How I Write Stories

A reader asked me this question, which I've heard before, so I thought I'd share some of my writing techniques with whoever might be curious: "Your stories are so intense. You must be completely drained when you finish one. They are truly epic. I would love to know where you get all of your ideas." My usual routine for writing starts with an intriguing (arousing) thought or situation that pops into my head. I process it in my dirty mind for quite awhile before I ever put any words on paper. First and foremost, it has to get me hot: I do write stories using other people's ideas, but t… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 8 years ago 15

Good in Bed

Good in Bed I overheard my wife talking to her friend on the telephone, and she told her that she was very pleased with my performance in the bedroom. Having been married for over 27 years, this bit of news struck me as something that most married men would enjoy hearing from their spouses, and I am no exception. But after I allowed myself to puff up my personal feathers, I realized that I was a bit confused. I asked my wife to explain her statement, and she did so willingly: She told me how I quietly crept into our bedroom, turned the light off and kissed her good night. She notic… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 9 years ago 8

Spanking Fantasy

Spanking Fantasy My wife's older sibling stayed with us for a weekend. It was the first time she visited without any of her adorable chi1dren, all of which had reached the age of 18 plus and no longer had to tag along with their mom. After dinner, she helped me with the dishes as my wife prepared her overnight bag to go stay with her mother. Her sibling is pretty enough, but is quite a bit overweight. Her ass, in particular, was big yet firm, and just looking at it caused me to think wicked thoughts. As I washed and she rinsed, I turned towards her and told her that I wanted to whip… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 10 years ago 13

Airport Infatuation

Baggage claim. Wife and I waiting on either side, doubling our chance to grab her luggage. Next to me stands the most stunning young lady I Have Ever Seen In My Life. Perhaps late teens or early 20's at most. Probably her sibling standing with her. Obviously not her husband or boyfriend. Not a bit of amorous expression. She is oblivious to my gasping for air. Swooning. Almost panicking. As bags slowly drop onto the carousel, I am struck by her blonde hair, radiant face, unassuming demeanor. She is completely unaware of her beauty and totally unaffected. A fair angel with soft… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 10 years ago 7

So Old and So Young (a mini fantasy)

Even though you are of legal age, I still consider you my young, innocent niece. Your body is just now showing adult curves and mature development. Your blue eyes display angelic innocence, as they fail in their attempt to hide behind your long flowing dark hair. Your perfect smile reveals braces that lend themselves to suggest you are younger than your actual age. But your mind and your conversation betray you. It is 2:30 AM, and I am delighted by our previous hour's long spontaneous chat. I sense a definite bond between us. It is quiet in the living room and everyone else has long si… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 10 years ago 7

My Wish, My Desire (microfiction)

Related, too young, taboo, no chance: I know. It makes my desire for you that much stronger. I fantasize about a compromise: let me lick you just once, and I will be satisfied. Open your legs and I will know. No words necessary. My face flushes as it nears your sweet gift. My tongue quivers in delight as it savors your exotic flavor. My nose exults from your pure, sultry scent. Your hands gently guiding my head is the finest reward. Your soft but audible breath sends me heavenward. And your thighs squeezing tightly together confirm our silent and secret pact.… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 10 years ago 4

Alexandra's Story - Two Years Later

September 7, 2014 marks the second anniversary of Alexandra's passing. She would have been 36 years old now. For those who aren't aware of her poignant life story, please read my two previous blog posts below: Alexandra epitomized her favorite greeting: Love and Light. It may not sound like such a profound choice of words at first glance. Not until you take a few minutes to read about her difficult life, and how she fought tooth and nail for her very existence, accompl… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 10 years ago 9

Alexandra's Story - One Year Later

Alexandra's Pics can be found in my pic galleries. Here's the link: September 7, 2013 represents the first year anniversary of Alexandra's passing. (Please see my blog post "Alexandra's Story" if you are not familiar.) I am enclosing three pictures of Alex, kindly provided by her father Roger to us xHamster members who knew and loved his daughter. The first pic shows her at age 18, perhaps likely a graduation photo. In the second pic she is 21, and the third one shows her at age 34 with her dad on a cruise together. It w… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 11 years ago 6

Alexandra's Story

Alexandra was an xHamster member who used the profile name honeypuss. I met her quite by accident: I believe we both commented on someone's story. I discovered that she was also a writer of erotic stories, as am I, and I sent her a PM. We quickly bonded, and we corresponded several times every day after that. Besides the excellent stories she wrote (most of them were true life stories of her own experiences) I learned that she had been born with many serious physical ailments, including heart problems and other internal problems, plus she was crippled from the waist down and was wheelchair… Read more

Posted by billy69boy 12 years ago 36