Making her more dominant: A step-by-step guide, 2

Ok to recap, step 1 was let him catch you with another man. Now that he is extremely turned on and confused, you are ready for step 2. Step 2: Give him a to-do list. Remember in the first step you were to give him a chore while you fucked yourself with a big dildo? Step 2 is all about giving him direction and making sure he follows. "How do I get started?" It's simple really. First, when you're alone, make a list of the things you like him to do. For instance, your list may be: Going down on me Licking my ass Giving me a foot rub Doing me doggy style Me on top So now that you… Read more

Posted by chubbytoo 10 years ago

Making her more dominant: a step-by-step guide

If you are a woman that wants to be more dominating in the bedroom, but doesn't know where to start, this is for you. If you are a more submissive man that wants your woman to be more dominating, this is for you to give to her. I have always been the more dominant one in my relationships, not necessarily by choice, but by demand. The women I have been with have always been more shy and reserved. I have recently made my wife more dominating. We have always been upfront with each other about sex and what we want and when we want it. For some, this is not always the case. The hardest thing I have… Read more

Posted by chubbytoo 10 years ago