buddies and Friends
Is that a foreign concept Out dated Is it to much to ask for Honestly ... Does it make men uncomfortable to be a friend and a DICK .. lmao Read more
Missing Sex Drive
I have been under a lot of stress and my Sex Drive has diminshed greatly not to mention I just turned 32 a week ago.. but My Dirty Mind hasnt gotten the memo yet. so I write my desires since I wont be doing them. I want to take home the One female In the club he has been eyeing thinking I didnt notice. I want to talk to her in the Ladies room kiss her neck rub her pussy and tell her get in the car with me. I want him to pull the car around and we get in the backseat and tease each others tongues and nipples,,I want him to hear her moans as i kiss her all over.. I want to take Read more
Do you think the In Between time Relationships/Sitiuations mess up your chances for a meaningful relationships.. I am confessed lover of Sex and Seuxal Knowledge and I have had my share of part-time lovers.. I have chosen to abstain for 30 days. I am shooting for 60 days which is a few days shy of my 30 something birthday… I choose to abstain because I don’t want what ENLIGHTENS ME TO CONSUME ME. No Masturbating ( I normally do this alot ) I just like the way I feel. My Toys and Porn are locked up. I hope to gain insight , I always do self inventory.. but this may help me purge furthe Read more
Closure (UNSPOKEN)
I went to Atlanta for Closure but now I am more wide open than before.. I realize what I do to myself.. When you wanted me I thought you wanted me for what I could do and not who I was. I didn't see the Value I possessed. I was caught up by the circumstances upon which we met. Thinking things couldn't get better I played my hand but You dealt me a new one, I was scared I folded . THEN YOU .............. Got attached leaving me feeling detached.. choking me while fucking me .. I wanted you to stay, But I knew where your head had to lay. SOME THINGS ARE BETTE Read more
Can The JUMP-OFF become the REAL THANG
I know what I am looking for.. And I know what I desire. See a FWB is kinda like a temporay measure. Like a last resort for hmm comfort. I have been the good girl, the hoe, the mistress, the wifey, I make no qualms I have filled many a shoe in my day . I have been the BAD GIRL and gotten treated like a fucking QUeen and been the Good Girl and been treated like Dirt. I have seen some things in my day and I think its possible if there are two mature minded ppl. If you can get beyond the we fucked on the first date taboo . If you can build the relationship with some subsational qualities an Read more
Can Good DICK Make you A DUMB CHICK?
I realize that there is more to a relationship then SEX trust me cause I had some DICK SO GOOD I thought about Buying a KNEEGROW A CAR!! OKAY THAT DAMN GOOD!! There are many other VERY BASIC FUNDAMENTALS/CORNERSTONES to a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. SEX is in my opinon not really one.. cause i have had that call off from work dick in my life The more I fucked him Oxytocin the cuddling horomone was being released thru my orgasms that he gave me in rows of three in our 1 hour and 30 minute fucking sessions. but he was not able to provide for me take me out .. You see he stayed home with m Read more
I made a Deal With The DEVIL.. invovled men
Hmm this is a personal story I did a threesome with a x friend of mine He and I work together. He had been asking me for over 2 yrs I finally caved . He was okay but his BOY was FIRE. We instantly melted into each other. My first time meeting him and we fucked for the 3 days he stayed in my city. I LOVED THE CHEMISTRY. He was sexy and it just felt good. I even let him fuck me in front of my girl. Weeks went by he was begging me to come to his house and visit ( I turned him down 12times In 2 yrs. I just felt like I was the jump-off the freak ( so why would u get attached to me) I was pr Read more
I hate to inform most ppl but P.S.A. PORN IS NOT A TEACHER unless the video denotes it on the cover or in the title Porn is a form of entertainment mental stimuli if you will. I Have had to tell a few men that u can not ram rod my pussy like ANAL RAVAGERS PART 6 I am not the one OKAY I have indulged in anal sex a time or 2 and to say the least it is not for errbody! OK I have had ppl not cleanse themselves properly and literaly have messon their uhmm hands, sheets etc, YOU should use a lube but not anal ease WHY u say ? UGHH ANAL EASE HAS A NUMBING AGENT IN IT and Read more
Who is responsible for BAD SEX??!!!
Well I must say that Both parties can take a little blame for the hmm bad sex. depending on these factors: Are you a selfish lover: You pump and pump get your nut then fall straight asleep. You want a man to eat your pussy for hours but you wont allow a dick near your face. You dont want to listen to your partners wants or needs without judgement , The bedroom is the last place and the most vulneracle place to come and pass judgement. How immature is that ? You are a man that has never actually made love to a woman , have actually fucked a woman and KNOW the DIFFERENCE! Read more
I beileve that casual sex does not mean being rude, or ignorant in the pursuit of sexual Pleasure. I beileve that being civil or cordial will greatly increase your odds of finding someone that HMMM YOU MAY ACTUALLY LIKE! I know there are c***dREN on this site. AGE is not the primal factor for indivuals who are immature or their conversation is indivictive of c***dish behavior. MY MY MY SOme folks on this site you would think they have never seen a pussy or the act of intercourse( sex being acted out on video) or perhaps they have never came in a womans mouth or pussy. D Read more
As you can see from my profile I have only my pussy and titties posted. I get lots of ims where friends say YOUR PUSSY IS BEAUTIFUL.. Can my pussy really be that cute ? hmm I wonder I want to know just how many ppl can fuck a faceless pussy? I have face pics but I only share with those who I talk to regularly NOT RANDOM ppl I have no interest in! Besides I have a job and I dont like ppl in my business like that.. What do you prefer pretty pussy or pretty face? Read more
MORE than just a PUSSY!!
I am more than just that wet creamy pussy in my avatar. it amazes me how some people show their lack of intelligence assuming I will do anything cause you said my pussy looks juicy . fat , creamy ... I am not fooled by the MEGA INFRASTRUCTURE that tells me I should not celebrate my sexuality , My freedom , MY BODY.. I enjoy watching porn and would love to find someone with common interests If you just wanna fuck possibly catch a STD being wild and open by all means you got the wrong one baby BIG dicks turn me on WET pussies turn me on BUT LAME ASS IM's DO NOT Be cordial Read more