Making her more dominant: a step-by-step guide
If you are a woman that wants to be more dominating in the bedroom, but doesn't know where to start, this is for you. If you are a more submissive man that wants your woman to be more dominating, this is for you to give to her. I have always been the more dominant one in my relationships, not necessarily by choice, but by demand. The women I have been with have always been more shy and reserved. I have recently made my wife more dominating. We have always been upfront with each other about sex and what we want and when we want it. For some, this is not always the case. The hardest thing I have ever done was ask a sexual partner to fulfill one of my fantasies. The fear of rejection, and even shame, makes it difficult to open up even to the ones you love. Like I said, I recently made her more dominating. These are the steps I used to do so. I'm writing as if I am talking to a woman that wants to learn to take more control in the bedroom. This will take you from being so submissive that you can't even ask for sex when you're horny, all the way to making him bow down to you and do everything you say without a second thought. It's up to YOU how far you want to go with it, because from now on, YOU are in charge!
Step 1: Let him catch you with another man.
Okay, so you have been the submissive. You have been horny for a week and he hasn't picked up on your signals. Why is HE the one deciding when you get to get off? You need to give him a signal he can't miss. Let him know you are horny and will do anything to get it, even if it means doing it without him. Now, if you want to avoid a bad breakup and/or divorce, you might not want to run out and find the first guy you see and say "come fuck me in my bed so my husband can catch us." So what do I mean by "let him catch you with another man?" When you know he's going to be coming home, lay in your bed with your favorite dildo. What? You don't have one!? Oh, you are more submissive than I thought. Every woman should own some piece of plastic. Okay then, step zero, buy a dildo. Make sure it is about the same size as your man. If your man has a tiny dick, of course you can get bigger, but if he's holding a 4 incher and you're laying there with a John Holmes, this whole thing might go in the wrong direction. You might consider getting one that is strap-on friendly too. We'll discuss why in another step. Now that you have your dildo, lay in wait for him to come home. When he walks in the bedroom and sees you pounding away at your tight, wet hole with another cock that is bigger than him, two things are going to happen. He is going to instantly get wood, and he is going to be in shock. Just play it off like it is a completely normal thing; because let's face it, it is! Masturbation is normal. I guarantee he still does it. He's been doing since he was 13 or so. After the initial shock, he will try to make a move. Yes, he finally understands one of your signals. But wait! This isn't "how to get laid by your husband." This is how to dominate. After you say your "hello" you are going to close your eyes, relax, and keep riding that dildo until you cum. When he tries to make a move, you stop him. This is about you and what you want. Don't make him feel unwelcome, but give him a chore. He can come over and suck your nipples. He can kiss you. He can rub and kiss your feet. This is about you. This is your orgasm. If he tries to make you touch him, refuse. You are not going to let him dominate by making you give him head. You are not going to let him dominate by taking control of the dildo. You are not going to let him dominate by giving him pleasure. If he is so insistent that he must get off too, tell him he may stand and watch and jerk himself. After you finish, give him a kiss, JUST A KISS, and ask why dinner isn't ready yet. He is now confused. He is wondering what the hell just happened. As you walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up, he is wanting you to come back to the bedroom so he can dominate you. You have just taken your first step in dominating him.
I will be posting more blogs with more steps soon. Feel free to leave comments and let me know how this works for you. Thanks for reading.
Step 1: Let him catch you with another man.
Okay, so you have been the submissive. You have been horny for a week and he hasn't picked up on your signals. Why is HE the one deciding when you get to get off? You need to give him a signal he can't miss. Let him know you are horny and will do anything to get it, even if it means doing it without him. Now, if you want to avoid a bad breakup and/or divorce, you might not want to run out and find the first guy you see and say "come fuck me in my bed so my husband can catch us." So what do I mean by "let him catch you with another man?" When you know he's going to be coming home, lay in your bed with your favorite dildo. What? You don't have one!? Oh, you are more submissive than I thought. Every woman should own some piece of plastic. Okay then, step zero, buy a dildo. Make sure it is about the same size as your man. If your man has a tiny dick, of course you can get bigger, but if he's holding a 4 incher and you're laying there with a John Holmes, this whole thing might go in the wrong direction. You might consider getting one that is strap-on friendly too. We'll discuss why in another step. Now that you have your dildo, lay in wait for him to come home. When he walks in the bedroom and sees you pounding away at your tight, wet hole with another cock that is bigger than him, two things are going to happen. He is going to instantly get wood, and he is going to be in shock. Just play it off like it is a completely normal thing; because let's face it, it is! Masturbation is normal. I guarantee he still does it. He's been doing since he was 13 or so. After the initial shock, he will try to make a move. Yes, he finally understands one of your signals. But wait! This isn't "how to get laid by your husband." This is how to dominate. After you say your "hello" you are going to close your eyes, relax, and keep riding that dildo until you cum. When he tries to make a move, you stop him. This is about you and what you want. Don't make him feel unwelcome, but give him a chore. He can come over and suck your nipples. He can kiss you. He can rub and kiss your feet. This is about you. This is your orgasm. If he tries to make you touch him, refuse. You are not going to let him dominate by making you give him head. You are not going to let him dominate by taking control of the dildo. You are not going to let him dominate by giving him pleasure. If he is so insistent that he must get off too, tell him he may stand and watch and jerk himself. After you finish, give him a kiss, JUST A KISS, and ask why dinner isn't ready yet. He is now confused. He is wondering what the hell just happened. As you walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up, he is wanting you to come back to the bedroom so he can dominate you. You have just taken your first step in dominating him.
I will be posting more blogs with more steps soon. Feel free to leave comments and let me know how this works for you. Thanks for reading.
10 years ago